Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1577 Everything is over

On the operating table, Chen Xin'an is the god who dominates everything!

He does not allow himself to make mistakes and will not make mistakes.

This is what his master has taught him since he was a child, and it is also the confidence he has learned from being whipped with canes countless times!

Everyone knows that he is the apprentice of the medical fairy, and his medical skills are supernatural.

Little did he know how much hardship he had to endure since childhood in order to master these medical skills!

When the master is not in class, he and he can play tricks on each other.

But once you are taught medical skills, it’s like you become a different person!

I don’t know how many of the thorn vines on Qingniu Mountain have been broken!

Almost all the wild beasts on the mountain have been struck by Chen Xin'an's knife.

So much so that even if the wolf saw him, he would run away without even having the courage to get close!

Several doctors stood nearby, watching helplessly as Chen Xin'an used a needle passed through an electric current to perform acupuncture directly on the injured person's brain tissue.

If it were any one of them, one injection could cause brain tissue damage or even death within a certain range!

Let the injured suffer even worse pain.

But for Chen Xin'an, it is very familiar and appropriate.

I can’t tell what it feels like, but it seems like I look more glamorous than before the injection. I don’t know if it’s my imagination.

I don't know how long it took, but Chen Xin'an finally took the last shot.

But the surgery is far from over.

The next thing to do is to restore the skull.

Although broken, the broken bones are still in Konoha's body.

What Chen Xin'an has to do is to collect the broken bones again and piece them back together bit by bit.

Then use medical adhesive to stick it together. When the self-healing function of human tissue starts, it will slowly grow and automatically repair, so that a complete skull can be formed.

This is undoubtedly the best surgical result.

After all, original tissue is better than any artificial material.

It's just that it's too difficult to do this kind of repair.

Just looking for those broken bone fragments is a big project!

Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin's initial opposition was also due to this reason.

This simply cannot be done.

But Chen Xin'an once again made them see what it means to be able to do things that others cannot!

It made Xu Liyan feel that this person's eyes were not human eyes at all, but comparable to an electron microscope!

He found broken bone fragments of the injured, even as big as mung beans.

Then they will be spliced ​​together to completely restore the entire skull!

After the operation, not to mention that Chen Xin'an's clothes were soaked countless times, and all the assistants next to her couldn't hold it anymore!

When the final sutures were completed, Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin finally understood what Fei Lexian had said before the operation.

This trip to Daliang City overnight was really worthwhile!

At this point, their suspicions about Chen Xin'an have been completely dispelled.

All that's left is admiration and adoration from the heart!

It's daybreak and it's another all-nighter!

Konoha's surgery has been completed, but her current condition is still very dangerous.

Whether he can wake up depends on subsequent treatment and recovery.

At this moment, she was like a piece of porcelain that had just been glued together. Not to mention touching, even a slight shock could break her into pieces.

After carefully sending Konoha to the special care ward on the fifteenth floor of the inpatient department, Ning Xiruo said distressedly to Chen Xin'an: "Husband, go back and rest! I'll just watch over here!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said to her: "Not yet! I want to watch you do a full-body acupuncture for Ye Zhen, and Aman also wants to go and have a look.

I have an important phone call to make later, and I may not even be able to sleep today! "

Ning Xiruo burst into tears of distress, hugged Chen Xin'an and said, "Husband, you will be exhausted if you do this!"

"I owe you all!" Chen Xin'an sighed heavily.

If he hadn't turned off his phone that night, Aman's call would have been answered.

All these things will never happen again!

But now, when I brought eleven people to Qingxi, two were lying down and five were injured!

They are all the people around him, all his close relatives and friends!

It was only because of his negligence that this result was achieved.

How could he forgive himself?

Ning Xiruo knew that her man could not be blamed, but she could not persuade him.

She just stood in front of him distressedly, holding his face and crying silently.

The most critical surgery has been completed. Although daily acupuncture is important, it is not difficult.

After all, Ning Xiruo now has a deep foundation in acupuncture!

And for what Chen Xin'an told her she needed to learn, she always spent 120% of her energy on learning and mastered it quickly.

Seeing Ning Xiruo carefully and carefully completing the acupuncture, Chen Xin'an also breathed a sigh of relief.

Sitting on the edge of the bed, holding Konoha's hand, when the hand was no longer cold, Chen Xin'an gently put her hand into the quilt and said to Ning Xiruo:

"I'll go check out Aman's place and bring you breakfast later!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo said to him, "I'm taking care of Ye Zhen, don't worry!

Husband, don’t do anything too hard, your body has reached its limit! "

Chen Xin'an nodded, turned around and walked out.

Luo Xiaoman and the Guan family brothers and sisters are all on the eighth floor of the inpatient department.

The elevator door opened, and a group of people came out and shouted to Chen Xin'an: "Teacher Chen!"

Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin walked out of it, followed by several old people. Unexpectedly, it was Wan Zhenwei and Li Ruoshan!

Since Chen Xin'an completed the operation, Xu Liyan and Bian Qinxin changed their name to him as teacher.

According to them, a master is a teacher.

Chen Xin'an originally didn't want to admit it, but she couldn't convince them.

Anyway, it's not a formal apprenticeship, it's just a title, so I won't interfere anymore, just let them!

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Wan and Mr. Li want to visit the injured. Will it disturb you?" Yan Qiwen walked up to Chen Xin'an and explained to him in a low voice.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, looked at Wan Zhenwei and Li Ruoshan who were wearing masks, nodded and said: "No! I will take you there!"

Xu Liyan said to Wan Lao: "Dad, Teacher Chen is the most brilliant acupuncture master I have ever seen besides my mother!

After last night's surgery, I finally understood how superficial my previous knowledge was!

I also understand better why my mother admired acupuncture so much when she was still alive! "

Wan Lao snorted and said angrily: "You can tell her this during the Qingming Festival!

In the past, you looked down upon her the most! "

Xu Liyan said with a shameful face: "If I had known this, I would have practiced with my mother for a few more years!

So I could help a little bit last night.

Instead of just standing there and watching like a piece of wood!

Anyone who calls me an expert now makes me feel ashamed!

In front of Teacher Chen, who dares to call himself an expert! "

Bian Qinxin also blushed and turned pale at Xu Liyan and said angrily: "Dean Xu, you are stewing yourself and others with this scolding!"

Only then did Chen Xin'an realize that Xu Liyan was Wan Zhenwei's daughter-in-law!

Only his father-in-law, who was a big leader, had the ability to invite the director of the Provincial People's Hospital here overnight.

Chen Xin'an cupped her fists at Wan Zhenwei and said, "Thank you, Mr. Wan!"

Wan Zhenwei waved his hands and said guiltily: "I am the one who is sorry for you!"

Li Ruoshan said from the side: "I should say this to Xin'an!

You protected me, but I failed to protect your relatives and friends.

I'm sorry for you, feel at ease! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said with a smile: "It's okay, everything is over.

The two leaders should stop blaming themselves.

Xi Ruo and Ye Zhen are inside, you go in! "

Li Ruoshan and Wan Zhenwei looked at each other.

Is everything really over?


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