Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1912 Falling short of success

This moment made Robert so disgusted that he almost ran away!

He has a strange mysophobia.

His symptoms will only be relieved when he tortures women.

Now seeing Xu Qing's eyes turning white and foaming at the mouth, he felt as if his whole body had been soaked in a sewage pool, and even his stomach began to churn!

"How could this happen? It's so disgusting!" Robert yelled at Donald: "Didn't you master the dosage?"

If the female police officer died here due to excessive dosage, she would be in big trouble!

Donald raised the glass bottle with a look of helplessness, which contained more than half a bottle of blue potion.

He shrugged his shoulders and said helplessly to Robert: "This woman's system is very sensitive. Even a small amount of medicine can cause her to have a strong rejection reaction!"

Robert pointed at Lan Lan and shouted: "Take this woman to the toilet quickly and clean her up!"

Donald unlocked Xu Qing's handcuffs and the buckles on his feet.

Lan Lan put Xu Qing's arm on her shoulders and helped her up with great effort.

Just as he was about to walk to the restroom next to him, Robert cursed in disgust: “Go to the public restroom outside, not here!

Take out the perfume and spray it immediately. I simply can't stand the smell!

Mr. Bai, go with them! "

"Okay!" Bai Shaobo stood up, helped Xu Qing and walked out together.

When they arrived at the door of the public restroom, they saw Bai Shaobo wanting to follow him in. Lan Lan stopped him and said, "This is the women's restroom, you can't go in!"

Bai Shaobo sneered and cursed: "Why the hell can't we enter? No one else comes up on this floor!

And this is my girl, I can look at her as I want and play with her as I want! "

Lan Lan was helpless and did not dare to say anything.

But at this moment, Xu Qing suddenly tilted his head and vomited all over Bai Shaobo!

"Holy shit!" Bai Shabo hurriedly moved away, looked at the stains on his body and cursed:

"Why is it so disgusting!

Please help me better! "

Lan Lan looked aggrieved and said to him, "Why don't you clean up in the men's room opposite first?"

Bai Shaobo looked at the stains on his shoulders and chest, pinched his nose and cursed: "Then take her in first, and I'll clean it up before going over!"

After saying that, he hurried into the men's room opposite.

Lan Lan struggled to help Xu Qing into the women's toilet.

Just as he was about to unbutton her coat with his hands, Xu Qing's eyes flashed with a cold light.

Suddenly, his right hand grabbed Lan Lan's collar, and his left hand covered her mouth!

“Listen, if you want to live, don’t say anything!

You know my identity. If you cooperate, I will not hold you accountable for what happened today!

Blink your eyes when you understand! "

Lan Lan stared with a pair of frightened eyes and blinked twice quickly.

Xu Qing let go of her mouth and gasped for air.

Just a simple movement almost consumed all her strength.

But she knew very well that she couldn’t fail now!

Otherwise, her end will be tragic, and death may be the most comfortable relief!

"I want to escape. There is an elevator on the left.

You help me into the elevator and I'll be safe when I get downstairs!

Can you help me? "

Lan Lan shrank and said in fear: "They won't let me go! You don't know how perverted they are!"

Xu Qing took a deep breath and said to her: "There are my colleagues below.

I'll go down and you'll be fine!

If I don't go down, I definitely won't let you go.

Then we would all be in big trouble!

Listen, you are only completely safe when I am safe.

No matter what you have done before, I promise I will not pursue you! "

Lan Lan was a little moved.

In the past two years, all she has done in the nightclub is entertainment business, which is illegal in itself.

Moreover, she has been arrested several times and has a criminal record.

If this police officer can really help her clear these criminal records, then she can go home with peace of mind, find an honest man to marry, and live a down-to-earth life.

After thinking about it, Lan Lan said to Xu Qing: "Okay! You must keep your word!"

Xu Qing nodded. This little thing was nothing to her. She would definitely do it if she said it.

Lan Lan helped her to the sink, washed her face, and then walked out together.

As soon as they walked out of the women's restroom, Bai Shaobo stood in front of them, and they almost bumped into each other.

Lan Lan screamed with guilty conscience. Bai Shaobo glanced at Xu Qing, frowned and said:

“Cleaned up so quickly?

Why didn't you take off your clothes? "

Lan Lan quickly said: "It's just a little on the face and neck, not much on the clothes, just wipe it off!"

There was an evil light in Bai Shaobo's eyes. He pushed Xu Qing's shoulders and said, "I just saw it on her clothes! Go in and let me see if there is anything on her..."

At this moment, Xu Qing, who was drooping his head on Lan Lan's shoulder, suddenly raised his head!

She held down his head and mouth with both hands, lifted her right knee up hard, and hit Bai Shaobo's crotch hard!

Bai Shaobo's eyes turned white, and he opened his mouth to scream, but Xu Qing held him down.

Then he winked at Lan Lan, held down his head and bumped Lan Lan together!


Bai Shaobo's head hit the wall next to the tile door, and he fell to the ground and passed out!

Xu Qing's legs went weak and he almost collapsed to the ground.

Lan Lan rushed over, hugged her, and dragged her towards the elevator as hard as she could!

When she got to the elevator, Lanlan was sweating profusely.

She pressed the elevator button hard, and after a while, the elevator slowly came down and reached the fourth floor!


The elevator door opened, and there was no one inside.

Good opportunity!

Lanlan half-carried and half-dragged Xu Qing into the elevator and pressed the first floor button!

The elevator door slowly closed, and there was no movement outside, as if no one had noticed.

Lanlan breathed a sigh of relief, and when the elevator door closed and began to descend, she excitedly said to Xu Qing: "Success! We are saved..."

As soon as the voice fell, the elevator stopped with a ding!

Looking at the floor instructions, this is the second floor!

The moment the elevator door opened, Lanlan shouted: "Help..."

Before she finished speaking, two big men flashed in, and one of them covered her mouth directly!

It turned out that not only was there someone guarding the stairs, but there were also people standing guard next to the elevator.

Anyone who came down from the fourth floor, who was not Robert and his people, would be inspected and questioned!

Lanlan's face turned pale in an instant, and her eyes were full of fear!

Xu Qing's heart began to fall.

The clear mind she had managed to maintain was gradually replaced by chaos, and she began to despair.

The elevator reached the fourth floor, and the two women were directly carried up and walked back to the Qiandao Lake box, where they were thrown to the ground!

Bai Shaobo was also helped back, his face full of pain.

He gritted his teeth and looked at Xu Qing and Lanlan, cursing, "You two bitches, dare to do this to me!

I'll kill you..."

He rushed over and wanted to be ruthless to Xu Qing, but heard Robert say, "Hey, Mr. Bai, don't forget that this person is very useful to me!"

"Then she's useless!" Bai Shaobo punched Lanlan in the face!

Lan Lan's mouth and nose were bleeding, she cried loudly, and begged Sun Liangjun: "Young Master Sun, save me!"

Sun Liangjun showed a cold smile at the corner of his mouth, and said to her: "Okay, I'll save you!

Mr. Robert, let's play a show, I can't wait!"

Robert also showed an evil smile on his face and said to him: "Okay, as you wish, my friend!"

He reached out and pushed open a secret door on the wall next to him, and pressed one of the buttons.

Two rope hooks slowly descended from the ceiling.

Sun Liangjun pulled Lan Lan's hair, and regardless of her crying, dragged her under the rope hook.

He stuffed her hands into the rope ring on the rope hook and tightened it.

As Robert pressed another button, Lan Lan's body was hung up!



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