Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1572 Sorry, wife, I’m late

Zhong Hongyi had forgotten when he would be so afraid of someone.

It seemed like it happened decades ago, but the people he was afraid of had all died in his hands.

Just looking at the young man in front of him, Zhong Hongyi actually had a strange illusion.

It seemed that this momentum was familiar?

Where had he seen it before?

Zhong Hongyi racked his brains but couldn't remember.

"Stop!" Chaozi and several of his men stopped in front of Zhong Hongyi and shouted to Chen Xinan:

"Mr. Chen, don't come over again! Don't forget, your wife is still in our hands!"

Chen Xinan didn't even look at him, but just stared at Ning Xiruo.

His eyes began to coagulate and gradually turned red.

From marriage to now, his wife has been coaxed and loved by him.

After falling in love, he couldn't even bear to scold her!

But now, he could see at a glance that his wife had been tortured and she suffered!

There was blood in the corners of her mouth and nostrils, her eyes were bloodshot, there were wounds on her forehead, there were knife marks on her neck, and her arms were twisted and deformed. It should be that her bones were injured.

At this moment, she was still suffering from physical pain.

But her face was smiling because she was afraid that she would worry about him. She looked at him with tenderness, as if telling him: Don't worry, I'm fine!

Looking at Chen Xin'an's gradually red eyes, Zhong Hongyi's face changed drastically, and he shouted to Mohade: "Kill that woman!"

Mohade was stunned for a moment.

It was you who was not allowed to be killed, and now it is you who is being killed!

What the hell are you thinking?

It makes me very confused now!

But Mohan was not confused, and punched Ning Xiruo's head!

"You..." Mohade was furious, and he wanted to stop it but couldn't!

Thinking that such a delicate beauty was going to die under Mohan's heavy punch, he also felt a pity.

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out from the wooden tower.


Ning Xiruo's left face was splashed with blood!

And Mohan's right hand, only a broken arm was left!

The whole palm was beaten off!

Mohan seemed to be stunned by his current injury. For a moment, he even forgot the pain and just stared at his broken arm.

Huo Guangqi cursed angrily, turned his head and shouted at the wooden tower: "Damn Zhuang Huaishan, you splashed blood on my sister-in-law's face!

This is hx101!

You know its power, why are you hitting so close!

Next time, break it directly from the shoulder!"

Zhuang Huaishan on the wooden tower scratched his head embarrassedly and shouted:

"Sorry, I thought it was a 100 type, just wanted to penetrate, but I didn't expect it to be broken directly!"


Mohad's legs softened and he collapsed on the ground!

It turned out that he was aimed at by a sniper rifle as soon as he came out, and his head could be blown off at any time!

Chen Xinan walked to Ning Xiruo's side as if no one was around, and no one dared to stop him.

Even Zhong Hongyi could only watch and dare not move!

Looking at Ning Xiruo with a strong face, Chen Xinan hugged her into his arms, then took out the tiger-tooth knife, cut the rope behind her, and said softly:

"I'm sorry, my wife, I'm late! Don't move, let me touch you!"

"No!" Ning Xiruo knew that he wanted to check her injuries, but she still hugged him and cried, "I'm fine now that you're here! Nothing matters anymore!"

Chen Xinan kissed the blood off her face, tasting the taste of his woman's blood bit by bit.

Then he looked at Mohade and Zhong Hongyi with red eyes, gritted his teeth and said:

"None of you will live!"

Zhong Hongyi had a sly smile on his face, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Do you dare to kill me?

You can't kill him either!

Because we have this!"

He took out a green book from his body, held it in front of him and said with a smile: "Do you know what this is?

Diplomatic pass!

I have dual nationality of China and Xinlun, and I am a diplomatic official, so I enjoy diplomatic immunity!"

"Yes, I have it too! I have it too!" Mohade finally remembered this life-saving magic weapon.

He took out the same green book from his body, shook it at Chen Xin'an, and shouted:

"I also have diplomatic immunity! If you hurt me, it will be a serious diplomatic incident. Can you afford the consequences?"

Chen Xin'an's eyes were red, and he looked at Zhong Hongyi and Mohade with eyes like a mad beast, looking at his prey, and he would bite it to death and swallow it into his stomach at any time!

Huo Guangqi took a deep breath and looked at Chen Xin'an nervously.

Who is the boss?

Will he take you seriously?

Don't say you are some shitty officials, you think you are protected with a green book.

Even if it is President Xinlun or President Inca, if you dare to do this to him, he will retaliate against you twice as much, and kill you if he says so!

"Hahaha!" Anji laughed, pointing at Chen Xinan and said sarcastically:

"What's wrong? Are you scared?

I thought you were really fearless!

Dare to kill someone with diplomatic immunity, it is equivalent to provoking other countries!

You want to start a war by yourself?

It really makes me laugh!

Even if you know that your wife was captured by us, what can you do?

Even if you find your wife, what can you do?

We can still leave China in a swagger, you can't do anything about it!"

Chen Xin'an let go of his wife, protected her behind him, looked at An Ji coldly and said, "Do you have it?"

"Huh?" Anji was stunned for a moment, not understanding it yet.

But soon he understood what Chen Xin'an meant, his face suddenly turned pale, and he shouted in horror:

"I am the translator of Master Mohad! I am the manager of the Borosa family..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an turned over and slapped him hard on the face!

Anji's neck made a cracking sound, and his head quickly spun three times like a ball in a net bag.

Then he faced Mohad behind him, with the back of his head facing Chen Xin'an, and he fell straight down!

"Ah!" Mohad, who had just managed to stand up, pushed Anji's body away and collapsed on the ground again in fear.

The pants were soon soaked to a large area, and the smell filled the air!

Chaozi's expression changed drastically, he turned around and ran away!

Some of the men nearby also reacted, running and crying: "I surrender! Don't kill me!"

Zhong Hongyi and Mohad have diplomatic immunity, which can only protect them two!

Others are not protected. If you still have the guts to provoke Chen Xin'an here, you'd better run for your life!

Chen Xin'an snapped her fingers and said: "Destroy!"

Huo Guangqi and the others let out a ferocious laugh and rushed out like ghosts!

Chen Xin'an pointed at Chaozi with his hand, made a gun shape with his finger, and then raised his hand.


Chaozi fell to the ground in response.

This time it was Lu Qianfan who fired.

Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo's hand and slowly walked to Chaozi, squatting down and tilting her head to look at him.

Chaozi, who was shot in the right thigh, lay on the ground trembling all over. He turned his head and looked at Chen Xin'an, begging and saying: "Spare, spare my life!"


A cold light flashed in Chen Xin'an's hand, and the tiger-toothed knife penetrated Chaozi's left face, penetrated his right face, and exited!

Chaozi lay on the ground, his body shaking violently like chaff.

Chen Xin'an held the handle with one hand and twisted it hard left and right. With a click, he pulled out the tiger-tooth knife!

A large amount of blood spattered on Chaozi's face, his head hit the ground hard, and he remained motionless. He was killed on the spot!

"Mr. Chen!" An old man with his head on his back came quickly, followed by the provincial secretary-general Yan Qiwen.

Seeing Chen Xin'an's red eyes, Yan Qiwen's heart trembled and he subconsciously stopped.

Taking advantage of the situation, he also grabbed the old man beside him and did not dare to move forward!


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