Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1888 You want to be a filial son and a virtuous grandson?

The people on the helicopter had already come over, fifteen of them in total.

Divided into two teams, there are two people in front, each holding an urn covered with a national flag.

Walking in the front are Gongsun Sheng and Chi Rui!

"Peace of mind!" Chi Rui's eyes turned red, and he came over and hugged Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an patted her shoulder gently and said, "Grandma, why are you here?"

Chi Rui let go of him, wiped his tears and said, "Can I not do this?

Qingzhu wants to be buried, I..."

Before she finished speaking, she was already bursting into tears.

Gongsun Sheng came over and said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, these are the relics of your parents enshrined in the Dragon Shield Hall of Heroes.

I sent it over to be buried with the bones!

Condolences! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Thank you!"

He turned his head and looked at Li Zecheng standing aside, feeling a little helpless.

"Mr. Li, why are you here all the way?"

Li Zecheng said with a solemn expression: "An Xin, this time, even if the old leader can't come, I will come!"

Chen Xin'an looked at Gongsun Sheng and then at Li Zecheng, knowing that they were in trouble, so she didn't ask any more questions.

The young men in the village had already lifted two coffins, and the suonas, gongs and drums that had been prepared long ago started playing mournful music.

Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo were dressed in plain clothes and walked at the front of the team.

Zhang Fulong looked at the long funeral procession with a pale face, feeling uneasy in his heart.

Seeing someone he knew approaching, he quickly walked over and asked:

"Secretary Liu, I am Zhang Fulong from Beishan Town.

Do you remember me?

I went to the city for a meeting last month and met you..."

Secretary Liu interrupted him impatiently and said, "Zhang Fulong, are you here to trouble Mr. Chen today?"

Zhang Fulong looked horrified, hesitating and trying to defend himself.

Secretary Liu was too lazy to listen and said to him:

"Zhang Fulong, let me say this!

You can't afford to offend this person, and our city can't afford to offend him either.

If he had just killed you in front of everyone, all Leader Jiang could do was hand him a towel and let him wipe his hands!

I don't care why you offended Mr. Chen.

You, the town leader, will definitely not be able to keep it.

And this is only the first step.

There are more serious consequences waiting for you! "

Zhang Fulong's body swayed, and his eyesight turned black.

He held himself up to prevent himself from falling, and said to Secretary Liu:

"Secretary Liu, why is Mr. Chen so petty? I didn't do anything, right?"

Secretary Liu looked at him like a fool and said, "To be honest, people don't take you seriously at all.

It was Leader Jiang's decision to do this in order to give Mr. Chen an explanation!

You don't know who those people are, do you?

Let me tell you, it’s not just Leader Jiang, but the two people standing next to him.

One is Jin Yunhai, the leader of Laicheng.

The other one is Lei Guang, leader of Dongshan University and leader of Dongshan Municipal Bureau.

Especially this leader Lei, the relationship with Mr. Chen is like a family!

But they are not the highest status among these people.

Did you see the old man wearing glasses?

Listen clearly, he is our big leader in Haidong, Mr. Fang!

Does it look familiar now?

The old man I saw on TV was him!

When Mr. Chen faced him, he didn't have the humility of a subordinate seeing his superior, but communicated on a level basis.

I estimate that Mr. Chen’s status is not lower than that of Mr. Fang! "


Wu Dalong and Zhang Hongbing were slumped on the ground at the same time, with no color on their faces.

Manager Liu sneered and said to Zhang Fulong: "Do you understand now what kind of people you are provoking?

When someone's parents are buried, you actually gathered so many ignorant idiots to stop it.

I heard that people’s parents are going to be crushed to ashes?

If it hadn't been for days like this, do you know what would have happened?

I'm afraid even Leader Jiang has been implicated by you idiots!

You said that Leader Jiang would not express his opinions and give an explanation to Mr. Chen, is that possible? "

Zhang Fulong knelt down on the ground. At this moment, he no longer cared about his dignity as a town leader, and cried out:

"Secretary Liu, please give me a way to survive!

I was also dragged down by these idiots, and I provoked such a big shot that I couldn't afford to offend! "

At first sight, even he knelt down, and a group of villagers followed suit and knelt down in large numbers.

Secretary Liu quickly said to them: "Don't kneel down to me, it's useless! I'm just a little secretary, I don't have such great abilities!"

Seeing the pitiful appearance of these decades-old men crying, Secretary Liu really couldn't bear it, and sighed and said:

"Forget it, I'll give you an idea. Whether it works or not depends on your luck!"

Zhang Fulong's eyes lit up and he quickly said: "Secretary Liu, please tell me, is it money? I have to come up with a sum even if I sell pots and iron!"

Secretary Liu sneered coldly and scolded him with a look of disdain on his face: "You have to think before you speak!

Given Mr. Chen's status, is he someone who is short of money? "

Zhang Fulong looked embarrassed and said with a smile: "What does Secretary Liu want us to do? We all listen to you!"

Everyone around them nodded vigorously.

Secretary Liu said to everyone: "You just follow behind and make the funeral procession bigger, the more grand the better!

It is best to wear a mourning stick and a mourning stick.

The louder the funeral, the better Mr. Chen will look.

Maybe I can let you go! "

Zhang Fulong frowned, glanced at Secretary Liu and said, "You mean, let us be filial sons and grandsons?"

Secretary Liu raised his eyebrows, looked at him coldly and asked, "What, you don't want to?"

Zhang Fulong was silent, not daring to speak.

The people in the two surrounding villages all looked embarrassed.

If you really do this, don’t even think about raising your head in Beishan Town in the future!

Secretary Liu snorted coldly and said: "I have already told you the method, it is up to you whether you do it or not!

This matter has nothing to do with me, and it is none of my business what you want.

But let me say one more thing.

Are you the only one who still wants to be a filial son and grandson?

I want to eat shit!

You have to ask people if they want it!

Letting you follow is just to enhance the atmosphere.

Mr. Chen doesn’t want to argue with you in the first place. Once you do something that makes his face look even brighter, he won’t hold you accountable!

At that time, the city will just act casually.

Now looking at your virtues, do you still find it embarrassing?

Let me ask you, when you bully others, why don’t you think about this? "

After Secretary Liu finished speaking, he turned around and left, too lazy to pay attention to these people.

Zhang Fulong stood there blankly, and Zhang Hongbing asked cautiously: "Brother, what should we do?"

Zhang Fulong reacted and cursed at him: "What else can I do?

Go to the village, pull out all the white cloth, put on sackcloth and show mourning!

Everyone who can come must come. If anyone can't come, I'll take over his land! "

It’s almost time!

Under the shouts of the master of ceremonies, Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo walked in the front holding the portraits of their parents.

Both coffins were carried by sixteen people, and there were spare men beside them who could replace them at any time.

Behind the double coffins side by side were Chen Huang, Mu Jinrong, Yao Zhifeng and Chi Rui.

Behind him are Chen Zhou and other direct descendants of Chenjiacun.

After that, there are leaders such as Fang Zheng, Gongsun Sheng and Lei Guang.

Behind them were Li Qi, the Guan brothers and sisters, Meng Bowa and Yan Shuisheng, as well as some secretaries and Dragon Shield agents who followed.

As soon as Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo left the village, they were stunned by the scene in front of them.

The surrounding area is filled with people!

Not only the villagers of Chenjia Village, but also people from Wujiazhuang and Malan Village.

There were even people who came from other towns after hearing the news.

After all, this is the first time for us to see such a big scene in all our villages!

As Chen Xin'an and Ning Xiruo continued to move forward, the funeral procession grew larger and larger.

People wearing sackcloth and mourning lined up for several kilometers!

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