Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1628 Don’t try to anger me, you can’t afford it

Kambahan officials began to enter the Dingxin factory.

Soon, many black materials such as illegal work incidents, contraband incidents, and disregard for human lives in Dingxin Factory will surface.

But Chen Xin'an also thinks it's impossible to make it known to the world!

Moore would not make this scandal known to the world.

Being able to allow these illegal workers to return home is already the biggest concession he has made.

Of course, he couldn't hide it for long even if he wanted to.

After these people return home, they will definitely reveal the truth about what they have experienced over the years.

At that time, international public opinion will definitely focus on this place.

That's what this thing is about.

All companies in Kanbahan will conduct a major self-examination under the eyes of the world.

No one dares to use black labor anymore!

These are all things that will happen later, and Chen Xin'an can't control them.

The most important thing he has to do now is to kill Zhong Hongyi and Mohad.

That shot injured these two guys.

But he knew very well that they did not die, but were rushed to the hospital.

But Chen Xin'an also saw that the great monk made a gesture to him when he left.

The other party's meaning is obvious. You have successfully angered me, so you will die in my hands soon!

According to Chen Xin'an's estimation of this great monk, he is probably a master of the fourth level of internal energy!

In fact, on Moshan Mountain, Chen Xin'an had already broken through to the fourth level of inner strength, and knew how terrifying this realm was.

But after returning from Moshan, he has been injured during this period, and his body is almost always in a deficit!

Especially Qingxi and his party, Chen Xin'an's body was almost drained dry by two major surgeries!

Later, he took some targeted medicinal nourishment and finally recovered a little.

This was the reason for this smuggling trip to Inca.

But his body never recovered, so his level naturally dropped a level.

You must know that the strength gap at the first level is like heaven and earth!

It feels really bad to be noticed by a master with a fourth level of inner strength!

What's more, this great monk has reached the fourth level of the veteran realm.

The fighting power is really scary!

This makes Chen Xin'an always feel like there is a knife hanging on his neck, which may be cut off at any time!

But worries are worries. If you want to say fear, Chen Xin'an is really not afraid.

It’s nothing more than desperate efforts.

He is not a mouse in a cat's mouth, and he doesn't dare to fight back even if he is eaten.

If you want to bite me to death, then be prepared to be bitten to death by me.

It’s just a fight for your life, I’ve never been afraid of anyone!

It was late at night and the whole of Cambahan was quiet.

The green uniforms have been removed, and there are no sentries on the streets.

Moore had returned home and took a comfortable bath in the bathtub.

Thinking of what happened at Dingxin Factory, a proud sneer appeared on his face.

The biggest beneficiary of this incident is him.

With Gap as an ally, he has a better chance of winning next year's presidential election.

Facing the coming pressure from public opinion, Moore is also prepared.

He stopped Chen Xin from taking revenge just to keep the Chinese boss and that idiot Mohad.

These two are the perfect outlet.

All the storms should fall on the two of them, and it would even be better if the entire Balosa family could be dragged into the water.

They are not scapegoats, because they are the ones who did it, and they should be held responsible!

The only fly in the ointment is that Chen Xin probably won't be manipulated by him, and might even go to settle the score with these two people!

Why is this damn Chinese so troubled?

If it doesn't work, why don't you find someone to kill him behind your back?

Moore was startled by this idea, because he had never disobeyed his wife's wishes.

He wiped it with his hands

He made a face and weighed the pros and cons of killing Chen Xin.

Moll did not open his eyes when he heard the sound of the bathroom door being opened.

We are an old married couple, there is nothing to be embarrassed about.

Then a pair of hands pressed on his head.

Maul's face darkened.

The Incas were not allowed to have their heads touched, it was very rude!

My wife knows this taboo and has never violated it after so many years of marriage. Why tonight...

Before he could react, a strong blow came from his head!

Moore had no ability to resist at all, and was pushed into the bathtub by one hand!

He struggled with his hands and feet, but to no avail.

Not to mention that he had no place to lean on while lying in the bathtub.

Even if he is somewhere else, as long as the opponent holds him down, he will be unable to move!

The strength of this hand is so great!

After struggling in vain for a while, Moore didn't even know how much bath water he drank.

His limbs were still limp, and his strength in struggling was getting weaker and weaker.

Are you really going to drown in your own bathtub?

This death is really frustrating!

Just when he felt that he could no longer hold on and was unconscious, he heard someone outside shouting, "Mr. Chen! Please, for my sake, let him go!"

At this time, Moir felt a shock on the top of his head. Someone pulled his hair and lifted him out of the bathtub!

Moore was lying on the edge of the bathtub, coughing loudly and vomiting out in large mouthfuls.

After breathing for a while, he raised his head and looked at the person in front of him in horror.

Chen Xin was wearing the work clothes he had been wearing when he arrived, standing expressionlessly by the bathtub, looking at him coldly.

At the door of the bathroom, Xia Hongying looked pale and said to Chen Xin'an tremblingly.

"Mr. Chen, I know you are angry.

Moore went a little too late, causing you to suffer a lot of consequences that shouldn't have happened.

But he also has his own reasons.

After all, if you want to borrow someone from outside, you have to give them time to prepare!


"Shut up!" Chen Xin'an turned his head and shouted at her.

Xia Hongying was as silent as a cicada and did not dare to say another word.

She has already contacted China and wants to investigate Chen Xin's identity.

What he didn't expect was that when she said her surname was Chen, it was the old man of the Xia family who personally called her.

Moreover, she was strictly warned not to inquire too much and to keep her mouth shut!

Even her cousin Xia Hongfeng, who had never spoken to her much when she grew up, made a special call.

Tell her that Chen Xin is his boss. If she doesn't cooperate with the boss, then she will never want to return to China in the future!

Even she and Moore stopped there.

The Xia family would not punish her by burning bridges.

But in this life, she will just stay in Inca and be an ordinary Inca woman!

So Xia Hongying didn't look too shocked when she saw Chen Xin'an quietly appearing at home.

Chen Xin'an didn't let her say anything, so she just sat on the bed in the bedroom, not daring to breathe.

It was only when she saw that Moll was about to choke to death that she mustered up the courage to persuade him.

Chen Xin'an also knew that if Moir was really killed, Brother Dongshan, Dakui, Zeng Hai, and those dead brothers would not survive, and what Xia Hongying said was indeed true.

So he spared More's life and let him go.

Chen Xin'an looked at Xia Hongying and said with red eyes

“I would like to advise you, please don’t try to anger me.

You can't afford the consequences!

I know you all want to maximize your profits.

But the slave workers locked up in those factories are all our compatriots!

You have never seen the blood and cruelty inside.

Just sit at home and play politics and let them be the victims.

I, Chen Xin'an, don't agree! "

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