Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1784 If you want to repay your kindness, go in and find him.

This number was a blank number, and the call was to the card Chen Xin'an bought in Cenjiang.

In the morning, Chen Xin'an used this card to call Xiaodu.

Therefore, the person who called was the big shot that Leader Zhang mentioned.

He has already monitored the people around Chen Xin'an.

This situation is not surprising. If you don’t even have this ability, you are not a big shot!

It's just that the place where this person made an appointment is a little strange, Xingfu Plaza.

This is right in the center of Cenjiang City. Not far away is the Seaview Building, the largest shopping mall in Cenjiang, and next door is the Jiangcheng Hotel!

Even if it is not a weekend, there are many people in the square.

There are children flying kites and tourists taking photos.

In the middle of the square, someone was writing on the ground with a bucket and a writing brush as tall as a person.

When Chen Xin'an came closer, the man kept his hands and asked casually: "Chen Xin'an, what do you think of this word?"

Chen Xin'an lowered her head and took a look, nodded and said, "I don't know much about writing, but even if I'm a layman, I still think the writing is beautiful!"

The man was wearing a hat and a mask on his face. He couldn't tell his appearance, and he laughed:

"I accept this flattery!"

Chen Xin'an shrugged and said, "It's just that the words are beautiful!"

The man paused with his brush, then continued to write, sighing faintly: "Chen Xin'an, you played this trick very well, I didn't expect it.

I have met many opponents, and they generally would not go head-to-head with me.

Because everyone knows that I never show mercy.

You are the first person who dares to fight with me in Lingnan!

I thought that if the Lingnan media was blocked, you would be the turtle in the urn.

I never expected that you would directly ask people from Kyoto to help, and come to encircle the area for reinforcements!

clever! I want to praise you for being so brilliant! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, looked at him and said, "Wu Dami was so complimentary!

In fact, I have experienced this kind of thing too much, gained experience, and prepared from the beginning! "

The man stopped writing, turned to look at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Do you know who I am?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "Wu Zuochun, the first secretary of Lingnan, is famous in Lingnan official circles.

I've heard of this name before. "

Wu Zuochun took off his mask, revealing a fair face that looked kind and kind.

It's just that his eyebrows are very thin and light, and his eyes are sharp. When looking at people, he only stares into the eyes of others. Very few people can look at him for more than thirty seconds.

He looked at Chen Xin'an, and Chen Xin'an also looked at him.

The two looked at each other for a whole minute, but Wu Zuochun was defeated first!

There is no way, the murderous aura in this guy's eyes is too strong!

Wu Zuochun has seen so many strong winds and waves in his life that even he can't count them all, and he has seen too many cruel people.

But what he saw in front of him gave him a chill coming from his heart!

But how could a young man in his twenties have such a terrifying aura?

Could it be that he grew up in a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​blood?

Taking a deep breath, Wu Zuochun said to Chen Xin'an: "I have been in Lingnan for thirty years, from a government clerk to the position I am today.

He plays with a pen and has no real power, but he can influence the entire officialdom of Lingnan.

Leader Lu was kind to me, and I am where I am today thanks to his promotion.

From Secretary Cen Jiang to Great Secretary of Lingnan, I relied on Leader Lu to guide me.

You send my benefactor in, and I will send you down.

Repay a favor, drink and peck, be fair and just, and have no grudges against each other! "

Chen Xin'an looked at him sideways and said coldly: "Secretary Wu, are you telling a joke?"

Wu Zuochun turned to look at him and asked, "What do you think?"

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "Then you plotted against me, and now I kill you, is it fair and just?"

Wu Zuochun smiled and sighed: "The dragon crossing the river is indeed the dragon crossing the river.

In Lingnan, no one dares to speak to me in such a tone!

No one can! "

"That's almost it!" Chen Xin'an sneered coldly and said with disdain:

"When I call you Secretary Wu, do you think it's a compliment?

I’m here to remind you that you are just a secretary!

In ancient times, someone like you was a eunuch.

Do you know what a eunuch is?


If you dare to interfere in government affairs, you will be beheaded!

If you are a writer, you can use your skills as a writer.

Learn other people's calculations and still influence the officialdom?

See what you can do, why don’t you go to heaven?

Do you know who I hate the most?

That's the kind of person you are.

With a little bit of real power in his hands, he regards himself as an omnipotent god!

Do you know that people like you will end badly if they fall into my hands? "

Wu Zuochun looked calm, walked up to Chen Xin'an, nodded and said:

"I know!

Your methods have already shown that you are a difficult person to deal with!

Chen Xin'an, Lingnan is not Kyoto, and the situation here is very complicated.

Many things cannot be explained clearly by saying right or wrong.

Why don't you stay in Lingnan from now on, take a walk and take a look.

Maybe you can understand why I do this! "

"No need!" Chen Xin'an waved his hand and said to Wu Zuochun: "I don't have the time, nor the interest.

Whatever you do has nothing to do with me, so there is no need to complain to me.

As long as you don't target me and don't harm my relatives and friends, even if you are full of evil, I am not a knight who acts for heaven.

But since they want to deal with me, they even hurt my relatives and friends.

Then don't blame me for being ruthless!

Okay, Wu Zuochun, if you just come to me to say such unnutritious cruel words, then my trip will be in vain, and you don’t have to waste your breath! "

Wu Zuochun squinted at him, shook his head and said, "Chen Xin'an, I thought you were a smart person, but it seems I was wrong.

You should know the real purpose of my coming to you.

Leave things behind and you can leave Lingnan alive.

Want to take it away...

Don’t think that once the lockdown is lifted, you are safe!

In Lingnan, I am scarier than you think! "

When the phone rang, Chen Xin'an took out his phone, then smiled, nodded and said:

"No need to throw it away, call the Cenjiang City Bureau!

nothing else?

Okay, I'll go back right now! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Wu Zuochun: "Secretary Wu, continue!"

Wu Zuochun narrowed his eyes, raised his left hand, waved it as if to ward off flies, and said to Chen Xin'an: "Stubbornness comes with a price!"

After a while, Chen Xin'an lowered his head and asked him: "What next?"

Wu Zuochun frowned and waved again.

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Wu, do you look down on me?

Or is this the end of your ability?

Or have no money?

A person like me is not worthy of letting you hire another sniper to get double insurance? "

Wu Zuochun's expression changed instantly. He looked at Chen Xin'an in horror and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Chen Xin'an raised her head, looked at the Seaview Building directly in front of her and said:

“You think I don’t know that you’ve been keeping distance from me, but you’ve been standing in front of me.

Do you just want my front to be pointed at the Seaview Building?

The best sniping position should be around the fifteenth floor, right?

Did you know that his every move can be seen clearly from the rooftop of the Jiangcheng Hotel next door.

That's also the best place to snipe him.

Wu Zuochun, do you believe that as long as I raise my hand now, your head will explode like a watermelon?

Don't worry, I'm just scaring you, I don't want to kill you!

Want to repay a favor?

Why don't you just go in and find your benefactor?

I'll give you a chance!

And based on what you've done, I'm afraid even if Lu Qingyun comes out, you won't be able to come out! "

Wu Zuochun looked ashen as if the sky was falling!

Chen Xin'an grinned, waved her hand to Wu Zuochun, turned around and left gracefully.

Thirty minutes later, Wu Zuochun, the top secret agent in Lingnan, jumped from the top of the 32nd floor of the Harbor View Building!

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