Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1901 I am no longer the same person as before

Haidong People's Forum.

"This video is really addictive! I really want to crawl over along the network cable and beat the couple to death with my own hands! They are so inhuman, they don't recognize their relatives for money!"

"The person above has been misled! Watch the new video, the full version.

This one has been edited, wait until you see the full supplementary version before you say it!"

"I have seen the full version! I can only say that my worldview has been shattered!

I never thought that in order to snatch the family property, the second uncle and the fourth uncle could be so cold-blooded and ruthless!"

"This is a family!

The elders even want to harm their own nieces!

They even team up with outsiders to trip up their own family's industry.

It's really "It's hard to prevent a thief in your own home, no matter how hard you try!"

"The second aunt's family is even more inhuman!

They deliberately tried to frame the couple.

To be honest, the couple has done their best, but they are still not satisfied!

This person is really shameless and has no bottom line. He can do anything!"

"Some people nowadays dare to do anything to become famous!

Just a small up master with less than 10,000 fans dared to post such a video that distorts the facts with ulterior motives!

It has violated the law and should be severely punished!"

In just 30 minutes, the originally one-sided speech has completely reversed!

The three brothers Liang Chunyu were all dumbfounded.

The development of the matter has completely exceeded their expectations!

Liang Chunsheng gritted his teeth and glared at Liang Chunyu and said, "Think of a way. Didn't you say you know a few big internet celebrities? Ask them to transfer it!"

"It's no use!" Liang Chunyu looked pale, and said to Chen Xin'an in horror:

"The biggest one I know has no more than 300,000 fans.

But the one who helped him post the video is a professional self-media, and it is also the largest self-media studio in China now!

With tens of millions of fans, the influence is too great, and it covers the entire network in an instant!"

Everyone in the Liang family looked pale, and the arrogance just now was gone, replaced by endless panic!

Because they didn't know what kind of result they would face.

Now they really understand that their strength is insignificant in front of the couple!

Liang Shuo came back with a bag of snacks.

This kid is also a talent. He spent all the 100 yuan and didn't have a penny left.

They all bought the snacks in the bag and are now eating happily!

Seeing him, Liang Chunyan came over with a pale face, pulled Liang Shuo's clothes and said, "Child, let's go home!"

She passed by Ning Xiruo with trepidation, and found that the other party had no intention of stopping her, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

This girl has always been soft-hearted, and her family is her biggest weakness.

Liang Chunyan's mouth curled up. Knowing this girl's weakness is equivalent to grasping her Achilles' heel!

Even if she made such a fuss, so what?

Can't she still get away with it!

But at this moment, Chen Xin'an's voice suddenly came from behind: "I let you go?"

Liang Chunsheng and his two brothers originally wanted to go out with Liang Chunyan, but just after taking two steps, someone blocked them in front of them.

According to the tower-like figure of the Guan family brothers and sisters, the three brothers turned pale and swallowed their saliva.

Liang Chunsheng said fiercely: "Mr. Chen, what do you want to do?"

Chen Xin'an had a blank expression on his face, didn't even look at him, took out his mobile phone and made a call!

"Xu Qing, this is Chen Xin'an.

I'm at Building 26, Panlong Bay, Dongshan now.

Yes, bring some people here to help me catch three people.

Spreading rumors and causing trouble, extortion.

Have you seen it? They posted it, and it's here with me now.

Okay, I'll wait for you to come!"

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "Xu Qing will bring some people to deal with it later.

See if there is anything else to buy here, and discuss it with my uncle!

Leave these flies to me!"

"Okay! "Ning Xiruo nodded and was about to leave when Liang Chunyan shouted from behind: "Xiruo! For the sake of Second Aunt, let them go!

They are all my brothers, it was just a joke!"

Liang Chunfu also nodded with a smile and said: "It's just a joke among family members, there is no need to tear each other apart, right?

Don't scare us, we know you two are rich and powerful, you can hide from us if you can't afford to offend us in the future, right?"

They were about to move, but the Guan brothers and sisters in front of them pushed them and knocked them to the ground!

Liang Chunsheng was angry, pointing at the Guan brothers and sisters and yelling at Ning Xiruo: "Ning Xiruo, what do you mean by this?

What do you want to do? Do you want to hit someone?

Is there any law?"


Li Qi rushed over and kicked Liang Chunsheng out with one kick!

The Liang family members next to them were frightened and silent!

Li Qi showed disgust on his face, snorted coldly and cursed: "I have never met such disgusting people as you!" Liang Chunfu gritted his teeth and shouted to Ning Xiruo: "Ning Xiruo, if you want to fight, do it yourself, don't let these irrelevant people come!" Guan Fei punched him in the face and cursed: "You are irrelevant yourself!" Li Qi sneered and cursed: "Do you think that the couple can't fight you because of their feelings? I tell you, it's because ants like you are too humble and unworthy of their attack! Can't you see what level you are? Still jumping around here like a jumping clown?

I feel ashamed for you!" Liang Chunyan pulled Liang Shuo and said to Ning Xiruo: "Xiruo, the three of them are my brothers from my mother's side. We are all a family. There is no need to do this! Although your second uncle is gone, I am still your second aunt after all! Xiao Shuo is still your brother! Xiruo, let's just forget about this matter. I won't ask you about the child's schooling! We are an orphan and a widow. We have returned to Xihe. Don't worry, I will never tell him how his father died in this life..." Snap! A slap hit Liang Chunyan's face! She covered her face and looked at Ning Xiruo in disbelief. She asked with trembling lips: "You... hit me?" She never dreamed that the incompetent girl who would only cry in grievance even if she was bullied would dare to attack her, her second aunt! Liang Chunyan shouted with a ferocious face: "Ning Xiruo! I am your second aunt..."

Pa! Pa! Pa!

Ning Xiruo's face was full of frost, she raised her arm and slapped her face hard!

Liang Chunyan screamed and opened her hands to fight back, but Guandu punched her in the stomach!

This punch made her gasp, and she opened her mouth wide and couldn't make a sound!

When Liang Shuo saw his mother being beaten, he was so scared that he cried loudly!

"Don't cry!" Someone at the door shouted: "Wipe your tears for me!"

Ning Xi walked in with red eyes and pointed at his nose and shouted.

Liang Shuo, who was not afraid of anything, was afraid of this seventh sister.

He quickly wiped his eyes with his sleeves, but he still held his bag full of snacks in his hand.

Ning Xiruo ignored what was behind him, just looked at Liang Chunyan with a cold face and said:

"Do you think I am still as weak as before?

Do you think that you can do whatever you want to me with that little bit of family affection?

Just like before, you can bully me however you want?

I tell you, I am no longer the person I used to be!

It is true that I, Ning Xiruo, value family affection very much.

But the premise is that you treat me as a family member, then I will tolerate you in everything!

What did you do?

You treated me as a fool, a thorn in your eyes, and even an enemy!

But not a family member!

From now on, Ning Changgang's branch has nothing to do with my Ning family! "

Liang Chunyan was so scared that her face turned pale, pointing at her son and said: "Ning Xiruo, he is your brother!"

Ning Xiruo gritted her teeth, looked at her and shouted: "But his surname is Liang now!"

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