Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1619 This thing is more important than my life

The motorcade with camouflage uniforms stopped two hundred meters away from the gate of the Dingxin factory.

Several Incas dressed in green jumped out of the car, pointing at the factory area and looking down at the map one of them was holding.

It seems that they are deploying operational tactics.

Following the commander's order, the cars dispersed left and right.

Along the ditch outside the factory area, the entire Dingxin factory is surrounded.

This drainage ditch is almost dry and surrounds almost the entire factory area.

Every once in a while, it will be filled with industrial wastewater full of foul smell, and it will be quickly discharged into nearby rivers and rivers, and then into the sea.

Chen Xin'an stood on the roof of the building, looking outside the wall.

If the enemy is using this encirclement tactic, it means that they do not want to attack by force.

Otherwise, it will not only be these manned convoys, but also armored vehicles or infantry fighting vehicles.

After all, Dingxin Factory is the largest tax-paying enterprise in Kanbahan. If it is attacked by force, the loss may be the complete destruction of this enterprise.

Green equipment cannot afford this consequence.

So they surrounded the factory area to further demonstrate their deterrence and make the people inside surrender.

This was also the reason Chen Xin'an dared to confront them.

As long as Moore arrives, the crisis can be resolved and everyone in the factory can be rescued.

So what Chen Xin'an has to do now is to stop these green clothes from entering the factory.

Because as long as they appear in front of these workers with live ammunition, Chen Xin'an can predict that the result will be that the workers will retreat without a fight and completely collapse!

They are just a group of unarmed common people, and there is no way they can fight against these green suits who are armed with live ammunition!

Before More could fall, the workers collapsed and were suppressed.

The final result is that all the truth is covered up, all previous efforts are in vain, and everything is back to the starting point.

In fact, this result is nothing to Chen Xin'an.

He just needs to attract Zhong Hongyi and Mohad.

The rest of the matter has nothing to do with him.

But facing these roommates who fought side by side with him, as well as the more than 3,000 illegal workers below who suffered abuse and torture.

If Chen Xin'an lets go and only thinks about revenge, their only fate will be to be buried in the three mountains of earth outside the Western Wall!

Chen Xin'an cannot remain indifferent to this!

He is using these people, but he also wants to fulfill his promise to take them out and restore their freedom!

"Brother Dongshan is back!" Dakui shouted excitedly as he looked at the people running up the stairs.

Brother Dongshan ran over with an apologetic look and said to Chen Xin'an: "I'm sorry, Brother Xin, my things are missing. I just went back to find them!"

Chen Xin'an looked at the pocket watch hanging around his neck and cursed angrily:

"You risk your life for this thing?

People are almost rushing in, and you are still hiding in warehouse No. 2? "

Brother Dongshan scratched his head in embarrassment and said with a smile: "This thing is more important than my life!"

Everyone has their own secrets, and there are things they value more than their lives.

Chen Xin'an didn't ask too much and said to him: "The situation is urgent and we must respond as soon as possible!"

Brother Dongshan is now his right-hand man and indispensable.

So Chen Xin'an won't hide anything from him.

"We must hold on until the savior comes.

We cannot allow these green outfits to easily enter the factory and control us people.

Otherwise everything is in vain! "

Brother Dongshan was also shocked when he looked at the convoy outside.

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Brother Xin, is there really a savior?"

"Yes!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to him: "I have already called and am making preparations. I should be here soon."

Moore wanted to control the situation and make the final decision, but he couldn't do it with just one mouth.

He must have the strength to make even these green outfits worry.

Preparing these takes time, which Chen Xin'an can understand.

But you must not delay it for too long, otherwise it will be of no use.

Brother Dongshan nodded and said in a deep voice: "Then let's fight! We will stop them outside even if we die! Dakui, give me the horn!"

Dakui took the big speakers and handed them to his hands.

Brother Dongshan walked to the wall with a loudspeaker and shouted in Chinese to the more than 3,000 people below:

"Brothers, we are only one step away from success!

We have attracted Inca green equipment. As long as we block them outside the factory and wait for reinforcements to arrive, we can regain our freedom!

Think about what kind of life we ​​lived before?

No dignity, no protection.

Like pigs and dogs, they were beaten and trampled on!

It's dark, like falling into hell...

I almost forgot that I am a human being, not an animal!

But our life is worse than that of animals!

Their dogs are much better than what we eat!

Why should we live like this?

We have our own homes and our families.

Why should I be imprisoned in this place, which is darker than prison, and be enslaved by these people?

We have to fight!

No matter who wants to detain us and force us to live a life that is worse than pigs and dogs, they are our enemies!

If we want to return to our previous free life and return to our families, we must rely on ourselves!

No matter who the enemy we face, they cannot make us surrender!

We want to fight!

We have to fight! "



The crowd below began to shout.

Most of them are Chinese, so they can naturally understand Brother Dongshan's words.

Even those foreigners who didn't understand, looked at the Chinese people around them who were getting excited and shouted excitedly.

This is morale, it’s extremely contagious!

As long as you are mobilized, no matter which country you are from, you will join involuntarily.

Chen Xin'an sighed.

Why, someone else has to do this job.

I held up the loudspeaker and kept talking for a long time, but I couldn't even say a complete sentence.

Brother Dongshan came back and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Xin, how do you think we should fight?"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "It would be great if we could turn the ditch outside the wall into our moat!"

"There is a way!" Brother Dongshan nodded, pointed to the root of the north wall with his hand, and said to Chen Xin'an:

“There are sewage tanks.

Discharge once a week.

Prevent people from the Environmental Monitoring Bureau from getting caught.

These two days should be emission days.

So the sewage inside is full!

If it were released all at once, the ditch outside the wall would be almost full. "

Chen Xin'an looked at the large jars and said in a deep voice: "It's not enough to just fill them up, they also have to overflow and soak the wasteland outside.

Turn the wasteland into mud and make it impossible for those military vehicles to drive!

Got it! "

Chen Xin'an looked at the big water tower, nodded and said, "If you drain all the water in that big water tower, it will be enough!"

Brother Dongshan looked at the water tower, then at the wall, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Xin, something serious is about to happen!

The water tower must fall down to have enough impact.

And there is a gap to be opened on the north wall!

I had to let some brothers go to the garage to drive, some hit the wall, some hit the water tower! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "The location of the water tower must be chosen well. When it falls, make sure the water flow is aligned with the gap in the wall, otherwise the entire factory area will be submerged!"

Brother Dongshan turned his head and said to everyone: "This job is very dangerous, who can do it?"

Dakui walked out with his chest raised and said to Chen Xin'an: "Brother Xin, I can drive, I'll do it!

If I can't come back, please bring my brother home! "

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