Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1605 What I want is your words


Moir and Xia Hongying looked at each other.

As if remembering something, Xia Hongying quickly said to Moir: "This relative of mine is also a doctor!

And he is the inheritor of ancient Chinese medicine!

You know the magic of our ancient Chinese medicine.

I was buying medicine at a drugstore just now, and the teller there was so angry.

It was this relative of mine who used acupuncture to cure me with just one shot! "

Upon hearing this, Moore had a look of shock on his face and said to Linde:

"It's okay Linde, don't be nervous!"

Linde saw that Chen Xin'an had no intention of harming Moll, so he put away the gun and stood behind Moll's sofa again.

Moore stood up and asked Chen Xin'an in surprise: "Are you really the inheritor of ancient Chinese medicine?

I have seen the medical skills of those people, it is simply amazing! "

Xia Hongying said to Chen Xin'an: "Morr went to China before and had a car accident and injured his leg.

It was an elder in my family who used Qigong to heal his leg injury! "

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Others may hear this as a story.

But for Chen Xin'an, it was quite shocking.

Qigong is also a type of internal energy.

Ordinary people can practice qigong and use it to heal injuries by practicing Nei Jin. That is at least the fourth level of Nei Jin!

There are also ancient martial arts masters in China who are at the fourth level of internal strength or even higher. Chen Xin'an has no doubt about this.

Xia Hongying asked Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, you just said that my husband was poisoned and his life was in danger?

I didn't see anything unusual about him!

Could you have read it wrong? "

Chen Xin'an looked at Moir and said, "Have you noticed that your hair color is wrong recently?

A little green?

And the hair loss is severe? "

Moore's expression changed, and he subconsciously touched his head and said, "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Xia Hongying and said, "Have you noticed that your husband falls asleep very easily now?

I can't wake up even if I scream, but I don't snore. I feel like I'm dead? "

Xia Hongying looked horrified and shouted: "Yes!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Linde and said, "Do you feel that you are shaking when holding a pistol? You seem to be unable to control your strength?"

Linde opened his mouth in surprise and asked Chen Xin'an in disbelief: "How did you know?"

Chen Xin'an looked at Xia Hongying and said, "Do you feel that your asthma medicine is no longer effective the more you use it, so you can only increase the dosage?"

Xia Hongying looked pale, nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "That's absolutely right! Mr. Chen, are we really poisoned?"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "This is the current judgment!

Your faces are not normal, your eyes are blue and black, and the corners of your eyes are bloodshot and flaky.

Breathing heavily, steps sloppy.

But you can't see this without looking carefully.

From the time I came in until now, I observed all the people I met.

It's strange that in this family, only three of you have such symptoms.

In other words, it is very likely that only the three of you were poisoned! "

The room fell silent, and Guo Zhaodi looked at Chen Xin'an with admiration.

Uncle is awesome!

They were both inheritors of ancient medicine, but she didn't see that.

It can be seen from this that her moral conduct is far behind compared to her uncle!

Lin De snorted coldly, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "These are just your guesses. No one else can see it anyway. Who knows whether they are true or false!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's right! Just treat me as nonsense and don't take it seriously!"

It’s your life anyway, not mine. Whether you believe it or not is none of my business!

Lin De was stunned, opened his mouth, and then closed it himself.

Who dares to take his own life seriously?

With a solemn expression, Moore stood up and said to Chen Xin'an: "Please Mr. Chen, save me!

Since you can see that we are poisoned, there must be a way to save us!

As long as I can save our family, I will be very grateful! "

"How can I thank you?" Chen Xin'an asked casually.

"Huh?" Moore was stunned.

Is it so direct?

I've already let you live in my house. Isn't this a big thank you?

It was just a polite word at first, but unexpectedly this guy actually asked directly.

Moore looked at him helplessly and said: "I will bear all your expenses for coming to Inca!

And I’ll give you another hundred thousand Indian dollars!

Don't worry, since you are all relatives of my wife, I will not deceive you.

And I can give you money first now! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, shook her head at Moir and said, "Mr. Moir, I don't need your money!"

"No, you need it!" Moore said to Chen Xin'an seriously: "I understand you Chinese people, after all, my wife does too.

You like to be polite, you know you want it in your heart, but you pretend not to care.

It's okay, you can accept the money I give you generously.

I, Moore, can afford this little money! "

"Stop talking!" Xia Hongying covered her face with her hands, then pointed to the password box placed in the corner of the sofa, and said to Moore:

"That was brought over by Mr. Chen, and it contains more than 300,000 Indian Canadian dollars!

Mr. Chen's family is wealthy, so he doesn't care about this little money at all. He really doesn't need it! "

Xia Hongying also saw that Chen Xin'an really didn't take the money seriously.

Not to mention a mere 100,000 Indian dollars, even this lockbox would not interest him.

It's not like those people who have never seen big money. They want to carry the box with them wherever they go, and never leave the box.

Maul blushed, feeling very embarrassed.

I thought I was being generous by giving away 100,000 yuan, but I didn't expect that someone would just take hundreds of thousands with him when he went out.

Thinking about what I just said, it was so embarrassing!

He coughed twice and said to Chen Xin'an: "Since Mr. Chen doesn't care about money, what can I give you?

If you make a request, if I can do it, I will definitely give it to you! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, nodded and said, "That's it.

Since Mr. Moore said this, I take it seriously.

Don’t worry, no matter how deeply poisoned you are, I will do my best to save you! "

Can you be satisfied with just one sentence?

Moore himself couldn't believe it.

But of course this is not a word, but a promise.

If this guy's request is outrageous, wouldn't he be in a lot of trouble?

At this moment, Moore felt that he had dug a hole for himself, but he foolishly jumped into it!

Chen Xin'an stopped her smile and said to Xia Hongying: "Sister Ying, can you lend me your phone?"

Xia Hongying took out her mobile phone without hesitation and handed it to Chen Xin'an.

After taking the phone, Chen Xin'an stood up from the sofa, took the phone and entered a code that Du Yunyan taught her.

Then walked slowly in the living room.

After a while, he came back and put his cell phone on the round table.

Linde on the side said impatiently: "What are you doing? Sir and Madam asked you to detoxify us. Are what you are doing the necessary steps for detoxification?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "No. I'm checking to see if you are being watched!"

"Tsk!" Linde sneered and said to Chen Xin'an with a look of disdain: "This is Mr. Moore's home, and not ordinary people can come in.

Who has the courage and ability to come here to install surveillance cameras and monitor Mr. Moore?

I think it’s unnecessary for you, so you’d better detox as soon as possible! "

Chen Xin'an pointed at the wall behind him and said: "Go and check that socket. It should have been modified and there should be something inside!

There should also be monitors installed on the overhead chandeliers.

Also take off the deer head ornament and take a look inside.

There is also a problem behind the embroidery on the wall! "

Ten minutes later, there was a pile of newly dismantled candid camera equipment on the round table.

Linde was stunned!


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