Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1718 In fact, I am the richest man in Kyoto

Everyone hid in the shadows and didn't dare to make too much noise.

Once the security guards see it, it will be terrible!

Pointing to a villa not far ahead, An Xichen said to everyone: "Have you seen that villa? We are going to burn it tonight!"

A young man said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's do it!"

Old Liu frowned, waved his hand and said, "Don't worry!"

He turned to look at An Xichen and said: "Xiao Anzi, why do I feel that you are so familiar with this place? You have never really been to Kyoto City, have you? Who are you?"

An Xichen lifted her non-existent bangs and said seriously:

"At this point, I have to admit it. In fact, I am the richest man in Kyoto!"

Everyone burst into laughter.

The elder Liu kicked him and cursed: "If you were the richest man in Kyoto, I would be the richest man in the world!

Don't be joking around here, what you're asking is serious business!

It’s true that we get paid to work, but we don’t do everything!

Everyone knows what they are going to do later.

To be honest, I have done this kind of dirty work many times. Everyone has a criminal record and can do any dirty work!

But we have never done stupid work. This is the first time I have encountered a job like this where I can't find a boss.

When the work is done, we will be able to settle the matter, but who can we ask for the money?"

The people around also said to An Xichen: "Yes, Xiao Anzi, who should we ask for money from? This can't be careless!"

"You can do the work, but you have to pay the bills! It's gotten to this point. We don't even know where the boss is. How can we do this work?"

"I've done dirty work several times, and no one is a fool. We can't do what this boss does!"

An Xichen looked at everyone, grinned, nodded and said, "Okay, then I'll give you the big boss's phone number, and you can call him yourself!"

"Wait a minute!" Old Liu stood in front of An Xichen, stared at him and asked: "Boy, I see that you understand it very well!

How on earth did you know

Why do you even have the big boss’s phone number?”

An Xichen was silent for a while, as if he didn't know how to answer.

Lao Yanqiang gritted his teeth and cursed angrily: "I am also the one who received the money in advance, and you still have the nerve to expose me.

You charge more than I do! "

When everyone heard this, they all looked at An Xichen with unkind expressions.

"Alas!" An Xichen shook his head, looked at everyone and said, "Do you believe it?

Then search me to see if I have any money.

Anyway, you all see how I got here, there is no way I can hide money! "

Someone actually thought of searching him, but as soon as they smelled the smell on his body, they shrank their hands, covered their noses and cursed:

"You really stink to death!

Who knows how many lice and fleas there are!

I even hate it!

Which of you likes to search? "

The elder Liu scolded with a straight face: "No need to search! This guy doesn't have the character to put money in his body!

Xiao Anzi, tell me the truth, how do you know so much?"

An Xichen scratched his head and said, "That person in the park... was actually let go by me.

I will take over this job and lead everyone to do it.

When you get money later, you can get more.

I just...I definitely won't sell you guys anyway, it's just to make money as a steward! "

When he said this, everyone understood.

Old Liu scolded him: "I knew it was up to you to take him to the bathroom!

Okay, Xiao Anzi, treat us as your soldiers

If you can cover up the matter and let all the brothers get the money, it doesn't matter even if you take advantage of me once!

But let’s start with the ugly words. If you don’t get paid after the work, you kid, don’t go back!

I’ll give you my cell phone. Dial the boss’s number. I want to ask personally! "

"No problem!" An Xichen nodded, took Liu's cell phone, dialed a number and handed it to him.

Old Liu took the phone and waited for the call to come through. Before he could speak, he heard a heartbreaking cry coming from the other side.

what happened

Why does it look like having a difficult labor?

The key is that there is a man over there!

"Who are you talking to?" A man yelled from the other side.

Old Liu quickly said: "Is he the big boss? We came from Haidong to work. We agreed on five thousand yuan each..."

The other side scolded: "What the hell, why did you call me? Who gave you the number?"

It hurts me so much that I finally fell asleep...

Damn it! Kill her for me! Burn her to death!

Hey, where are you?"

Old Liu turned around and looked around and said, "Where is this..."

Next to him, An Xichen reminded in a low voice: "Flower City of Four Seasons!"

"Yes, Four Seasons Flower City!" Old Liu said quickly.

The man over there yelled crazily: "Then do it! Burn them all to death!"

The elder Liu coughed twice and said: "Boss, it's okay to do it. But this money..."

"Listen!" the person over there shouted: "You guys start now, and when you're done, go to the Fifth Ring Park and wait for me.

I will arrange a ride back for you when the time comes, and give you 10,000 yuan each!

Did you hear that clearly?

Ten thousand yuan!

Just call me on this number! "

Old Liu responded excitedly: "Listen clearly, we will work now! Thank you, boss!"

When Old Liu hung up the phone and looked at the expectant eyes of the people around him, he suppressed his excitement and said:

"You'll be so quick to work later! The big boss promised to give each of you 10,000 when the project is completed!"

When everyone was about to cheer, An Xichen quickly put his index finger to his mouth and booed everyone!

Then he lowered his voice and said to everyone: "I'm going to see if there are any sentries at the door. Don't let them disturb you!"

Everyone nodded, and An Xichen tiptoed towards the villa, and was soon hidden in the darkness.

In the room, Lu Feifan's eyes were wrapped with gauze, and his face was covered with spots after applying red potion.

He had just completed eyeball removal surgery in the afternoon. He originally needed to be hospitalized, but he didn't dare and returned home alive and well.

He deliberately planned to deal with Ning Xiruo's family, so he naturally thought that they would not let him go.

The hospital is too unsafe, and the conditions are not as good as at home. You can spend some money to hire a private doctor and nurse to treat me at home.

It's just that he didn't keep the medical staff overnight. He couldn't trust these people.

The anesthetic had worn off, and the pain in his eyes was unbearable, and he shouted: "Jia Qi!"

In this family, the second grandfather definitely doesn't care about him, and he is not even as good to him as he is to his disciples.

The other Lu family members were eager for something to happen to him, so they took pleasure in his misfortune and looked on with cold eyes.

The one he trusts the most now is his sister Lu Jiaqi.

There is no way around this.

Four brothers and sisters.

The eldest sister was the best to him. His mother passed away early, so the eldest sister took care of his younger siblings just like his mother.

Unfortunately, her father married her into the Tao family of Haidong early.

We used to meet each other often when we were in Haidong.

Since withdrawing from Haidong, they have not been seen again.

Although his younger brother Lu Yuhang is a loser, he has the best relationship with him and listens to him in everything.

It's a pity that he is dead.

And he died so miserably.

This younger sister has been the smartest since she was a child. If she hadn't been a daughter, she would have become his biggest competitor for controlling the Lu family.

So he has not been close to his sister since he was a child.

But now he is the one whom he relies on the most, what an irony.

Lu Jiaqi walked to the bed in her pajamas, held his hand and said, "Brother, I'm here! Who were you talking to just now?"

Lu Feifan breathed a sigh of relief and said to her: "The group of people arranged by the second grandfather came over from Haidong!

I don’t know why you called me!

I asked them to start immediately!

I want that bitch to be burned alive tonight!

She made me blind, so I will pay for it with my life! "


Suddenly a burning bottle was smashed on the window, and the flames burned!

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