Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1921 Believe in me and believe in yourself

Seeing Xu Qing's current appearance, Ning Xiruo was startled and hugged her distressedly.

"Sister Qing, calm down! It's okay, Xin'an and I are here!"

Xu Qing grabbed Chen Xin'an's hand and begged him:

“Peace of mind, I know you have it, I know you can get it!

Give me a little, I don't ask for much, just a shot.

I saw the box, and there were five or six needles in it.

Just give me a shot! "

I was able to hold back when I was in Sofia because I had just received the injection.

And because her body was severely tortured, her concentration was distracted.

But now, all the medicinal properties of those things have evaporated, and she can't control herself at all!

"Sister Qing, what do you want? Tell me, okay? I'll give it to you!" Ning Xiruo hugged Xu Qing's shoulders.

Xu Qing seemed to have seen a savior. He let go of Chen Xin'an, hugged Ning Xiruo and said:

"Xi Ruo, I know you are the kindest!

Help Sister Qing get the needle, Xin'an has it with her! "

Ning Xiruo looked at Chen Xin'an with a strange look on her face.

"Husband, what does Sister Qing want? Give it to her, she's in too much pain now!"

Chen Xin'an shook her head and said: "I don't have it on me.

Even if there is, I won’t give it to her!

That's contraband!

Sister Qing was forcibly injected with something like that by a bad guy! "

Ning Xiruo's eyes widened, she looked at Xu Qing in disbelief, and shouted tremblingly: "Sister Qing!"

Xu Qing just grabbed her hand and shouted: "Xi Ruo, Sister Qing is feeling uncomfortable!

You pity Sister Qing, please beg Xin An and let him give me a shot!

I know what he has on him, even if he really doesn’t have it, he also knows who took it away.

You ask him to help Sister Qing get it, Sister Qing, please! "

Seeing Xu Qing crying and crying, Ning Xiruo felt extremely distressed.

She looked at Chen Xin'an and wanted to speak but closed her mouth again.

She is not an ignorant girl, how could she not know the horror of that kind of thing?

Xu Qing is indeed very pitiful now, but he can't really give her things just because of this.

In that case, her life would be completely over!

"Sister Qing, hold on, you will get through it!" Ning Xiruo shed tears and hugged Xu Qing's shoulders.

Xu Qing suddenly became quiet and said coldly: "So, you would rather watch me die in pain than help me, right?

Get out of here!

Don't be pretentious here! "

She pushed Ning Xiruo away roughly, gritted her teeth and cursed: "If you don't even help me with a little help, who are you friends and relatives?

to beat?

You said it so easily!

I'll give you an injection, will you bear with me?

All I need is a little bit, and I will persist in overcoming it in the future.

You have to let me catch my breath first, right?

Only then do I have the strength to quit this thing, Xiruo, you say so, right? "

Just as Ning Xiruo was about to speak, Chen Xinan said expressionlessly:

"Xu Qing, those things were taken away by the police this morning. They are evidence.

I know you are feeling very uncomfortable now, but you must persevere and use your perseverance to overcome it..."

"Shut up!" Xu Qing glared at Chen Xin'an and yelled: "Don't stand here and talk without your back hurting!

If you have never tasted this, you will not know the pain involved!


Get out of here, all of you!

If you don't want to help me, then stay away from me. I don't want to see you!

Isn't it at the police station?

I'll get it myself! "

She pushed Ning Xiruo away from the bed with all her strength.

Chen Xin'an quickly hugged his daughter-in-law and watched Xu Qing prepare to get out of bed. He said coldly:

"Xu Qing, don't forget your identity!

You are the police!

Do you want to go to the police station and ask for contraband?

And then inject that kind of thing in front of all your colleagues?

Tell your colleagues that you have become the same person you usually catch? "

Xu Qing's movements froze, and a look of fear appeared on her face.

Tears dripped from her face. She hugged her head helplessly and cried:

“But I feel really uncomfortable!

I want it so much, even just a little bit!

I just take a breath, really, I am too depressed now! "

Chen Xin'an also felt distressed.

What a proud person he was!

It was not relying on connections, but relying on her own strength that allowed her, a young woman, to become the captain of the criminal investigation team.

Chen Xin'an has never seen her cry since he met her.

I have never seen her surrender to anyone!

Perform tasks and always rush to the front.

She is obviously a woman, but she is more heroic than a man!

But now, I was tortured by those things, crying and moody, like a psycho!

If she really goes to the police station, she will have no bottom line and completely become a slave to those things!

Of course Chen Xin'an would not just watch that happen!

Before Xu Qing completely collapses, he must control it.

"Xu Qing, get some sleep and leave it to me to figure it out!" Chen Xin'an walked up to her and said softly: "Everything will pass, believe me, okay?"

Xu Qing grabbed his collar uncomfortably, raised his red eyes, and cursed at him:

"Past? How the hell can I get there?

Don't you understand now?

I'm so useless!

My life is over, completely shattered!


Chen Xin'an stuck a needle on the top of her head to stop her from going crazy and said softly:

"Xu Qing, control your emotions, cooperate with me, trust me!

Don’t forget that you are a police officer, and you must believe that you will always be a police officer!

I will do my best to make you change back to your former self and continue to be a police officer! "

After hearing these words, Xu Qing, who originally wanted to build up his strength to resist, felt as if someone had tapped his acupuncture points. His whole body was stiff and motionless.

Then her whole body gradually relaxed and she slowly closed her eyes.

Tears slipped from the corners of his eyes.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Ning Xiruo: "Daughter-in-law, call Bova and ask her to take a taxi to the People's Hospital.

Please take out your cell phone for me and dial Lei Guang's number! "

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo first took out Chen Xin'an's cell phone and dialed Lei Guang's number.

Then he clamped the phone to Chen Xin'an's ear and walked aside to make a call.

"Leader!" Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "I want to help Xu Qing take a long leave. Please help me handle it and make the procedure simple.

Yes, all positions and police numbers will be retained, just a leave of absence.

It takes at least one month, possibly longer.

I want to send her to Kyoto!

Yes, that’s why!

Believe me, and believe her, she can overcome it! "

After Guai dropped the phone, Ning Xiruo also came over, helped him put the phone away, nodded and said, "Bova is already here!"

Soon, Mombova walked in and asked him: "Senior brother, are you looking for me?"

Chen Xin'an pointed to Xu Qing who was already sleeping soundly on the hospital bed and said, "Check it and see if there is anything you can do!"

Mengbowa nodded, picked up Xu Qing's hand, asked Chen Xin'an to borrow a steel needle, and pricked her finger.

She licked the blood from Xu Qing's hand with her fingers and put it into her mouth.

After a while, Mongpowa's face became solemn and she said to Chen Xin'an:

"What a terrible poison!

More domineering than Master and Grandpa's poison!

Brother, what is this? "

Chen Xin'an sighed and said: "It is a new type of contraband, very addictive!

Bova, is there anything you can do? "

Mompowa pursed her lips and said, "If the natal Gu hadn't evolved, I would have shook my head right away.

But now, I think I can try it! "

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded and said to her and Ning Xiruo: "Senior brother, I leave this matter to you!

Wife, take Sister Qing back to Kyoto and go with you.

Ask Aqi to follow me, and everyone else will follow you! "

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