Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1713: Five thousand yuan for one trip

Late at night, a bus stopped outside Kyoto's South Fifth Ring Road, less than 300 meters away from the toll station.

The driver turned on the lights and said to a group of people who were already asleep in the carriage:

"Okay, let's all get off here.

Bypass the toll station in front and you will arrive at Kyoto Castle! "

A group of people opened their eyes and looked around in confusion.

"Without going to a village or a store, where are we going?"

"That's right! We're really hungry, at least put us where there are people!"

"What time is it? You're cold and hungry in the middle of the night, so why don't you just leave us here?"

The driver got angry and cursed at them: “What are you shouting for!

If you are asked to go down, go down as quickly as possible!

If I drag you into the city, do you dare to enter?

A bunch of blind people with nothing, they will arrest you at the toll booth!

The money you gave me was sent here. Do you really think I can send you to the city?

A group of out-of-towners, all of them stinking to the sky, is a beautiful idea! "

A man wearing a peaked cap and a scarf shouted to the driver:

"Hey, man! How do you talk?

What happened to the out-of-towners?

Have I, a foreigner, eaten your rice?

Besides, aren’t you also a foreigner?

Is it interesting that the eldest brother looks down on the second brother?

Brothers, do you think this is right? "

No one said a word.

The peaked cap is a bit embarrassing.

The two rotation drivers who were resting also got up and cursed at their fellow drivers:

"There is no need for you to explain to them!

Just get out of the car and go do whatever you like!

If you are dishonest, you will be taken directly to the police station.

Anyway, they are a bunch of blind people. They should be locked up and beaten before being sent back to Haidong! "

Everyone in the car had a look of fear on their faces.

The peaked cap snorted and said, "Who are you trying to scare? We came in your car.

If we are caught, you won’t be able to run away! "

I didn't expect that these mountain cannons were not stupid, they were a bit hard to fool!

Several drivers looked at each other with fierce looks in their eyes, and they all pulled out a machete from under their feet.

It is impossible to travel long distances without carrying self-defense weapons in the car.

When they saw the guys showing off, everyone in the car was frightened.

Only the peaked hat was not afraid of this, he jumped up and cursed: "What do you mean? You still want to hit someone?

I'm afraid of you three?

We have thirty here! "

There were indeed more than thirty people in the vehicle, all fellow villagers.

But the key point is that everyone is returning to their hometown, and everyone is shooting in the back.

They are not from the same place, so they are not convinced by each other.

I've been beaten several times along the way, but I can't get it together.

"Forget it, get off!" A middle-aged man stood up and walked towards the car door with a look of helplessness.

The peaked cap said with a look of unwillingness: "No, Old Liu, are you giving up now? There are only three of us, so I'm scared to death!"

"Get out of here, uncle!" Old Liu slapped his arm and cursed:

"Do you think I'm stupid?

You people in Xiahe Village want to watch the excitement, but if we fight, you will sit back and eat what you have already prepared?

I won't let you get what you want! "

A black-faced man also stood up and cursed: "Don't come here just like that! This grandson is not from our Xiahe Village, and we don't care about eating ready-made, so get off the car!"

Everyone wanted to leave as soon as the peaked hat was heard. I had no choice but to follow everyone out of the car.

The bus started and headed towards the toll station.

A driver opened the window, spat down, and cursed: "A bunch of foreign dogs! I'm just a local!"


He closed the window!

The peaked hat picked up a stone from the roadbed next to it, threw it hard, and cursed: "Fuck you!"

Everyone thought it would be impossible to throw it away at such a distance, but unexpectedly, there was a crash and a big hole was made in the rear window of the bus!

Everyone was stunned.

The peaked cap looked at the minibus that had turned around and was going to run over everyone like crazy, and shouted: "What are you doing standing still? Run!"

Only then did a group of people react and follow the peaked hat as they ran to the nearby rock cliff like they were desperate.

Everyone burst out laughing as they watched the bus circle twice without hitting anyone, then incompetently honked the horn angrily for a long time and then drove off angrily.

Old Liu turned his head and looked at the peaked cap standing not far away with his waist clasped and laughing. His face darkened. He was about to scold him when he heard this kid say:

"There is a toll station ahead, let's go through the mountain and don't let anyone discover it!

When we get into the city, find someone to ask where the Fifth Ring Park is. If we find the contact person, we can get half of the money first!

I'm going to have a good meal first, I'm starving! "

After hearing what he said, everyone's stomachs began to growl!

It's okay. Why are you bringing this up?

It's better now. This guy said he was hungry even though he wasn't hungry at first!

This kid is so mean!

He was really mean. He was beaten several times along the way, and half of them were instigated by him.

Although everyone is from Haidong, they are not from the same place, not even in the same city.

The only thing they have in common is that they are all unemployed, living off doing odd jobs on construction sites all day long.

Suddenly one day someone told them that they would go on a long trip to do a job and rent a car back and forth for five thousand yuan. He asked them if they would do it.

No fool would do it!

But I didn't expect that when we gathered, we discovered that there were more than thirty people coming together.

The person who summoned them gave everyone food rations on the car for two days. They said that after arriving in Kyoto, someone would pick them up at the Fifth Ring Park. They would just make a phone call and that person would come.

Get half of the money first, and then get half of the money after the work is done.

As for what he was doing, the other party didn't say, and they didn't ask.

For five thousand yuan a trip, they were willing to kill.

This guy wearing a peaked cap and named An Xichen got into the car with everyone and said that his family was poor and kept all his food rations at home.

Then in the past two days in the car, this guy started to eat.

He is really thick-skinned, and he is watching from the side while you are eating.

If any crumbs fall from the cookie, he will quickly pick it up and put it in his mouth!

Who can bear this?

Hold your nose and give it to him. The next time he eats, he will come again!

There are still three hundred miles away from Kyoto, and this grandson just ate up all the food rations for everyone in the car.

I burped myself and went to bed. Everyone was hungry for four hours!

After following this guy up the mountain for almost an hour, everyone was exhausted and dizzy.

Fortunately, I finally bypassed the toll booth!

The place where everyone is standing now is the legendary Kyoto City!

This is the richest place in China.

Not one of them has ever traveled far, let alone the city of Kyoto.

Just looking at those tall buildings, they seem to be far away from me...

The peaked hat waved his arm and said to everyone: "Let's go to the Fifth Ring Park!"

Old Liu gasped and cursed angrily: "Have you ever been to Kyoto? Do you know where the Fifth Ring Park is?"

The peaked cap chuckled and said, "Isn't there a mouth under the nose? Just ask!"

Everyone had no choice but to follow him.

They are not in the same place, so I didn’t feel anything was wrong in the car.

Once you get off the bus, you will be blinded in this unfamiliar place, and you really need a leader.

Although this kid An Xichen is greedy and sloppy, he smells like he fell into a cesspit.

But after all, he is a fellow countryman and will not harm anyone.

This guy is weird, has a lot of bad ideas, is thick-skinned, and is mainly mean.

So if you follow him, you won't get lost.

"Wait!" Seeing a canteen not far away, An Xichen ordered everyone and ran to the street.

After a while, he ran back with a bottle of mineral water, drank it, and said excitedly to everyone:

"The park is not far from here, just ten minutes' walk away!"

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