Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1630 I predicted your prediction

The whole building was evacuated urgently, and people came down from the corridors and emergency evacuation passages and gathered in the square below.

The security guards quickly went to investigate and put out the fire, and finally found that it was a false alarm.

It was just that the maintenance worker who was drunk every day got drunk again tonight and ignited the oilcloth soaked in water.

It didn't cause a big fire, but a lot of smoke came out, making the whole hospital panic.

And this guy didn't know where he took off his clothes. He just lay in the lounge in a pair of big shorts and slept soundly. He didn't even know that the sky was falling!

But this guy is a relative of the boss, so no one dared to blame him.

Just take out the oilcloth and throw it away.

The hospital was quiet again, as if nothing had happened.

In the corridor on the eighth floor, Chen Xinan, wearing the clothes of a maintenance worker, opened the distribution box.

Then he took out the tools and cut inside. With a crisp sound, the whole floor went dark!

A nurse ran out, shining with the light of her mobile phone, and asked loudly.

Feeling a cool breeze blowing behind her, the nurse turned around in a hurry, but saw nothing.

It was pitch black all around, nothing was there.

The nurse felt her back go numb, and she ran into the nurse station.

In a ward, Zhong Hongyi pushed over the medicine cart beside him, cursing:

"Is this the best hospital in your Kambahan?

There was a fire alarm, and then a power outage!

The conditions in rural hospitals in China are better than here!

What a lousy place, I paid so much money, and this is the service?"

Seeing a nurse coming over in the dark, Zhong Hongyi threw a pillow at her, cursing:

"Call your dean! I spent so much money on special care, and you are torturing me like this?"

The man didn't say anything, but walked over step by step and stood at the head of the bed.

With the weak light outside, Zhong Hongyi also saw that the guy who came in was not a nurse, but a man in a maintenance worker's uniform!

But he did not panic, instead, a sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth, and he shouted: "He's coming! Go!"

At the same time, in the dark corner of the room, a man appeared next to the maintenance worker like a ghost and grabbed his throat!

"Didn't expect it?" Zhong Hongyi leaned against the head of the bed and laughed.

Although he was seriously injured and weak, he was still very happy at this moment.

The heart that had been hanging for a long time can finally land!

He looked at the guy whose life was held by Master Muzhu and said, "You thought we wouldn't be on guard, and you came to our door?

We have been waiting for you tonight!

The fire alarm and the power outage were just your tricks.

It was just to determine our location, right?

We deliberately showed up to lure you here!

All your actions tonight were actually within our predictions!

Isn't it incredible? Master Muzhu was obviously protecting Mohad, so why did he appear here?

Because we guessed that you knew that Master Muzhu was stronger than you, so he would definitely put me first to kill!

So we waited here, but I didn't expect that you, a fool, would actually fall into the trap!

How about it, what else do you have to say before you die?"

At this moment, the eyes suddenly lit up, and someone repaired the circuit and restored the power supply.

Zhong Hongyi looked at the man who was restrained by Master Muzhu with a grim smile, and wanted to continue to taunt, but the smile on his face gradually stiffened.

Master Muzhu also found something wrong, took off the maintenance worker's hat and pulled off the tape on his mouth!

"I don't know anything!

I'm just the doctor on duty.

Someone exchanged clothes with me.

He asked me to walk in slowly, and I didn't have to do anything else..."

A terrified scream suddenly came from the next room!

Zhong Hongyi's face changed, and Master Muzhu ran out instantly!

When he ran to the next room and opened the door, he smelled a pungent smell of blood.

On the bed, Mohad's head was almost deformed, and his mouth and nose were full of blood. His death was extremely tragic!

At this moment, there was another scream from the next door. Master Muzhu hurried out the door and saw a man running quickly towards the stairs!

Master Muzhu didn't care whether Zhong Hongyi lived or died, he lifted his monk's robe and chased after him, then kicked him down the whole floor with a flying kick!

The guy screamed and hit the wall hard, crying:

"I said I know nothing! That person forced me to go in, it's none of my business!"

It was still that doctor, not the murderer, who was fooled again!

Master Muzhu's face turned black!

He turned and ran into Zhong Hongyi's ward.

The bed was very messy, but the person on it was gone!

The window was open, with two sheets connected, one end tied to the window frame, and the rest hanging down!

Master Muzhu snorted coldly, jumped up, and jumped directly from the eighth floor window!

Then with a bang, he fell into the trash can below!

"Ah!" Master Muzhu roared angrily!

Who the hell is so sick that he put the trash can here, and put it in a row!

The monk's robe, which was usually spotless, was now stained.

Master Muzhu didn't care about these things and hurried out the door.

That guy couldn't run very far with one person.

But the strange thing is that no one was found after chasing him outside the gate.

Can that guy fly?

Just as he was about to chase further, Master Muzhu stopped.

He turned his head and looked at the several trash cans that were smashed when he jumped down.

If you jump down and hit the trash can, that person will definitely do the same.

But just now, he saw clearly that when he fell, the trash cans were all neatly placed!

In other words, if you are still up there, you have been misled!

Master Muzhu slapped his bald head and gritted his teeth in anger!

No one had ever dared to tease him like this. It was tantamount to mocking his IQ!

After catching that guy, he will beat his brains out and drink it!

On the rooftop of the fifteenth floor, Chen Xin'an threw a large package rolled up with a sheet on his back to the ground.

Zhong Hongyi's mouth was bleeding, his limbs were twisted, and he was curled up on the ground and twitching in pain.

Chen Xin'an sat on the wall next to him, looked at him and said, "Isn't it strange, why can I see through your tricks?"

He grinned, shook his head and said: "Don't be surprised, I just predicted your prediction!

That great monk was very skilled, but unfortunately his brain was not very bright.

Now, he should be running downstairs to chase us! "

Zhong Hongyi lay on the ground and panted and said to him: "Brother, I leave the factory to others to take care of.

So I really don’t know how to manage it!

If I offended you, I am willing to compensate!

If you want money, I will give it to you, no matter how much you want!

There is no need for us to get into trouble like this! "

"Hahaha!" Chen Xin'an laughed, shook his head and looked at him sarcastically and said:

"Zhong Hongyi, Zhong Hongyi, shouldn't you be so stupid?

How come at this time, you still don’t know who I am? "

Zhong Hongyi was stunned for a moment.

He did feel that this person was a bit familiar.

But I have never seen his face before!

Wait a minute!


This face...

Then Zhong Hongyi, as if he had seen a ghost, pointed at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "It's you!

You are simply a lunatic!

You actually chased Inca! "

Chen Xin'an grinned, looked at him and asked, "Do you recognize him?

Zhong Hongyi, you should know that if you offend me, Chen Xin'an, you will be punished no matter how far away you are! "


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