Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1692 What are the consequences of provoking the boss’s woman?

Not to mention Ning Xiruo, everyone in the room was stunned.


No matter what, the president of a dignified bank does not need to kneel down to the female head of a company, right?

Not only that, Meng Xuanke also took out a contract and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Mr. Ning, this is a contract for a loan of 1.5 billion. The one we signed this morning is invalid!"

Ning Xiruo frowned and said, "President Meng, what do you mean?

I've already said that I won't go out to eat with you.

Even for those 300 million, I don’t need it now!

I can calculate how much interest should be deducted for you now..."

Before Ning Xiruo could finish speaking, the man in sunglasses kicked Meng Xuanke.

Meng Xuanke cried out, knelt on the ground and kowtowed to Ning Xiruo!

"No, no! If you don't go to eat, you don't have to deduct interest!

No, there is no need to give that person more interest, just follow the lowest interest rate..."

Before he finished speaking, the man in sunglasses wanted to kick him. Meng Xuanke cried and said:

"Master Shao, the lowest interest rate is already the biggest discount!

If it’s any less, I’ll put money in it!

If the amount is less, I'll just take it.

1.5 billion, even if you sell me, it won’t be worth the interest! "

The man in sunglasses kicked him one after another regardless of whether he could afford to pay or not.

Ning Xiruo also saw that this young man was the key, and immediately stopped him and said:

"Don't hit him yet. What's going on?"

The man in sunglasses took off his sunglasses, revealing a young face, and said to Ning Xiruo:

"Sister-in-law, don't worry, my name is Shao Yang, I am from the Prince's Class.

I heard that this grandson dared to deliberately make things difficult for my sister-in-law, so I came right to her door and punished him! "

Turning his head, Shao Yang kicked Meng Xuanke on the butt again and cursed at him:

"You damn thing!

Do you dare to make things difficult for my boss's wife? Do you dare to molest her?

You want to eat, right?

I'll let you go to the toilet later and eat until you're full! "

Chi Rui looked at Shao Yang and asked, "Who are Shao Xiangdong and Nie Zijing?"

Shao Yang was stunned for a moment, looked at Chi Rui for a long time, and said with a smile: "Grandma Chi? I'm a little foreign kid!"

Chi Rui smiled and said: "I can see it now!

You kid, you looked like a doll when you were a kid!

I didn’t expect that I would grow so big in the blink of an eye!

Is the old leader okay? "

Shao Yang chuckled and said, "My grandparents are still in good health! They often mention you. Grandma Chi, please go visit them when you have time!"

Chi Rui smiled and nodded and said, "Okay! You can go over and visit them in the next few days.

If you stay in Kyoto in the future, you will have more opportunities to meet! "

Shao Yang looked at her and Ning Xiruo strangely and said, "Grandma Chi, you and my sister-in-law are..."

Chi Rui didn't hide anything from him and said with a smile: "Xin'an is my cousin, just like my own grandson!"

Shao Yang laughed and said: "Then there will be no outsiders!"

Chi Rui nodded, turned to Ning Xiruo and said, "This guy's grandparents are my old leaders.

They are all the people in charge of the entire China's money bag. "

Ning Xiruo nodded.

Shao Yang said to her: "Sister-in-law, we just received the news about the boss and the company's affairs, so it's a step too late.

Hua Youlin and Xia Hongfeng both went to the Great Emperor's Palace to find trouble with that old immortal Lu Qingyun!

Long Sheng and Pu Xincheng went to Yinhai Manor.

Even if the Lu family's house is not demolished today, his company will be shut down!

Li Nianbei, Zhang Jinlin, Chao Tongguang and the others took the flight this morning and went directly to Inca to find the boss.

Don't worry, sister-in-law, the boss is a god-like figure, and a mere Inca can't keep him!

As soon as there is any news, they will definitely tell us as soon as possible!

Sister-in-law, don’t worry, let alone Kyoto, as long as we are in China, whoever dares to bully you, our brothers will not let him go! "

Ning Xiruo's eyes turned red, and she nodded and said, "Okay! Thank you, I'm interested! Let Mr. Meng get up, there is no need for a loan now."

Meng Xuanke didn't expect that he just wanted to deliberately make things difficult for Ning Xiruo, so he delayed the loan.

Unexpectedly, it saved a lot of trouble unintentionally.

The contract is equivalent to not taking effect, so there is no settlement such as interest. Just void the contract.

But until now, he still regrets that his greed caused him to fall into trouble.

If he had known that his background was so terrible, he would not have dared to provoke Ning Xiruo even if he had been given ten courages!

I am just a small bank president, why would I provoke such a big shot?

Fortunately, it’s finally over now and it’s time to run away!

He hurriedly said goodbye and left, hurried downstairs.

"President Meng!" Just when he was about to take a taxi back, Shao Yang had already parked his car beside him and said with a sneer:

"Don't think this is over!

Do you really think that anyone would dare to flirt with my boss’s woman?

When my boss comes back, you will know the consequences of provoking his woman! "

Shao Yang laughed, hit the gas pedal, and drove away.

Meng Xuanke was left standing there in despair, as if the sky was falling.

Li Lingyin called and the investigation results of the construction site accident in Maoping New District have come out.

It was determined to be a man-made accident.

Greentown Company outsourced the project to a construction team introduced by an acquaintance.

Unexpectedly, this construction team cut corners and did very irregular work.

As a result, the quality of the project has seriously declined in these two days.

Anhao Real Estate's own construction team had actually noticed the problem, but no one took it seriously when they reported it.

This leads to tragedy.

After the accident was identified, Greentown Real Estate Co., Ltd. should have been primarily responsible, but in the end it was Ning Xiruo who took the lead.

If it weren't for Anhao's poor supervision, this kind of thing wouldn't have happened.

At the Maoping New District construction site, Ning Xiruo distributed the compensation money for the dead and injured to their families in front of everyone.

The family members who had been living on the construction site were immediately evacuated and construction continued.

At the door of the on-site office, Wang Wenhai slammed the contract in his hand to the ground, looked at Li Lingyin coldly and said:

"Take back the construction rights for the second phase? Whose decision was this? Ning Xiruo said it?"

Li Lingyin shook her head, looked at him and said, "I said so!"

"Who do you think you are!" Wang Wenhai spat on the ground and said with disdain:

"Young yellow-haired girl, are you plotting against me?

When I did this, you weren't even born yet!

Be a little secretary and see what you can do. Do you really think you are the boss?

If you want to attack me, let Ning Xiruo come and tell me!

Are you trying to burn bridges with me?

Do you really think that I, Wang Wenhai, will be easy to bully when I get old? "

Li Lingyin looked at him calmly and said: "Mr. Wang, you know why you took back the construction rights for the second phase!

How many times has Greentown Construction Team been complained against?

How many problems have been detected?

Don’t you know it yourself?

It's just that no big problems have ever happened before, so the big problems are reduced to small ones.

Now that there is such a big problem, who is mainly responsible? Are you pretending to be confused?

Anhao Company took the responsibility for you and paid the compensation!

This kind of thing will never happen again! "

Wang Wenhai looked at Li Lingyin with a gloomy face and said, "I don't care about that.

If you think my people are not doing a good job, just say so from the beginning!

Now you want to kick me out?

Do you think I will agree?

If you have the ability, let Ning Xiruo come and tell me personally.

You, a little secretary, have no say! "

"She has the final say!" Ning Xiruo and Li Lingyu walked over together and said to Wang Wenhai:

"The two sisters are now the chief assistant of Ning Ruo'an and plenipotentiary on behalf of Chen Xin'an.

So what they said is what Chen Xinan and I meant. Do you understand? "


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