Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1635 If you meet me, your whole family will be in trouble

Seeing the old man being kicked to death, the whole family started crying and howling.

Chen Xin'an looked indifferent, as if the person he kicked to death just now was just a cat or a dog.

He looked at Bablu coldly and said: "If you use shameless means to defraud money, then I will use violent means to collect the debt.

No matter how much you defrauded, I will take back the original capital with interest!

Don’t think that because this is Inca and your home, you can be unscrupulous and lawless.

We Chinese people cannot be bullied.

If you meet me, it will be unlucky for you, and even more so for your whole family!

The consequence of not paying back the money is that I will destroy your whole family!

Then take away all your property and sell your house for cheap! "

Babu Lu looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and said: "I invested all my money, bought a house, did business with others, and made investments..."

"Then go and borrow it. I'll give you two hours. Is that enough? Raise enough five million Chinese coins to compensate her, and your family members can survive.

Of course, you can also call the police, and everyone will die.

Your whole family is dead, let's escape from here!

From now on, you can make phone calls. Just use two of your properties as collateral.

Come on, let’s sit at home! "

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly, waved to everyone, and drove them all into the gate.

Then he and Peng Ying also walked in and closed the door.

At the foot of the outer wall, the old man's body was still lying.

But in the middle of the night, except for a few wild dogs, no one noticed that there was a dead man lying in the shadow of the corner.

What Chen Xin'an didn't expect was that there were a group of children at home.

There were five of them in total, the eldest was a girl, about thirteen or fourteen years old.

The youngest is only one or two years old.

They stood in the yard, looking at the stranger in horror.

This guy Bablu is really good at giving birth, these are his children.

The old woman cried and walked over, squatting in front of the children, wanting to take them away.

Chen Xin'an looked at them expressionlessly and said, "I asked you to leave? No one can leave without the money, including these children!"

Babu Lu was really scared. He stared at Chen Xin'an and shouted, "How can you be so cruel! They are just children!"

These things have nothing to do with them, just let them go! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him with sarcastic eyes and said, "Bablu, when you defrauded others of their money, did you ever think about their children?

Have you ever wondered what life would be like for them?

Have you ever let them go? "

Bablo looked pale and speechless!

Trembling, he took out his cell phone and started making a call.

Peng Ying seemed to want to say something to Chen Xin'an, but she still didn't speak.

The old woman was holding a group of children, crying and talking to them.

Chen Xin'an glanced at Peng Ying, but saw that she also shook her head.

"It's some obscure Inca dialect, and I can't understand it either!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and stopped listening.

An old woman with a group of children can't cause any trouble.

He found two chairs and pulled them over, and sat in the yard with Peng Ying.

This courtyard is a bit like a Kyoto courtyard, but it is a double-story brick house.

The area is about more than 500 square meters, which is considered a good residential land for the Inca middle class, and it can be sold for a lot of money.

So as long as Bablu uses the house here and the newly purchased house as mortgage, he can still borrow a lot of money.

Foreign banks have no restrictions on remittances, and two hours is enough for Bablu to collect a sum of money.

As for whether he can collect five million, it depends on his own ability.

The two wives squatted beside the children and gently touched their bodies.

They were beaten, but they did not give in. Each of them stared at Babu Lu and then at Peng Ying with a pair of sinister eyes.

His eyes were full of hatred.

Because after raising the money, repaying the debt is what they are about to face!

They didn't dare to show dissatisfaction with Chen Xin'an, this man really dared to kill people!

The old woman spoke to the five children in a strange accent, and then pointed at Peng Ying.

All five children ran over, surrounded Peng Ying while crying, and even stretched out their hands to hug her!

Chen Xin'an pouted.

This old woman is not stupid and knows how to play the emotional card.

Knowing that he is a hard-hearted person, he set his target on Peng Ying.

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly noticed that a cold light flashed in the hands of the oldest girl!

Chen Xin'an immediately shouted: "Sister Ying, be careful, they have knives!"

The children who looked pitiful just now have become ferocious-looking now.

Two slightly older boys hugged Peng Ying's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

Let their eldest sister take a sharp knife and stab Peng Ying in the throat!

Peng Ying heard Chen Xin'an's exclamation and subconsciously leaned back.

But the two youngest children were right behind her. She was afraid of falling on them, so she instinctively sat up straight.

The knife struck her in the cheek with a thud!

The girl holding the knife had a cruel look on her face, she held the handle of the knife with both hands and cut down hard!

Peng Ying let out a shrill scream and tried to push her away, but was hugged tightly by two little boys!

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an arrived in time, pushed the girl away, and then slapped the little boy on the head!

When the girl was pushed away, the knife in her hand was pulled out, and Peng Ying's face was bleeding profusely!

Chen Xin'an gave her a backhand needle to stop the bleeding and said, "Sister Ying, sit still and don't move!"

The other hand reached forward, grabbed the girl's wrist, and then gently twisted it to grab the bloody knife in his hand.

The girl was not afraid at all, she ran over and hugged Chen Xin'an's arm, opened her mouth and was about to bite it!

How could Chen Xin'an let her succeed? He shook her away with a shake of his arm and slapped her in the face!

He has such a vicious heart at a young age, and he will be a disaster when he grows up!

"Ah!" Bablu's family all exclaimed, and even Peng Ying shouted vaguely: "No!"

Chen Xin'an just made a feint, flicked his right hand, cold light flew past, and the knife plunged into the old woman's throat with a pop!

Using children to do this kind of thing, or even kill people, is simply damning!

Do you really think that I, Chen Xinxin, am so soft-hearted that I dare not attack an old woman like you?

"Ah!" Bablu's family members screamed loudly again, and the children burst into tears!

Chen Xin'an grabbed the girl's arm and said gloomily:

"You want to kill someone, right?

Then let you see what the process of killing is like! "

He pulled the girl to the old woman, reached out and pulled out the knife.

Blood spurted out from the wound on the old woman's neck and covered the girl!

She watched in horror as her grandma lay on the ground with her mouth wide open in pain, making a gurgling sound, and covering her throat with both hands.

Blood kept pouring out from between her fingers and mouth. Her eyes widened like a stranded fish, with an expression of fear and horror!

Then her struggle slowed down, her hands holding her throat loosened, her face became paler and her appearance became more and more scary.

Finally, she remained motionless and died in front of the girl.

And the girl had wet her pants and collapsed on the ground in fear, unable to even cry!

Chen Xin'an squatted in front of Peng Ying and looked at the wounds on her face.

Fortunately, I avoided the neck, otherwise I would have ended up like that old woman!

But the wound now looked scary. Chen Xin'an used a silver needle to stop the bleeding, but the wound still needed to be sutured.

Chen Xin'an had a gloomy face and said to Babulu: "Another one million more!"


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