Just like Cai Ruman just did, the two did not show up immediately after going out.

Instead, they crawled to a farther place first.

After finding a suitable position, the two suddenly stood up and squatted, aiming their guns at the Inca green suits!

Gunshots suddenly rang out, and several green suits fell to the ground!

The remaining green suits screamed, turned their heads and fled, and each looked for cover to fight back.

The gunshots were loud, but the dumb and the fat man did not want to fight, so they turned around and ran!

A group of green suits chased after them, and someone took out a walkie-talkie and began to greet more companions.

The gunshots gradually faded away, but it seemed to be more dense.

This means that there are more and more Inca green suits.

Everyone came out of the bushes and walked to Cai Ruman's side.

She was shot five times, two of which hit the heart, and she was dead.

Peng Ying hugged her, put his face against hers, and cried bitterly.

But he didn't dare to cry too loudly!

Ma Qiubai took a deep breath and said to her, "I have an engineer shovel here, so I'll bury her here!

Go up to the secret passage and see if the rope has been lowered.

We can't stay here for long, we have to cross the border quickly!"

Peng Ying reluctantly let go of Cai Ruman's body with tears in her eyes, stood up, and left with a look back every few steps.

The rope had been lowered by the water flow, which meant that Erkui had crossed the boundary net!

Ma Qiubai buried Cai Ruman's body next to Jin Manshan and Wu Kuizi, put away the engineer shovel, and walked up the slope.

Peng Ying said to him, "Two have already passed, you should hurry over too!"

Ma Qiubai shook his head and said, "I'll stay behind, you go first!"

Peng Ying nodded, "Okay, I'll go with you! Let them go first!"

It takes no more than five minutes to go downstream in the short 100-meter secret passage, but it took Erkui half an hour to go upstream.

But it's easy with the hemp rope.

Considering the strength of the rope, it is not possible to string several of them together at once like a candied haws, but it is still okay to put one person on every twenty meters or so.

This way, it is also more time-saving.

Soon, only Ma Qiubai and Peng Ying were left.

Ma Qiubai said to Peng Ying: "You go first, I'll cover you!"

Peng Ying looked at the distance and said: "Aren't you waiting for the dumb and the fat man?"

"They can't come back!" Ma Qiubai sighed and said sadly.

Peng Ying was sad. There were fifteen people in the same group, but now, not even half of them are left!

She was about to speak, but her eyes swept over and asked strangely: "What is that?"

Two blue lights lit up on the stone not far away!

Soon, two lights appeared next to it, and then more green lights came over!

Ma Qiubai's face changed drastically, and he said to her: "It's the Inca green patrol dog!

They have already caught up, you hurry up!"

"You go! I'm clumsy and slow to climb, which will delay things! You go first, I have a gun!"

Peng Ying pushed Ma Qiubai.

Ma Qiubai grabbed her gun, took it in his hand, took out a plastic bag from his body, and stuffed it into her hand!

"Go! Give the map to Erkui, let him take you all out.

I can't let these beasts get into the secret passage!

Sister Ying, stop trying to persuade me!

Don't waste time!

Ahai, Ayong, Achang and the others are all staying here.

The four of us came out together, what's the big deal if I go back alone?

Go, I have brothers here to accompany me!

If you have a chance in the future, please help me send a message to Brother Xin when you see him.

Although Lao Ma was very unkind at the beginning, I'm sorry for him.

But he didn't cowardly later, didn't embarrass him, and didn't embarrass our China!

Let's go, Sister Ying!"

Peng Ying was pushed to the ground by Ma Qiubai, and she lay at the entrance of the secret passage.

She cried with tears: "Ma Qiubai!"

Seeing the man standing behind her without hesitation, Peng Ying cried and got into the secret passage.

Ma Qiubai looked at the patrol dogs with blue eyes and creepy snoring sounds in their throats, spat on the ground and cursed: "Inca is really full of beasts!"

At the moment when a patrol dog pounced on him, Ma Qiubai raised the muzzle of his gun and fired directly!


No safety!

Ma Qiubai was thrown to the ground, holding the dog's mouth with one hand to prevent it from biting him, and took out a dagger with the other hand, stabbed it into the dog's stomach with a puff, and then slashed it down hard!


A pile of smelly internal organs was scattered on him.

The big dog howled and fell to the side, flailing its limbs, and then slowly stiffened.

But all the other patrol dogs pounced on him!

Ma Qiubai didn't dare to delay, quickly opened the safety, picked up the gun in his hand, and fired at the surroundings!

After the big dogs pounced on him, they fell down again, lying in a pool of blood and struggling to death.

Soon, there were no more beasts around Ma Qiubai that could threaten him, but his body was already covered in blood and wounds!

But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, flashlights shone on him!

Inca green suits appeared in all directions, so it seemed that the dumb man and the fat man had also met with misfortune.

Ma Qiubai knew that he was doomed.

Fortunately, everyone had passed by, so it didn't matter even if the secret passage was discovered.

Even if these Inca green suits had great courage, they would not dare to cross the boundary net through the secret passage!

Looking at the Inca green suits in front of him, Ma Qiubai, who had always been afraid of death, felt calm at this moment.

He thought of his brothers and the ridiculous dream of getting rich.

I feel like I really have to go crazy to believe that I can make money by smuggling to the Inca!

He thought of the new brother who showed no fear in the face of Inca green equipment and could even kill everyone.

Shaking his head, he laughed at himself: "I can't learn anything, I can't learn it! My new brother is such a monster!"

He raised his head, looked at the starry sky, and murmured: "Brother Xin, you will definitely be able to leave Inca alive, right?

If there is an afterlife, I hope I can meet you soon and become brothers with you!

Lao Ma can't learn one ten thousandth from you, but he can still do it without losing face! "

He laughed heartily, pointed one end of the gun in his hand at an Inca green suit, and pulled the trigger!

Click, click, click!

Out of bullets!

Ma Qiubai's face suddenly darkened, he slammed the gun in his hand on the ground and cursed: "What a swindler!

Grabbing the bloody dagger, he shouted: "Kill!"

He rushed towards those Inca green outfits!

The Inca green suit in front of him picked up the gun in his hand and spit out tongues of fire almost at the same time!

There were more than thirty Inca men in green uniforms and more than thirty guns. Hundreds of bullets were poured out in the blink of an eye, all of which hit Ma Qiubai!

"Ma Qiubai!" On the other side of the border net, Peng Ying and a few companions who were lucky enough to cross the border burst into tears when they heard the intensive gunfire below!

Erkui also shed tears, took her arm and said to everyone:

"Let's go! Any movement here will definitely call for our green-suited detectives to investigate. We must leave here immediately!"

Since those who come back through this road cannot come back through normal channels.

In other words, they all committed crimes.

Once caught in a green suit, they will all be imprisoned, and some may even commit serious crimes!

Everyone wiped away their tears, put on their backpacks, and left quickly with Erkui.

Although we have crossed the boundary net, it does not mean that we are safe.

The Chinese green clothes are more terrifying than the Inca green clothes, so if you want to avoid their pursuit, everyone must be more energetic!

Peng Ying staggered and almost fell down.

Erkui held her up and asked softly: "Sister Ying, if you can get down the mountain safely, where will you go?"

Peng Ying sighed and said sadly: "Go home and pay back the debt first. Then see if you can start over again!"

To be honest, I’m quite confused now. Now that I’m back, I don’t know where to go!

And you? "

Erkui raised his head and said firmly: "Go to Kyoto and find Brother Xin!

I know he'll be back soon! "


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