Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1865 If you tell me my name, the whole village will beat you up.

This nonsense made everyone stunned for a moment.

Chen Xin'an asked: "What did you find?"

Yan Shuisheng said excitedly: "Big green pine, tombstone!

I found the grave that Uncle Hei mentioned!

I saw the names on the tombstones. They were Chen Guofu and Chi Qingzhu. "

The weather now is late autumn, and the climate in Haidong is much cooler than that in Lingnan.

Yan Shuisheng was soaked all over, his head was still dripping, and his whole body was shaking, but the expression on his face was very exciting!

“I’ve got the location memorized.

Boss, when you move the grave, just go down and open a shovel, and let me do the rest of the work!

But it must not be drained now.

Otherwise it will be difficult to work..."

Before he could finish speaking, Chen Xin'an hugged him, used her own body temperature to warm him, and said tremblingly: "Brother, thank you!"

Yan Shuisheng patted his shoulder gently and whispered: "Boss, I just want to thank you!

If it weren't for you, my father's death would have been in vain.

I will never leave that little place.

I'm very happy to be able to do something for you! "

This is Yan Shuisheng's true words.

The people around Chen Xin'an all have unique skills.

Brother Li Qi is the King of Soldiers from Patrolling Eagle, and he is the most capable person besides the boss.

The Guan brothers and sisters are even better at fighting, as if they are not afraid of pain. They like to fight a group of people the most!

Mongpo Wa is even more terrifying. As a Gu Master and the boss's junior sister, she can make life worse than death with just a few moves.

What can he do?

If you can't hit him, he won't dare to fire even if you give him a gun.

Staying in this team has always been an embarrassing existence.

I even feel that I am a burden and dragging everyone down!

So this made Yan Shuisheng feel a little inferior all the time, and seemed to be a little alienated from everyone.

After arriving in Qingniu Town, he could only watch the battle from a distance and could not help at all.

Even if the boss took everyone to the city, he could only stay by himself.

Wandering around in this unfamiliar place.

But when he came to Dayuwan, he suddenly thought that everyone had said in the afternoon that the graves of the boss's parents were down there!

He didn't think much about it. Anyway, he was good at water. It happened that the boss was not free, so he went into the water to look for it.

He spent most of the afternoon soaking in the water, diving into the water again and again.

His body had been scratched numerous times by debris in the water, but in the end, the hard work paid off and he found the tomb!

He didn't know how much this tomb meant to his boss, but he just felt that it was something he could do, so he had to find it.

Because moving a tomb involves a lot of taboos and particularities, Yan Shuisheng just remembered the location and came back!

Guandu brought a blanket and wrapped it around Yan Shuisheng.

Chen Xin'an patted Yan Shuisheng on the shoulder and said, "Shui Sheng, go take a hot bath first, change clothes, and then eat. I will discuss this matter with you later!"

"Okay!" Yan Shuisheng nodded and followed Guan Fei and Guan Du upstairs.

The nights in the mountains are quiet and easy to fall asleep.

After Chen Xin'an and Shui Sheng discussed the matter of moving the grave, they went to bed early.

A dreamless night and a very comfortable sleep.

When I woke up, the little girl Wei Qingrong came over to ask everyone to have breakfast.

Chen Huang also got up, holding a bowl of polenta, waved to Chen Xin'an, and walked out.

Like him, Chen Xin'an walked to the yard carrying polenta.

The father and son sat on the bench under the eaves, sipping porridge.

After taking a few sips, Chen Huang turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Do you know Chenjia Village in Beishan Town?"

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it, why did you suddenly mention this place?"

"Because that's our root!" Chen Huang said solemnly.

Chen Xin'an frowned, looked at Chen Huang and asked, "Hometown?"

"Yes!" Chen Huang nodded and said, "That's where I came from, and your dad was born there too!"

Chen Xin'an asked thoughtfully: "You mean, you want to bury my parents in Chenjia Village?"

Chen Huang took a deep breath and said: "Let them enter the ancestral grave! Just stay with your grandma.

When I die, I will be buried there! "

Chen Xin'an frowned, took out her mobile phone, searched the location, and her expression calmed down a little.

“It’s not very far, it’s in Qizhou, about two hundred miles north of Dongshan.

Okay, you just have to make up your mind.

It's already been agreed, right? "

"No!" Chen Huang said simply.

"Ahem!" Chen Xin'an choked, raised his head and frowned and asked, "What did you say? What do you mean?"

Chen Huang sighed and said, "I need to go there in the next two days to settle this matter."

"No, your Bawa is going to poison you in the past two days, so you can't move!" Chen Xin'an frowned and said:

"I'll go, I have to settle things in town today, and I'll go to Chenjiacun tomorrow!

Mention your name, right?

Since this is my hometown, there should be many relatives there, right? "

Chen Xin'an took a long sip.

Chen Huang said quietly: "For my name, you may be chased and beaten by the whole village!"


Chen Xin'an spit out all the porridge in one mouthful!

He glared at Chen Huang, gritted his teeth and said, "Why are you entertaining me here so early in the morning?

You've become so popular, and you still have such bad roots!

You are rotten from the root! "

Chen Huang sighed heavily, shook his head and said, "I feel sorry for the people in my hometown, but no matter where I go, I will always remember that my roots are in Chenjiacun!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "What on earth have you done to the people of Chenjia Village that makes people and gods angry?"

Chen Huang looked in pain, covering his face with one hand and said: "I was once a martial arts genius trained in Chenjia Village, and I was also the successor of the village chief and chief instructor.

But later, I left Chenjiacun. "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "That's quite unethical. They worked so hard to train you, and then you just wipe your ass and leave, which would make anyone else angry!"

Chen Huang shook his head and said: "Not only did I leave by myself, I also took away fifteen brothers from the clan, all of whom are good players in Chenjia Village!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Huang with disgust and said, "You've gone too far! Where did you take the person?"

"Dragon Shield Base!" Chen Huang said in a deep voice: "At that time, Dragon Shield was most in need of elite talents.

The country needs us people more than Chenjiacun! "

Chen Xin'an thought about it and didn't think her grandfather had made a mistake in this step, so she nodded with understanding and said:

"That's right! Are those people now Dragon Shield veteran-level people? Are they all the current Dragon Shield backbone?"

But last time I went to Dragon Shield Base, I didn’t see many people named Chen, which was quite strange!

Sure enough, Chen Huang put down the bowl, covered his face with his hands, and shook his head.

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "I understand why you are so unpopular!

No one can do things like this!

People have left their hometowns and followed you. After so many years of life and death, you have to help them settle down!

Otherwise, who would be willing to follow you?

Where are they? Are you all back in the village now? "

Chen Huang covered his face and his voice trembled: "Yeah! They're all back!"

Chen Xin'an sneered coldly: "I knew this was the result!"

Chen Huang cried and said: "I sent them all back with my own hands!

Fifteen people were taken away and fifteen coffins were returned.

They were all buried in the ancestral graves in the west of the village! "

Chen Xin'an's eyes almost popped out.

I didn't expect it to end like this.

Now he finally understood why Chen Huang was so popular in Chenjiacun!

Those fifteen people should be the best young talents in the village, right?

Fifteen families were destroyed in his hands!

No wonder Chen Huang never mentioned this hometown!

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