Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1790 Please help me do something

There was no need to greet them at all. The two took off their coats and threw them aside, then they opened their positions and started fighting again!

A group of security guards rushed forward, but as soon as they moved, a little fat girl blocked them and hooked her finger at them!

Seven or eight security guards stared at Guan Du with wide eyes. Is this girl looking for death?

Before they could react, with a bang, two security guards were knocked to the ground by Monbowa, and then they stepped on them with two feet, making them unable to move!

Guan Du also snorted, clenched his fists and rushed towards the security guards.

One of them kicked her, but she knocked him out directly!

In fact, the strength of these security guards is much stronger than that of ordinary shopping mall security guards.

Especially that Ayong, who has good speed and strength, is a master, so he can fight Guan Fei to a draw.

However, the brother and sister, plus the master Monbowa, are not vegetarians.

It is more than enough to deal with these security guards, and Chen Xinan is not worried at all.

He looked at Ma Yanmei and her daughter and said, "Don't even think about running away, you can't run away!"

On the steps, Li Qi pushed two shopping carts by himself and stopped next to the security door. He leisurely picked up peanuts and threw them into his mouth.

Ma Yanmei took a deep breath, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Did Fang Yanshen send you here?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "Don't guess! I wasn't sent by anyone!"

Chu Xianghong walked towards Chen Xin'an with a pitiful face and said, "Sir, no matter what we had before, we will compensate you, okay?

I'm old and in poor health, don't bother me!

There's nothing that can't be settled with money!

Tell me, how much money do you need?"

She walked in front of Chen Xin'an, stretched out her hand and patted Chen Xin'an on the shoulder and said, "Young man, forgive others when you can! We can discuss things together, there's no need to..."


Before she finished speaking, Chen Xin'an kicked her in the stomach and kicked her out!

"Mom!" Ma Yanmei screamed and rushed to Chu Xianghong.

Seeing her mother with a sallow face and blood at the corner of her mouth, Ma Yanmei's eyes were red, and she stared at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "Beast!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Chu Xianghong expressionlessly and said: "Don't play your tricks on me!

Just because I am not from Qianmen doesn't mean I don't know your methods.

Also, don't pretend!

If you want to be like this, I can kick you again and let you taste what it feels like to spit blood!"

Hearing this, Chu Xianghong, who was still barely breathing just now, suddenly pushed her daughter away and stood up!

"Ayong, stop fighting! You can't take advantage!" Chu Xianghong said in a deep voice.

Ayong and Guan Fei exchanged punches, but the other party did not move at all, but he took two steps back, spit out a mouthful of blood with broken teeth, and shouted to Chu Xianghong: "Master, but..."

Ma Yanmei was also shocked and said: "Mom, are you okay? What's the matter?"

Chu Xianghong shook her head helplessly, and sank and raised her hands, spreading them flat on both sides of her body.

Between her thumb and middle finger, she held a blade smaller than a matchbox.

Ding Ding!

The two blades were thrown to the ground.

Chu Xianghong looked at Chen Xinan, stretched out her thumb with her left hand, grabbed the wrist of her left hand with her right hand, and said to him: "Green mountains and green waters will meet again..."

"Stop!" Chen Xinan interrupted her quickly, snorted and said:

"Don't try my incision, I'm not your gang! Listen, I'm Chen Xinan!"

"Chen Xinan!" Chu Xianghong and Ma Yanmei screamed at the same time.

They had been in Kyoto for so long, of course they had heard of this name.

And they knew what the relationship between Chen Xinan and Anhao Anbao was.

Ma Yanmei's face turned pale, and she coughed twice and said: "Mr. Chen came from Kyoto specifically to arrest us?"

Chen Xinan laughed dumbly.

Shaking his head, he said to the two of them, "I'm not that stingy, and you two are not worth my special trip!"

"Watch your words! Who do you think you are?" A Yong shouted at Chen Xin'an angrily.

"A Yong, shut up!" Chu Xianghong shouted.

Before A Yong could speak, Guan Fei slapped him again, slapping A Yong's face hard!

"Okay, Xiao Fei, stop hitting me!" Chen Xin'an said casually.

Guan Fei stopped immediately, looking at A Yong coldly with his eyes slanted.

Chen Xinan looked at the mother and daughter and said, "I just happened to meet you today. I didn't come here on purpose. Believe it or not.

But since we met, I will settle the account between us.

Forget about the compensation. I don't care about that.

Do one thing for me. If you do it well, the account between us will be written off.

If you don't do it well, you can forget about your store.

And you two can go in and reunite with your boss!"

The mother and daughter's faces changed. They looked at Chen Xinan and said, "Mr. Chen, please give us your orders. We will do our best!"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "Do you know Hu Zhichao, the former president of Lingnan Chamber of Commerce?

I don't have time to deal with him now.

Since you are from Qianmen, it should not be difficult to get rid of the Hu family.

I'll give you a number. His name is Duan Chenfeng.

He is not in Cenjiang now. He will be back in two days.

You join hands with him to destroy the Hu family for me!

If this is done, you can buy the property left by Lord Ma together with Duan Chenfeng.

As for funding, I can provide whatever you need.

From now on, I don’t care whether you are full or stuffed, as long as you can eat it!

I only have one request, please get things done for me! "

Chu Xianghong and Ma Yanmei looked at each other, nodded and said to Chen Xin'an, "Okay, let's do it!"

There is no way, the other party is Chen Xin'an!

He is very famous in Kyoto!

Last night I heard that something happened to Prince Ma’s Hengwan Villa.

Just now I heard him say that he wanted to divide Lord Ma’s property!

All fools know whose hands destroyed Hengwan Villa!

They don't have the strength of Lord Ma, so since they are in someone else's hands, they should be obedient!

Chen Xin'an left Duan Chenfeng's phone number with them and left the mall back to the hotel.

Guandu looked at Chen Xin'an with some confusion and asked: "Uncle, these people are all liars!

If you ask them to do things, will they also deceive you? "

"They don't dare, and they won't!" Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to her:

"Strictly speaking, they are not liars.

They are people from thousands of families.

Just like Xiaojiu's thieves, they were all low-class people in the past.

Unlike today's thieves and liars, they all rely on their craftsmanship to make a living.

One thing they all have in common is that they promise a thousand pieces of gold!

Since I promised, I will definitely do it.

And this is an opportunity for them to make a comeback, and they won't let it go easily. "

Guandu groaned, seeming to understand.

The reason why Chen Xin'an wanted to win over the mother and son was because Duan Chenfeng needed a helper.

This guy has no problem running around in the world, but he has no talent in business and can be tricked to death!

He needs a strategist-level figure to advise him.

In this way, he can expand his power and take over the position of Lord Ma.

Otherwise, even if Chen Xin'an helps him get back the things that Lord Ma took away, he will still be deceived by others in the end!

When they returned to the hotel, they asked Mombova to go to the room where Yin Xiangming had stayed before, and everyone had a good sleep.

The night was uneventful.

At dawn, everyone got up, ate a lot, stuffed their bellies, and then drove to Mashan Town!

After exiting Cenjiang, I took the expressway and drove for four hours before getting off the expressway.

After following the navigation for almost three hours, I found Mashan Town.

Duan Chenfeng is waiting for everyone here.

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