Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1835 You Don't Deserve It

The village chief looked a little embarrassed, but his eyes were still gloomy when he looked at everyone.

This was his village after all, and these outsiders beating up his villagers was a challenge to his authority.

Ma Yanmei came down, holding the microphone and said, "Village chief, fellow villagers.

We came here only to seek justice!

If your child was bullied like this, what would you do?

You all saw what Sui Zhanqiang's family did, and you know it well.

Do you still want to treat this kind of trash who seduces other people's wives, destroys other people's happy families, and cheats on people and sex as your own family and protect him?

The little money their family took out seemed to be for the construction of bridges and roads in the village, but in fact it dragged the whole village into the water!

Everyone used this dirty money, and everyone was an accomplice!

Such people are not even worthy of being human beings, how can they be worthy of being your fellow villagers?"

As she spoke, she had walked in front of the village chief and stuffed the two stacks of money in her hand into the village chief's hand.

The village chief looked at the money in his hand, then looked at the stage, snorted and said:

"Sui Lao San, you raised a good son!

How could Luming Village have such a nest of stinky bugs in your family!

It's really embarrassing for the whole village!

From now on, Luming Village will remove your village membership, take back all your treatment in the village, and get out of Luming Village immediately!

Let's go!"

As soon as the village chief took the lead, all the villagers around followed.

After walking a few steps, the village chief turned around again and said to Ma Yanmei with a gloomy face:

"Strangers, I don't care if you vent your anger for the children.

But if someone commits murder in my Luming Village, I, as the village chief, will never turn a blind eye!"

Ma Yanmei nodded and said: "Don't worry, village chief, we know the limit!"

The people in the village dispersed, and the screams of the Sui family rang out on the stage.

The Sui family is not just these three people. Sui Zhanqiang has four brothers and sisters and more than 30 relatives. Usually, not many people in the village dare to provoke him.

The villagers have all left, and they, the Sui family, cannot leave.

So they all fought for their lives and rushed up to deal with Duan Chenfeng.

At least, they had to catch the child!

In this way, these outsiders would be afraid to deal with the Sui family!

But they didn't expect that Duan Chenfeng was so powerful!

He could beat down seven or eight Sui family members while protecting his son!

The remaining Sui family members rushed up desperately!

But Huang Ba took a group of younger brothers to attack!

They were just gangsters, with cruel hearts and ruthless hands!

There was no need to be polite to deal with a group of villagers. They pulled out their knives and hit people's joints.

After a Sui family member had his hand chopped off, everyone else was scared!

They usually fought in the village, and it was common to have broken hands and feet, but they were all fractures.

It was also rare for the hands and feet that were directly chopped off from the body like this!

At this moment, no one dared to rush up!

Sui Zhanqiang's parents on the stage had fainted.

Sui Zhanqiang wanted to faint, but Chen Xinan didn't let him faint.

Duan Ningning had been taken away by Ma Yanmei and was sitting in a remote corner, eating wedding candy on the table, unable to see the stage.

Even cotton was stuffed in her ears, so she couldn't hear any sound.

Duan Chenfeng squatted beside Sui Zhanqiang and broke all the ten fingers of his hands one by one!

Whenever Sui Zhanqiang's eyes turned white and he wanted to faint, Chen Xin'an would prick him with silver needles to help him stay awake.

Li Qi and the Guan brothers and sisters threw all the people who were knocked down on the stage off.

Only Sui Zhanqiang and his parents were left.

Shi Lan and her parents were there, but they could only stare at all this, as if they couldn't believe it was all true.

Seeing that Sui Zhanqiang was already dying, with almost no good meat on his body, and even the number of broken bones was unknown, Chen Xin'an patted Duan Chenfeng on the shoulder.

"Okay, don't really kill him! Yanmei is right, it's more painful for him to be alive than dead!"

Duan Chenfeng stopped, wiped the bloody knife on Sui Zhanqiang's clothes, stood up and said, "Okay, that's enough!"

Turning around, Sui Zhanqiang walked to the password box, looked at Shi Lan's parents who were sitting next to him, already scared and smelly, and sneered.

"This money is enough for you to support yourself when you buy my son back!

From now on, my son has nothing to do with your Shi family!"

"Chenfeng!" Shi Lan, wearing a bright red wedding dress, walked in front of him, lifted her long hair in front of her forehead, made a charming smile, and said to him:

"Chenfeng, it's my fault to leave you.

I know you still have me in your heart.

For the sake of our past as husband and wife, can you give me another chance?"

Duan Chenfeng looked at her expressionlessly, and squeezed out three words from his teeth: "Are you worthy?"

Shi Lan's face was pale, and she stared at Duan Chenfeng as he turned and left.

Just as Duan Chenfeng walked off the stage and held his son's hand, Shi Lan shouted on the stage: "Ningning!"

She knew that after this separation, there would be no chance for them to meet again in this life!

She couldn't watch her future life being laughed at by the whole village!

So she had to try again, because she still had a trump card.

This trump card was her son!

Seeing Duan Ningning turn around, Shi Lan breathed a sigh of relief, tried to force a smile and said:

"Ningning, Mom was wrong!

Don't leave mom, okay?

You are my mother's heartthrob. How can I live without you?

Come, come to mom, let mom hug you! "

Duan Ningning looked at her, then lowered his eyes, turned around, turned his head, stopped looking at her, and followed his father away without looking back!

At this moment, Shi Lan felt as if the sky had fallen, and instantly collapsed on the ground!

Ma Yanmei walked up to her and said, "Do you know what I love most about my children?

You wear red and green here and entertain guests and friends.

The son, who was all injured, was herding sheep by the river.

Even a piece of candy was picked up by someone else and dropped on the ground!

He was reluctant to eat it and licked it over and over again through the candy wrapper!

Perhaps in your son's mind, when he was abused, you, the mother, turned a blind eye and wouldn't blame you too much.

But you give lots of candies to other children, but you are stingy with even one for your own son.

This is what hurts him the most!

So, do you think he is still willing to have you as his mother?

You don't deserve to be Ning Ning's mother! "

Ma Yanmei glanced at her with disdain, shook her head, and turned to leave.

After taking two steps, she stopped, turned to look at Shi Lan, and sneered: "You don't deserve it!

Turn around and stride away.

Beside the stage, there is a pair of scissors that someone left here.

The desperate Shi Lan came over, bent down, picked up the scissors, and then stabbed herself in the neck!


She fell heavily on the stage, her eyes facing the direction where Duan Chenfeng and her son were leaving.

But at the moment when she was unconscious, she didn't see either of them, turning around to look at her!

On the way back, Guan Fei drove.

Duan Chenfeng hugged his son and sat in the back, with Ma Yanmei next to him.

Chen Xin'an said with a straight face: "Go back and let Ning Ning recover from her injuries, and then go to school!

I can't hang out with you all day long! "

Duan Chenfeng touched his son's head and said, "You don't have to say that! My son will definitely be a college student in the future!"

Ma Yanmei said: "Cen Jiang has acquaintances, so there should be no problem in directly joining the class."

Duan Chenfeng said gratefully: "Okay!"

Ma Yanmei deliberately said with a straight face: "Just one sentence? Brother Feng, I have helped you so much, how can you thank me?"

Everyone looked at Duan Chenfeng teasingly.

Unexpectedly, this guy suddenly felt so happy that he hugged Ma Yanmei's head and kissed her on the mouth!

Everyone laughed.

Ma Yanmei was ashamed and angry, so she punched him twice and cursed: "You repay kindness with revenge and take advantage of me!"

Ning Ning looked up at the two of them, her face blossomed and she smiled.

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