Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1824 The child’s injury is an old injury

Wang Wei's screams made the companions nearby tremble with fear.

What do these people do?

Isn’t it too fierce?

Chen Xin'an squinted at Wang Wei and said, "Call the companion over there who kidnapped the child.

Tell them that if the child loses a hair, you will lose a finger.

Anyone who hurts a child will have his arm broken! "

"No, no!" Wang Wei held his left hand and cried.

He could tell that the person next to him was more than just talking!

Chen Xin'an looked at him coldly and said, "Nothing?"

Wang Wei said tremblingly: "Just to scare Brother Feng, none of our people stayed there!"

"You dare to lie to me?" Chen Xin'an grabbed Wang Wei's hair and grabbed his head.

Wang Wei trembled and said, "Really not! We went to Luming Village to collect some goods, and happened to meet someone planning a wedding.

It turns out that the bride is Brother Feng's ex-wife, and her son is outside.

We heard people in the village talking about it, so we knew it was them.

I just took photos of the kids and didn’t leave anyone there! "

Others also nodded, acknowledging Wang Wei's words.

Chen Xin'an turned her head and looked at Duan Chenfeng.

Duan Chenfeng, who looked dejected, picked up the photo of his son that fell on the ground, sighed and said to Chen Xin'an:

“Her family must have forced her to get married.

Her mother has always disapproved of our marriage and wanted us to divorce.

She still has feelings for me. "

Chen Xin'an rolled her eyes.

Someone who has feelings for you still divorces you?

Did you take your son and run back to your parents' home?

And remarry with your son?

Chen Xin'an kicked Wang Wei away, walked to Duan Chenfeng and said, "Okay, Brother Feng, when you stabilize in Cenjiang, you can marry someone better!"

Wang Wei stood up from the ground and cried, "Everyone, come and take a look!

Is there any justice?

Is there any royal method?

If you don't pay your debts, you'll beat them!

The IOU is written in black and white here, so blatantly refusing to pay?

No one cares anymore! "

It was originally a small commodity market with a lot of people. There were about two to three hundred people watching the excitement.

Duan Chenfeng saw that these villains complained first and cursed angrily:

“I lent you 400,000, but I received less than 350,000.

I repaid you 600,000 yuan with interest, but I still owe you 200,000 yuan!

You loan sharks are vampires! "

Yuan Shaojie shouted loudly: "You agreed when I borrowed the money, and the rules have been made clear.

If you want to borrow money from us, just lend it to us. If you can't get it now, you're going to accuse us of high interest rates?

Why didn't you tell me when you borrowed the money? "

People around him also shook their heads.

"Although loan sharks are not good people, they still make money from interest. Since you agreed, you have to pay back the money!"

"That's right! Don't borrow money if you can. If you borrow money, you must pay it back according to the agreed rules.

If you say the interest rate is high if you don’t get it now, then you are being unreasonable! "

"There is no good guy on either side! Who is a good person to borrow loan sharks? He must be gambling on dogs! He doesn't deserve sympathy!"

Chen Xin'an narrowed his eyes and was about to walk towards Wang Wei when Duan Chenfeng grabbed him and said:

"Don't worry, this is a small commodity market, don't mess around!

There are many stall owners, and their influence is too great, making it difficult to buy anything from the mountains! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Okay, I understand!"

He turned around and said, "I owe you two hundred thousand, right? OK, I'll pay for it!"

I will give you 300,000, and the extra 100,000 will be for you to look after! "

Wang Wei and others were stunned for a moment, and were overjoyed that the finger was not broken in vain.

Chen Xin'an took out a card, threw it to Wang Wei and said, "You should have a POS machine, right? Just swipe your card!"

"Yes!" Yuan Shaojie quickly walked to the car next to him and took out a wireless POS machine. He inserted Chen Xin'an's card and asked him to enter his password.

Three hundred thousand dollars arrived quickly, and a group of people were beaming.

“The boss is awesome!”

"It's because we were blind just now and offended the boss!"

"If you take care of us, please remember us, boss. This is an IOU. Please take it! I wish you a big fortune, boss!"

After giving the money, these guys all changed their faces, handed Duan Chenfeng's IOU to Chen Xin'an, turned around and wanted to leave.

Chen Xin'an sneered and said, "Just leaving like this? Did I let you leave?"

Several people looked shocked, Yuan Shaojie said with a strong smile: "Boss, the money has been paid in full, and the IOU has been returned to you. Everything is fine between us, so I won't waste everyone's time, right?"

Chen Xin'an said with a cold face: "Who told you that we are fine?

We have paid back the money we owe you. Why don’t you pay back what you owe us?

Do you think my money is so easy to get? "

Yuan Shaojie and the others were puzzled. They looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "Boss, stop joking. We don't owe you anything, right?"

"Who are you kidding me!" Chen Xin'an scolded with a black face: "We have already paid back the money, but you just forced Brother Feng to cross the cave, so you don't have to settle this account?"

Yuan Shaojie forced a smile and said: "Boss, didn't you fail in the end?"

Chen Xin'an said with a cold face: "But I have already knelt down!"

Wang Wei frowned and looked at Chen Xin'an and asked, "What do you want?"

Chen Xin'an pointed at Duan Chenfeng and said, "One of you, kneel down for him!

Let me tell you Brother Feng, I was wrong.

Then you can go away! "

The faces of Wang Wei, Yuan Shaojie and the others were ashen.

They are also considered prominent figures in Cenjiang. They consider themselves to be on the right path, so the most important thing is face.

Once they kneel down to Duan Chenfeng, where will their faces be when word spreads?

Several people looked at the surrounding crowd as if asking for help.

Unexpectedly, this group of melon-eaters were just watching the fun and didn't mind the trouble. Just now they helped them speak, but now they all turned their guns!

"There's nothing wrong with you! Just pay back the money. You were wrong when you asked people to kneel down. Now it's your own fault!"

"They paid back the money and you forced them to kneel down. You should kneel down and give them back!"

“These loan sharks are so lawless!

In order to get people to pay back the money, I will use any method!

Now people are giving you money happily.

How do you treat others, and how do they treat you? It's normal! "

These bastards!

Without the support of passers-by, it would be impossible to defeat these fierce men.

Although Wang Wei and Yuan Shaojie were extremely angry, they still walked helplessly in front of Duan Chenfeng and knelt down obediently one by one.

"Brother Feng, I'm sorry!"

After saying that, they stood up to leave, but heard Duan Chenfeng shout: "Wait a minute!"

Wang Wei and others were about to collapse. They turned around and asked, "What's wrong? You're not done yet, are you? Do you really think we are easy to bully?"

Duan Chenfeng's eyes were red and his face was full of anger. He pointed at the photo and cursed:

"Why is my son hurt on his face?

Did you hit him?

You beasts!

It's no harm to my family, but you actually attacked my son! "

He looked as if he wanted to eat people, which scared Wang Wei and others to death!

"Misunderstanding, Brother Feng! We didn't touch your son at all! We just took a photo and didn't touch him at all!"

Chen Xin'an walked up to Duan Chenfeng, took the photo and took a look.

The face and eyes of the little boy above are very similar to Duan Chenfeng, but his expression has a dull expression that a child should not have.

The faces on both sides were obviously red, there were a few finger marks, and blood could be seen faintly at the corners of the mouth.

And his hands have many scars, they must have been abused!

“Brother Feng, maybe they really didn’t hit the child.

In addition to the slap marks on his face, he also has many old injuries on his body! "

Duan Chenfeng's eyes were about to burst and he shouted: "Shi Lan!"


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