Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1608 I am a serious person

Even a veteran driver who has been married for three years has never experienced this kind of experience of being actively embraced by a young girl.

Fortunately, I am a fool now, so I can't see the embarrassment of Chen Xin'an, who is blushing like a monkey's butt.

The expression on his face at this moment was still that of bitterness and hatred, with a dull look on his face.

He opened his hands with nowhere to rest, neither hugging nor pushing, so he could only say awkwardly:

"Let me go first! Who did you hear to say that we will never see each other again?"

Guo Zhaodi let him go with a red face, and said to Chen Xin'an with red eyes:

"Madam said, you just arranged the future treatment plan for me and Sister Ying in front of them as a couple. In fact, you just settled us down.

This way you can leave with peace of mind.

I don’t know what you came to Inca for, but I know it must be dangerous and important!

Madam has promised to help me find my father.

If I find him, I will go back with him and bury my mother!

So we will never see each other again!

Uncle, I don’t want you to go, I don’t want to be separated from you.

No one has ever taken care of me like you do!

Uncle, please take me away, I want to follow you all my life! "

Chen Xin'an said angrily: "Don't say stupid things!

Are you not looking for your father?

Don't you want to bury your mother?

At such a young age, your parents don't want you to run away with this strange man?

You dare to do this, but I dare not!

And I only take care of you because we are here together, there is no other meaning.

Zhaodi, I have a wife, she loves me very much, and I only love her.

You are a good girl, and you will definitely have a man you like in the future.

But it's definitely not me!

It's impossible for both of us, do you understand? "

Guo Zhaodi's face seemed to be even redder, she gave Chen Xin'an a charming look and said:

"Uncle, what are you talking about?

I want to be with you, not like you...

Oh, it’s not that I don’t like it. How should I put it? It’s not the kind of liking between men and women!

When I'm with you, I'm just like when I'm with dad!

Think of me in everything and take care of me.

I also rely on you, cling to you, and worship you.

No matter what you do, I will support you and follow you.

I also know it’s impossible to do this with you!

If I want to find a boyfriend, I will definitely find one who is as old as me. I am too old! "

Chen Xin'an burst into tears!

Isn't this really embarrassing?

After doing this for a long time, I still feel like I’m being sentimental!

They didn't mean that to him at all. He was still here speaking seriously, and he felt ashamed just thinking about it.

Everyone has an uncle, so they treat him as an elder!

I actually thought that a girl of sixteen or seventeen years old would have anything wrong with an old man like him!

Chen Xin'an rubbed her face with her hands, feeling embarrassed and sad.

I'm not even thirty yet, and I've turned into an old man...

Since she didn't have that kind of mentality, Chen Xin'an became much more natural and said to Guo Zhaodi:

"Don't worry, we will definitely meet again in the future.

Zhaodi, I just want to discuss something with you.

If you find your father and go home with him to deal with your mother's affairs, what are you going to do? "

Guo Zhaodi looked a little confused, shook her head and said: "I don't know, I dropped out of school because of family matters.

From now on, I don’t want to study anymore.

I don’t want dad to come out again! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her: "That's right, I have a suggestion, if you think it's feasible, just try it.

After you have settled your family matters, you can take your father to Kyoto.

You find a person named Luo Qianhe.

He is my junior brother.

Just say that I asked you to find him.

He will arrange everything for you and your son.

He is also an inheritor of ancient medicine and has excellent medical skills.

You can work in this field, become his teacher, or be his assistant, it doesn’t matter! "

Guo Zhaodi bit her lip and said, "Uncle, why don't you just accept me?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Because I can't be a good master, I can't teach you anything.

He is the one, and if you learn from him, your medical skills will become even more refined!

This money was originally left by me to you and Sister Ying.

It's not okay for you to ask your father if you don't have money.

There are some Chinese coins in the backpack, you should also put them away. "

Guo Zhaodi burst into tears, looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Uncle, you gave me all the money, what do you use it for!"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said with a smile: "I kept 20,000 yuan, but I can't use the rest. It would be a burden to hold it!

Okay, it’s getting late!

You haven't had much rest in the past two days. You are tired and scared. Go back to bed quickly! "

Guo Zhaodi had no choice but to stand up and hesitantly took the password box that Chen Xin'an handed her.

After taking two steps towards the door, he suddenly turned around and hugged Chen Xin'an.

"Uncle, thank you! I will go to Kyoto to find you!"

Chen Xin'an patted her back gently, then motioned for her to let go and sent her out the door.

After closing the door, Chen Xin'an lay on the bed fully clothed.

Guo Zhaodi took two steps in the corridor with the password box, then stopped and turned around, looking at the closed door, tears streaming down her face.

The words Zou Ying said to her before she died came to mind: "Do you understand?"

I see!

Guo Zhaodi covered her eyes with her hands and left sadly.

After a good sleep, the fatigue from two consecutive days of hiking was gone.

In fact, others may not be able to sleep well after this because there are constant sirens and even sporadic gunshots on the streets.

But Chen Xin'an ignored him and fell asleep.

At dawn, he went out with 20,000 Indian dollars in his pocket.

The curfew has ended, but there are still many checkpoints on the streets.

After all, no one has been caught yet, and the alarm has not been lifted.

But Chen Xin'an doesn't need to be afraid of these people's interrogations.

Last night he had asked Moore to give him a special pass and put it on him.

With this thing he can go anywhere in Cambahan.

Dingxin Food Technology Company is located in the western suburbs of Kambahan.

This is an industrial area, with many large factories nearby.

Dingxin is the one that seems to cover the largest area.

It is also the most profitable one.

However, according to official registration results, there are only over 200 people in this factory.

In fact, in industrial areas, this is a tacit thing.

The registered employees are seriously inconsistent with the actual number of employees.

This happens in almost every factory here.

Chen Xin'an spent a whole day wandering around Kambahan.

As night fell, we arrived at this industrial area.

There is a street here, just like the night market stalls in China, dedicated to selling food.

There are also bars and restaurants.

Chen Xin'an approached a bar and sat at the bar.

He came here after drinking, so he smelled of alcohol and his eyes were a little blurry. It looked like he had drunk a little too much.

There were many customers in the bar, and none of them seemed like good people. They all had fierce eyes and tattoos on their bodies.

These people seemed to be wary of strangers, looking at him with all their eyes.

The bartender came over and asked in Inca.

Chen Xin'an waved her hands impatiently and said, "What did you say? I really don't understand!"

The eyes of the people around him lit up, and someone said: "They are Chinese!"

Soon a dazzlingly dressed young woman came over and asked in authentic Chinese:

"Handsome, are you alone? Can you buy me a drink?"

Chen Xin'an glanced at her and grinned: "Okay! Beauty, buddy, you have nothing but money!

Order whatever you want to drink, I'll buy it!

Who makes us fellow villagers!

Am I right? "

The beauty smiled coquettishly and snuggled into his arms. She rolled her eyes and put her mouth on his chin and said, "In this case, I won't be polite!"

Chen Xin'an chuckled and grabbed her hand that quietly reached into her pocket, burped and said:

"You're welcome to drink, but don't take advantage of me, I'm a serious person!"


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