Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1861 I heard you are looking for me


The sofa hit the door frame of the office hard, knocking out the two hooligans who had just rushed in!

At the same time, Li Qi also pushed the sofa in and completely blocked the office door!

But someone rushed into the bathroom next to it!

Li Feifei kicked the person in front to the ground, then pulled out the Eagle Thorn and rushed into the bathroom!

Cui Dongtai's arrogant laughter came from the corridor: "Chen Xin'an, you are so stupid!

How dare you come to your door to ask for death?

I will help you!

Do you really think that with some bad luck, you can walk across the entire Haidong?

Let me tell you, Laizhou is my territory!

You, Chen Xin'an, are just a door-to-door son-in-law from Dongshan!

A low-class character wants dignity but not dignity, and wants status but not status!

Do you really think of yourself as a big shot?

Do you deserve it?

Stand up for a bunch of idiots?

You like to meddle in other people's business, and hacking you to death is the best outcome! "

Chen Xin'an looked around and said to Li Qi and Guan Fei, "Can you hold on for ten minutes?"

"No problem!" Li Qi's voice came from the bathroom.

Standing at the door, Guan Fei also nodded.

Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said loudly: "Cui Dongtai, I'm here to kill you!"

"Hahaha!" Cui Dongtai laughed outside and said to Chen Xin'an:

"Chen Xin'an, are you scared out of your wits?

This is already the case, and you still want to kill me?

You come out of it first and see me before we talk!

You can do whatever you want with this office, and it doesn't matter if I smash it.

At the cost of Chen Xin'an's life, it's worth smashing it! "

At the top of the stairs, people going up and down were all young men holding watermelon knives.

Someone brought three chairs. Cui Dongtai sat on one of them and said to the two people beside him:

"Hongmin, Master Zhuo, you guys came just in time!

If it weren't for you, I might have really capsized in the gutter tonight! "

To his left was a young man with white hair, a gangster look on his face, and said with a sneer:

"Brother Ru called me and said something happened in the company, so I called over a hundred brothers over!

They are all the most capable people around me, uncle, don’t worry! "

Cui Dongtai nodded and said: "You can't underestimate the enemy. That Chen Xin'an is really capable of tricks!"

Bai Mao smiled and said: "My master has come in person, are you still afraid of him?"

The middle-aged man wearing a green training uniform snorted coldly and said disdainfully:

"I have long heard that Dongshan Chen Xin'an is a master of ancient martial arts.

I went to see him once, but I didn't expect that he had already gone to Kyoto!

Now that he's been delivered to your door this time, you can't let him go!

The rumors were false after all. If he really had the strength of a grandmaster, would he be willing to be the son-in-law of the Ning family?

I've also heard that this guy has always been cunning and cunning when dealing with his enemies, and he's constantly plotting and scheming.

Most of those who were defeated by him were tricked by him!

This kind of thing is so embarrassing to us martial arts people!

Since I caught him today, I won't let him go easily!

If he wants to play tricks on me, I won't give him a chance!

In the face of absolute strength, all clowns are seeking humiliation! "

"Master Zhuo is right!" Cui Dongtai said with a grin: "Then let's sit here and see how that clown dies today!"

The three of them laughed together!

Before the laughter stopped, there were screams of surprise in the office, and a group of hooligans ran out of the rest room door in embarrassment!

Bai Mao frowned and cursed at everyone: "What the hell, what are you doing out here!"

A young hooligan said to him with a grimace: "Brother Min, the bastard inside spread the water to the ground and then turned on the electricity!

There's no way anyone can stand inside! "

"Damn!" Bai Mao became anxious, pointed at the door of the office and cursed: "There are so many of you, and you can't even get through this door after working for a long time. What use do I have for you!"

As soon as he said this, everyone had a straight face and started to focus on attacking!

Master Zhuo snorted coldly and said: "Remember, after entering, others can be hacked to death directly, but you have to leave that Chen Xin'an to me!

Since he is an ancient warrior, I will let him die under my iron fist! "

At this moment, there was a sudden rapid sound above the head, as if someone was beating a drum!

The three of them all looked up, and the sound spread from the corridor outside the office to the top of their heads.

And this process was so fast that no one could react!


There was a crash and the ceiling of the corridor was broken!

A figure appeared out of nowhere and kicked Cui Dongtai in the chest, knocking him and his chair to the ground!

"Chen Xin'an!" Cui Dongtai was stunned. He never dreamed that this guy would use such a method to stand directly in front of him!

Chen Xin'an stepped on Cui Dongtai's chest, lowered his head and said with a smile: "I heard you are looking for me?"

Bai Mao and Master Zhuo next to him were stunned and did not react for a moment!

Cui Dongtai cursed: "Chen Xin'an, you fucking die!"

Suddenly, there was a pistol in his hand, which was exactly the one that was put on Chen Xin'an's head last night!

At this moment, the gun was pointed at Chen Xin'an, and the moment he pulled the trigger, Chen Xin'an kicked him away!


There was a gunshot, and Baimao next to him screamed and hugged his thigh!

The blood instantly dyed his pants red, and he fell to the ground in pain, rolling around.

Cui Dongtai still wanted to aim his gun, but Chen Xin'an no longer gave him a chance. He stepped on his right hand and broke his right wrist with a click!

"Ah!" Cui Dongtai howled like a pig.

But he is also a ruthless person. When his right hand is gone, he still has his left hand. He immediately uses his left hand to get the gun!

But Chen Xin'an didn't show any politeness and chopped his heel on his left shoulder with a click, crushing his shoulder bone!

At the same time, Chen Xin'an clapped his hands continuously and knocked away all the quick punches from Master Zhuo!

A group of gangsters also rushed over and slashed at Chen Xin'an's head with several watermelon knives!

Chen Xin'an kicked Cui Dongtai and kicked his body of more than 200 kilograms towards everyone!

A group of hooligans tripped over their feet and fell down with a cry of surprise!

Chen Xin'an kicked the white hair away again and hit the gangsters.

He didn't even turn around, turned his head to the side, avoided Master Zhuo's punch, grabbed his wrist, threw him over his shoulder, and threw him to the ground!

Master Zhuo's whole body felt like it was falling apart, but he didn't dare to take a breath, so he turned over and stood up, looking at Chen Xin'an warily.

However, Chen Xin'an did not take advantage of the victory to pursue him. She just looked at him teasingly and asked:

"You want to cause trouble for me?

You won't let me go easily?

Do you still want to use your absolute strength to kill this clown like me?

Come, let me see what absolute strength you have! "

Master Zhuo glared at Chen Xin'an, gritted his teeth and cursed: "Chen, don't be arrogant!

In front of me, Zhuo Yiping, all your tricks are useless!

I have been practicing martial arts for thirty years and have met countless masters!

A guy like you can't last even a minute under my hands! "

Chen Xin'an let out a wow, looked at Zhuo Yiping and said, "So awesome!

Then I have to see it!

Come on, I'm ready, what are you waiting for? "

Master Zhuo lowered his hands, then suddenly hit Chen Xin'an in the mouth with a cannon, and shouted: "I want to die to help you! Go to hell!"

Chen Xin'an stepped aside and kicked the opponent in the chest.

Zhuo Yiping raised his arms to his chest and kicked him on the arm.

He remained motionless. Chen Xin'an took a step back and frowned!

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