Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1926 Don’t let me see you in the future

Xihe Municipal Bureau Office Building Compound.

Cao Kunlin, who was covered in injuries and his head was swollen like a pig's head, followed him with the help of his men.

Not far away is the interrogation room.

This place is no stranger to him. In the past, when he encountered some thorns, he would bring them here.

After all, it is not a regular law enforcement department, so it dare not set up an interrogation room in the joint defense team.

Therefore, we can only use the city bureau's space. On the contrary, the police rarely use this place. People from the joint defense team use it.

Seeing Chen Xin'an and Li Qi being sent to the city bureau, Cao Kunlin's face showed excitement that a great revenge was about to be avenged!

Although Chen Xin'an beat him hard, she didn't kill him.

But this feeling was enough for Cao Kunlin.

There were many fractures all over the body, and no one was without pain.

Now he really hates these two outsiders!

In Xihe, when had Cao Kunlin suffered such a big loss!

Now that we are on my territory, let’s see how arrogant you are!

Seeing that the two outsiders had come in but were not handcuffed, Cao Kunlin looked dissatisfied:

"Old Feng, what are you doing?

Why did you bring these people here without cuffing them, and you want to sacrifice them?

Look how they beat me!

Let me tell you first, this matter must not be let go easily!

Not to mention the medical expenses, I have to send them in!

At least five years to start! "

Chen Xin'an and Li Qi stood by the stairs and asked Feng Jianxing, "Which floor is your municipal bureau leader's office on?"

Just when Feng Jianxing was about to speak, Cao Kunlin cursed angrily: "You really treat yourself like a root vegetable, don't you?

Do you know where this place is?

Who the hell do you think you are, that you dare to meet the leaders of the municipal bureau?

Lao Feng, what the hell are you doing?

I warn you, if..."

"Shut up!" Feng Jianxing shouted angrily and cursed at Cao Kunlin: "Who are you warning?

I’m giving you face, right?

What kind of bullshit identity do you have that you don’t know?

Do you think that just because you are the joint defense captain, you can be on an equal footing with my criminal investigation captain?

Believe it or not, I will handcuff you now? "

Cao Kunlin was stunned.

I have definitely gotten used to it over the years, and I always feel that the joint defense team has replaced the police force.

The joint defense team has the final say on all matters of security in Xihe.

As the joint defense captain, he really didn't take the criminal investigation captain seriously.

After all, there are people from the city government supporting us!

However, in the past two years, the joint defense team has received so many complaints that even the official leaders are dissatisfied.

I have also been alienating them in the past two years.

However, it is indeed more convenient for them to do many things than for others.

So it has never been abandoned.

This gives everyone in the zone defense team an illusion.

I was still at my most prosperous time back then.

On the city bureau's side, unless the big leader personally comes forward, the joint defense team will give face.

A captain like Feng Jianxing is nothing in front of Cao Kunlin!

But now Cao Kunlin also realized that this captain was a serious leader.

As a captain, I am not part of the establishment at all. I am self-proclaimed and my power is not recognized!

He also realized that he had passed, and said to Feng Jianxing with an embarrassed look:

"Old Feng, I'm so angry!

Our friendship, don't worry about such trivial matters.

The injuries on my body and the dead people taken away are all solid evidence.

These two foreigners have really broken the law. You must not be polite to them!

Don’t think that you can scare the police in Xihe by just saying a few big words!

Let’s lock them in for interrogation first, my brothers can all help! "

Feng Jianxing said with a straight face: "I know what to do myself, I don't need you to teach me!"

Turning his head, he asked Chen Xin'an: "You want to see our leader? If you have anything to say, it's the same with me!"

"You can't make the decision!" Chen Xin'an looked at him with a half-smile and said, "Why don't you call him to tell him to come down and see me.

It doesn't matter, I'll wait for him here.

Don't worry, he will come down! "

Cao Kunlin cursed angrily: "Who the hell do you think you are, and you dare to ask the leader of the municipal bureau to see you? I really thought... what are you doing?"

Seeing Chen Xin'an walking straight towards him, Cao Kunlin panicked!

A joint defense team member wanted to stop Chen Xin'an, but before he could speak, Li Qi rushed over and kicked him to the ground!

Cao Kunlin shouted in panic: "Old Feng, stop him! This is the city bureau, these two boys are simply lawless!"

Chen Xin'an had already walked in front of him, and the several joint defense team members beside him were so frightened that they all let go of Cao Kunlin and took two steps back.

I don’t blame them for their lack of loyalty, the main reason is that this Dongshan guy is so arrogant that he dares to beat people to death in front of the police!

Cao Kunlin looked at Chen Xin'an tremblingly and shouted: "This is the city bureau, what do you want to do? Do you still want to attack me here?"


Chen Xin'an kicked him in the stomach, knocking him to the ground, then kicked him hard and cursed:

"I not only touched you, I also touched you! What can you do to me?

Do you know why I don't kick you to death?

I just keep you and torture you slowly!

What kind of law enforcement officer does a gangster think he is? Who is going to spoil you?

If you dare to show off in front of me, I will beat you to a point where your life is worse than death! "

"Don't go too far, this is the city bureau!" Feng Jianxing shouted angrily, and a group of police officers also wanted to rush over with angry faces.

But at this moment, someone shouted at the stairs: "What are you doing? You have nothing to do?"

Feng Jianxing breathed a sigh of relief and quickly shouted: "Leader Li!"

Cao Kunlin lay on the ground and wailed: "Leader Li, save me!"

Feng Jianxing said to Chen Xin'an: "Okay, stop it! Don't you want to see our leader? He is already here..."

Leader Li stood aside and said: "Mr. Chen can do whatever he wants without stopping him.

I'm not in a hurry, just wait here! "

The whole courtyard fell silent, and everyone looked at Leader Li in disbelief, unable to believe that he had said this.

Then everyone looked at Chen Xin'an, wondering who this person was, and why the leader of the Xihe City Bureau was so polite!

Cao Kunlin was also dumbfounded.

He thought he was just a foreigner, but he never expected that the leader of the Xihe Municipal Bureau was so polite to him!

I just kept provoking this person, wouldn't this beating be in vain?

Thinking of what the other party just said, it wasn't that they didn't dare to kick him to death, but they were deliberately torturing him!

Cao Kunlin shuddered.

Maybe the other party is really capable of killing him!

Seeing that he was just crying and no longer struggling, Chen Xin'an lost interest and kicked him on the head, knocking him over!

Turning around, Chen Xin'an said to the cowering defense team members:

“Tug this trash away and don’t let me see you again!

Otherwise I wouldn't be so polite! "

Are you being polite?

Several joint defense players were so depressed that they almost vomited blood.

Leader Li frowned and said: "Mr. Chen, don't worry, I have already made suggestions to the officials to cancel the joint defense team. It should be passed and implemented soon!"

A group of joint defense team members had earth-colored faces, as if they were mourning for their heirs.

If the joint defense team really withdraws, they will lose the capital and confidence to show off their power!

Chen Xin'an ignored this and said to Leader Li: "Leader Li, let's go to your office to have a chat?

I would also like to ask Leader Li for help with some things! "

"Okay, no problem!" Leader Li said to Chen Xin'an: "Just call me Li Qingyuan! Please come to the third floor!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and went upstairs with Li Qi.

Feng Jianxing grabbed Li Qingyuan and asked in a low voice: "Leader, who is this person?"

Li Qingyuan put on a serious face and said to him in a deep voice: "As long as you know that Mr. Fang personally called us to ask us to cooperate with him, that's fine!"

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