Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1799 Bijiang is not yours

There was a mess on the river, and things dropped from the passenger ship were scattered everywhere.

There was also a lot of blood flowing from it, which looked very scary.

After knowing that the person who stabbed the man was a pearl buyer, Father Yan's expression changed.

Then turn the boat around, preparing to go around or turn back.

But the other party didn't give him this chance at all!

"Stop the hell!" A big man, holding a machete, stood on the bow of the small passenger ship and cursed at the small boat.

Father Yan ignored it, didn't dare to stop, and fled quickly!

The big man on the small passenger ship yelled, waved to call the three of them, jumped on a speedboat, and then rushed over!

"Get down!" Yan Shuisheng anxiously waved to everyone in Chen Xin'an and said, "You all get down, don't look up!

You try not to talk when we stop, let us talk to them! "

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and nodded.

You haven't figured out the situation yet, so don't act rashly.

After all, it is a small boat that I modified, and it is incomparable with other people's speedboats in terms of speed.

Soon he was overtaken by a speedboat!


There was a gunshot, a crash, and a piece of iron sand hit the hatch. The glass shattered, and a bunch of bullet holes the size of green beans appeared on the door frame!

Father Yan and his son were both frightened and stopped the boat immediately!

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi looked at each other with gloomy expressions.

These people are really rampant!

He actually had a gun, and he dared to shoot at will!

This kind of homemade gun is very powerful and does great damage. Even if it doesn't kill someone, the iron sand has penetrated into the body and it is very troublesome to take it out!

Four big men jumped onto the boat, and the first one kicked Father Yan in the stomach as he walked over.

Father Yan took a step back, stood with his legs splayed out, bent his knees inward, and crouched down to stabilize his body.

Two-word pliers sheep and horse?

I didn’t expect that this old man, Yan, was still a practicing master!

"Dad!" Yan Shuisheng ran over and wanted to help Yan's father, but there was a crash and a gun was pressed against his head!

The big man with the gun cursed at him: "If you dare to move again, I will shoot your head off!

I tell you to stop and not to run away!

Hand over your goods, or we will beat you to death and throw you into the river to feed the fish! "

Two big men rushed to the bow of the boat, raised machetes and shouted at Chen Xin'an and others: "Stand up and raise your hands!"

Yan Shuisheng shouted: "We are not going into the mountains to do business! These guests are just going into the mountains for fun, don't get me wrong!"

The man with the gun kicked him and cursed: "Why the hell do you mean it's not the case?

Did you see that ship?

The people above all said they were not here to buy beads, so we searched and found everything! "

Turning his head, the man with the gun shouted to Father Yan: "Go sail the boat! Go back to the big boat!"

Although the small passenger ship is not big, it is a big ship compared to the small boats and the speedboats used by these jewelry buyers.

Seeing that Father Yan was still hesitant, the gun-wielding man directly forced the muzzle of the gun into Yan Shuisheng's mouth, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I'm going to say it again, go sail the boat!"

Father Yan had no choice but to turn his head and start the boat.

A big man jumped back into his speedboat, and the two boats sailed back to the side of the small passenger ship one after the other.

Everyone climbed onto the small passenger ship.

The scene in front of me is simply too horrible to watch!

The three crew members were covered in injuries and squatting in the hatch shivering.

There are five bloody men on the deck.

One of them had his hands cut off at the wrist, and his body was motionless. He didn't know whether he was dead or alive.

Another one was lying on his stomach, with the tendons in his wrists and ankles broken, and he was also motionless, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

The other three were still crying and wailing, curled up, and the wounds and flesh on their bodies were open. It was shocking to see them!

A middle-aged man with short hair was wearing a suit jacket, but he was shirtless underneath, revealing the mountain tiger tattoo on his chest.

He was holding a machete that was still dripping with blood, and at his feet were two lockboxes, all filled with black bulging bags.

He pointed at a man on the ground and cursed: "Lao Zhu, I warned you not to touch the beads on Qidun Mountain.

You took my Pang Bohao's words as farts, didn't you?

All up and down the Bijiang River are the spies of my Pang family. Do you think you can hide this from me?

We two brothers once said that a pound of beads equals one hand.

Do you know how many beads these are?

Hold his hand down! "

Two big men walked over, forced his arm to straighten, and then exposed his right hand.

The people on the ground screamed in horror: "Second Master, I was wrong! Spare my life! I will compensate! No matter how much you want!"

Pang Bohao walked up to him, looked down at him and sneered:

"Lao Zhu, we are businessmen, not robbers!

If you give me cash, don't you want me to have some leverage?

What do you mean?

Why don't you give up now and want to trick me? "

Lao Zhu cried and shouted: "No! Second Master, I am really convinced!

I won’t give you cash. I’ll give you the store in Nanchengwan as compensation. Do you think that’s okay? "

Pang Bohao showed a cruel smile, nodded and said: "Lao Zhu, please!

If it had been like this, it would have been fine!

Let our Brother Zhu go free, and throw the rest into the river to feed the fish! "

"No!" Lao Zhu quickly stopped him and cried, "Plus the one on the bank of Qingshui!

Second Master, you know this is all my property, I will give it all to you!

Let us go. Second Master, please have mercy. I will kowtow to you! "

Pang Bohao grinned, squatted down, patted Lao Zhu's face with the machete, and said coldly:

“Listen, don’t let me see your Zhu family again!

Opposing my Pang brothers will lead to death! "

He turned his head and said to a man wearing glasses behind him: "Xiucai, take Lao Zhu to wash up, then take out the contract and let him sign it!"

The bespectacled man carrying a briefcase nodded and said, "Okay, second brother, don't worry!"

Pang Bohao stretched out his hand, and a big man next to him handed over a white towel.

Pang Bohao wiped his hands with a white towel, walked to Chen Xin'an and others, and said coldly:

“It’s your turn!

Ouch, isn’t this Father Yan!

Why, are you following them now and going against my Pang family? "

Father Yan said with a straight face: "These are ordinary tourists, not buying beads."

"Haha!" Pang Bohao said with a smile: "Dad Yan, don't think of me as a fool!

Ordinary tourist?

Now all tourism bureaus have issued blockade orders, and no tourists are allowed to go to Qidun Mountain.

How did these ordinary tourists get in? "

Father Yan frowned and said, "They are not traveling, they are going into the mountains to find people!"

"Who are you looking for?" Pang Bohao looked at him with a dark smile.

Father Yan was not a talkative person, so he said with a straight face: "I don't know, it's none of my business!"

The subtext is: It’s none of your business!

Pang Bohao squinted and said with a sneer: "What's wrong? Can't you make it up? You still don't admit it?"

Father Yan took a deep breath, looked at him and asked, "What are you making up? Do I need to make it up with you?"

Is Bijiang yours?

Or is the ancient Miao village yours?

When a guest asks me to cross the river, isn't it natural for him to give me money to sail out?

As for what people do in the mountains, what does it have to do with me?

What does it have to do with you, Pang Bohao?

Bijiang has become so smoky that you two brothers have made tourists afraid to come.

You two brothers have a monopoly on black pearls, but you are depriving everyone on the river of food!

Why do we old boatmen look at you when we cross the river? "

Pang Bohao laughed loudly, looked at Father Yan and said, "I really didn't expect that Father Yan, who usually looks like Meng Hulu, can speak so well!

Why do you ask me?

I tell you, that’s all! "

With a loud shout, the machete in his hand slashed down on Father Yan's head with a roar!

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