Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1723 Let’s fight somewhere else

This kid, if you go out for a trip, your reputation will rise!

He also killed a warrior with the fourth level of internal strength.

Why didn't you say you could go to heaven?

Do you know how terrifying the fourth level of inner strength is?

Both speed and strength have exceeded human limits.

A team of 100 people in green suits with modern equipment, if they don't use particularly overbearing weapons and just use conventional equipment, they can't kill such people at all!

If you, a person with a middle level of internal strength of the third level, want to kill a master of the fourth level, that is nothing more than a dream.

In front of a fourth-level master, your strength is only a matter of a slap or two!

Chen Huang knew that Lu Zhensheng had a way to save his life because he had seen it once more than ten years ago.

It was obvious that he had been trapped in a desperate situation, but for some unknown reason, this guy suddenly gained strength and forced his way out of the encirclement, causing a lot of casualties to Dragon Shield.

Later he disappeared. Longdun looked for him many times but could not find his location.

Unexpectedly, this guy was hiding under the nose of the base, recruiting disciples incognito.

Lu Zhensheng's appearance now is just like that time more than ten years ago!

The whole person seemed to be in a state of madness, his eyes were red and his whole body was twitching, like a walking zombie without feeling!


The spear in Chen Xin'an's hand made a sound of breaking through the air, like a poisonous snake spitting a message, and stabbed Lu Zhensheng's head.

This gun is Chen Huang's special weapon. The gun barrel is made of alloy and heather, and the gun head is made of chromium steel. It is detachable and reconnectable. It can be up to three meters long, and now it is two meters.

Seeing how this kid was using it for the first time, even more smoothly than his master who had been using it for decades, Chen Huang really had no temper at all.

Are all young people today so strong?

But when I think that this young man is my grandson, I feel quite proud!

And what's helpless is that this guy said he didn't need to intervene, but he really didn't let him intervene.

A gun and a sword, when used, no one can stand within a five-meter radius. Anyone who comes near this circle will die!

Seeing such a battle, Chen Huang finally realized that he was old!

He couldn't keep up with such fast movements.

If Lu Zhensheng hadn't taken the medicine, he would have been beaten so hard that he couldn't resist!

Could it be that this guy wasn't bragging when he said he had killed people with the fourth level of internal strength?

But his strength is only in the middle stage of the third level, and has not reached the peak of the third level. How did he do it?

boom! boom!

Chen Xin'an punched Lu Zhensheng in the face, and he was kicked away by the opponent!

Chen Huang quickly hugged Chen Xin'an from behind, but this kid jumped up like an electric shock and pushed him away!

This boy is still so close to his own grandfather!

Chen Huang was also very angry. He took a knife and wanted to fight Lu Zhensheng, but Chen Xin'an shouted: "You are not needed! Guard the door and leave this guy to me!"

Chen Huang's face is livid, he is a majestic martial saint, do you think he is the gatekeeper?

Before he could object, Chen Xin'an swung a spear, pointed it at Lu Zhensheng and said, "Old dog Lu, we can't fight here. If you have the guts, go to a spacious place with grandpa to fight!"

Lu Zhensheng's eyes were red, he gritted his teeth and looked at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Little beast, even if you go to heaven or earth, grandpa will accompany you! I'll kill you with my own hands!"

Chen Xin'an smiled evilly at the doctor, turned around and left, cursing at him: "Then come! If you don't dare to come, you are a bastard! You have no eyes for giving birth to a son! The whole family will die!"

Chen Huang didn't even have the nerve to listen!

This is a fucking stupid thing said by an expert.

If we fight, we'll fight. Why are we scolding each other in the street?

Lu Zhensheng was so angry that he went crazy!

He is now in a state where almost all his family members are dead. This guy in front of him caused all of this. How could he not hate him!

With a strange cry, Lu Zhensheng rushed towards Chen Xin'an with his sword, slashing randomly!

Chen Xin'an turned around and ran away.

A group of people at the gate of the community looked at each other.

The leaders have all run away, should I follow or continue fighting here?

There's only one old guy left. It shouldn't be a problem if he rushes into the community.

At this moment, there was a sound of horns behind him.

A row of motorcades came quickly, including minibuses and buses, all with double flash, and stopped in a long row on the road at the entrance of the community.

With the sound of the door opening, dozens of people rushed out, holding steel pipes in their hands, aiming at these disciples and smashing them on their heads!

A group of Lu Zhensheng's disciples were confused. What do these people do?

Someone with sharp eyes saw that among the group of people, someone was wearing a security uniform with two words printed on it: Be safe!

These people are different from those farmers from Haidong. They are all good fighters!

Some are so powerful that one against three is not enough, and they have to provoke other people!

Just as the disciples were struggling to deal with it, another intensive sound of trumpets came from the distance.

Honking is prohibited in Kyoto City.

But the streets in Kyoto today are extremely noisy.

Trucks of minibuses rushed over, completely blocking the road.

A group of strong men with machetes jumped out of the car. Their white clothes had the logo of Zhongyi Hall printed on them.

He said hello to the security guards, and then slashed at these disciples of Lu Zhensheng with his knife!

The Haidong fellows covered in blood withdrew from the battlefield one by one with frightened faces to avoid accidental injuries.

Are these all Xiao Anzi's helpers?

Why is this guy so powerful?

Thinking of all the bullying everyone had done to Xiao Anzi along the way, everyone couldn't help but shudder.

The current battlefield was no longer something they could participate in, and everyone squatted aside in confusion.

The elder Liu was dead, and many brothers also fell in a pool of blood.

This time, out of the thirty people who came out to work, only twelve or thirteen were left, and most of them died!

And they didn't make a penny. Even the leaders were dead. No one knew where they were going.

The security personnel and people from the Zhongyi Hall were all here. Those disciples didn't dare to be arrogant. They all threw away their weapons, honestly raised their hands, and knelt on the ground.

Just like prisoners, these people were all put behind their backs with their hands, their two thumbs tied with shoelaces, and then dragged to the car and taken to Zhongyi Hall.

Dao Ye will tell them how to behave.

The brother who was in charge of security replaced all the security guards in the community and guarded the gate of the community himself.

A group of Haidong fellow villagers looked at each other. Someone whispered to the tall and thin man with a tuft of hair on his cheek: "Brother Hou, where are we going now?"

A tuft of hair shook his head and said, "I don't know either! I'd better find a way back..."

Before he finished speaking, he was stunned.

Everyone looked at him with a soulless look, and felt a little strange. Following his gaze, a group of people all turned to stone.

Ning Xiruo, who came without makeup, stood in front of everyone, bowed to everyone and said, "Hello, I am Ning Xiruo, and I am also Chen Xin'an's wife. Thank you for your help!"

Everyone was embarrassed. It was the first time in their lives to meet such a beautiful woman at such a close distance.

That boy Xiao Anzi is really smoking from his ancestral graves. He is so happy to have a fairy-like wife as his wife!

But someone opened their eyes wide and said in authentic Dongshan dialect: "Ning Xiruo, you are... the goddess of Dongshan!"

"So it's a fellow countryman!" Ning Xiruo smiled and nodded, and said to everyone:

"Then there will be no outsiders!

I won’t be polite anymore, let’s just talk about what we have to say.

Would you like to stay and work in my company?

Those who engage in construction are in Maoping New District.

The team leader is also our Dongshan fellow, his name is Zhang Wanwan.

If you want to stay, I can ask him to come pick you up.

But if you want to go home, I can pay you for your trip.


Ning Xiruo looked at the dead and injured on the ground and said to everyone: "If you know where their homes are, please help me notify their families to handle the funeral arrangements.

I will bear all the expenses! "

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