Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1945 This risky move is a good move

I'm afraid Cai Guangyuan never dreamed that the scene that just happened to the fake Walker would happen to him so soon.

Before he could react, he was chopped down with knives and lay in a pool of blood!

Chen Xin'an ignored this and just said coldly to Diesel:

"It's too late to leave now!

You can try running forward and see if you can run faster or if my knife flies faster! "

Diesel was so frightened that he dared to move and just stood there obediently.

He turned his head, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, don't kill me. These things have nothing to do with me. I'm just a businessman. I only know how to do business, and I don't understand anything else!"

Chen Xin'an cursed angrily: "Diesel, I have no grievances with you. Do you think I'm a fool?"

Diesel was stunned for a moment and didn't react for a moment.


Chen Xin'an kicked him to the ground, narrowed his eyes and said, "Popuda has invested nearly 10 billion in Xihe for three years!

We are very close to almost all official departments in Xihe.

You even recruited a large number of people to your ship.

You started making mobile phones a year ago. Although you have not become a major mobile phone manufacturer in China, you have made the entire Xihe official website your users.

You say this kind of purposeful investment is a businessman's behavior. Do you think I am an idiot? "

Diesel's face was pale and he looked at Chen Xin'an with evasive eyes.

This is probably the most terrifying opponent he has ever encountered in his life!

He is so scheming that he is at his wits end now. In the face of absolute strength, all his tricks are in vain!

"Chen Xin'an, you can't kill me!" Diesel said through gritted teeth, "The control room was closed and the Eagle Flag Headquarters withdrew all investments.

Popda is now nothing but an empty shell.

But it still carries billions of yuan in debt and construction schedules.

This loss is a bottomless pit!

The most important thing is that the stock price plummeted and the employees had no whereabouts.

By then, tens of thousands or more people will be in chaos. Without my words, you won’t be able to resolve these things! "

Chen Xin'an sneered and said: "Haha, you can't make things right!

Diesel, do you think we Chinese are easy to deceive?

We believe everything you say?

Do you think that if your Eagle Flag country withdraws its funds, we will be in chaos?

What's left is a big mess?

I'll let you live a little longer and see how this Popda turned into us! "

Diesel said hehe: "You can't save me! Even if you try to think of a solution now, it's already too late!

It's daybreak and the stock market is open.

The employees here have also started to make trouble. You are stretched thin and you can only watch everything! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said, "Let's go, I'll take you somewhere, just watch it!"

Before Diesel could react, Chen Xin'an reached out with his right hand and stuck two silver needles into Diesel's head.

The old fox, who was originally looking for a chance to slip away, felt all the blood in his body begin to rush to his head at this moment.

My whole body is getting stiffer and stiffer, and even taking a step is troublesome!

Chen Xin'an ignored him, turned around and injected the fake Walker, and said softly: "I will leave you to your sister and go to the hospital to recover.

Leave the rest to me, don't worry, everything is under control! "

Fake Walker nodded and said, "I know, I didn't trust the wrong person.

You did it, I said you could do it! "

"Okay, stop talking!" Chen Xin'an picked him up and said softly: "Keep your strength up, there are still many things you need to do later!"

The employee next to him was still stabbing Cai Guangyuan conscientiously, and Chen Xin'an said in a deep voice: "Get away!"

A group of employees quickly stopped and stood aside cautiously.

Chen Xin'an didn't let them leave, and they didn't dare to run.

Looking at the dying Cai Guangyuan on the ground, Chen Xin'an asked the employee next to him his name and laughed:

"It turns out that Diesel's agent in Popda is you!

Cai Guangyuan?

So Cai Yingwu is your relative? "

Cai Guangyuan spit out blood from his mouth and said in a trembling voice: "My cousin will not let you go!"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an looked at him sarcastically and said, "Then you will be disappointed, because your cousin was also pulled down by me!

At this moment, your cousin who is the second leader has probably entered the interrogation room of the Discipline Inspection Commission! "

Cai Guangyuan opened his mouth, as if it was difficult to accept this fact.

A large amount of blood poured out of his mouth, and his eyes stared at Chen Xin'an with hatred. He wanted to say something, but he had no strength and his breathing became slower and slower until he stopped completely.

Chen Xin'an ignored him, lowered her head and said to the fake Walker: "Where can I find your sister? Please show me the way, let's go there now!"

Soon, the two came to the back door of the cafeteria.

According to the fake Walker's instructions, Chen Xin'an knocked on the door three times. The back door opened and a cafeteria lady stood at the door.

"Chen Xin'an?" The aunt in the cafeteria was stunned for a moment, and when she saw the person in his arms, she screamed: "Jiahui!" Tears welled up instantly.

Chen Xin'an quickly said: "He's not dead! Arrange for people to be sent to the hospital immediately! Where are my brothers Li Qi and Han Bing?"

Now Chen Xin'an also knows that this cafeteria aunt is Huan Shen's apprentice Qin Hanya.

The fake Walker in his arms is of course Tan Jiahui pretending to be one!

The siblings made a risky move, but it paid off!

After handing Tan Jiahui to Tan Hanya, Chen Xin'an asked, "Have you seen the brother who is following me? And where is Han Bing?"

Tan Hanya said: "The factory employees were making a fuss, and Han Bing went over. Your brother Li Qi was with her!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

As long as Li Qi is by his side, Han Bing will be fine.

He turned around and wanted to leave, but Tan Hanya suddenly stopped him and said, "Mr. Chen!"

She took out a small black bag, handed it to Chen Xin'an and said, "This is Popuda's most important data, please keep it!"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer it and said to her: "It's better for you to leave it alone than for me to leave it alone.

Someone will take over soon, so you can hand it over to him personally! "

Naturally, Chen Xin'an would not snatch away the credit that the siblings had sacrificed their lives for.

Tan Jiahui shouted: "Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "No need to persuade me, it's even more inconvenient for me to have this thing on me!"

"No!" Tan Jiahui looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I want to ask Mr. Chen to bring Xiaobing back safely!"

Chen Xin'an glanced at him and nodded.

Factory square.

Countless people gathered together, surrounding a middle-aged man in the middle, and they were very excited.

"Vice President Ding, tell me, has the factory been sued and can't continue? Has it closed down?"

"Who the hell set the warehouse on fire? After working hard for a month, you are about to get your salary and you are doing this. Are you even a human being?"

"I heard that someone bribed the authorities and said that everything we produce is illegal?

I just want to ask, how can the mobile phones we produce break the law?

Did it kill people or set fires? "

Vice President Ding, who was surrounded by the crowd, explained feebly, but his voice was muffled by the people around him and could not be heard at all.

He had a smile on his face, but in his heart he greeted Cai Guangyuan's eighteen generations of ancestors!

It was this bastard who arranged for a group of people to spread rumors in the factory and make people panic.

These employees were also provoked, and rumors spread all over the place. There were even rumors that someone was coming to rob the production equipment, so a large number of people gathered here.

He has already sent his closest men to find the president.

Now only the presence of the CEO can appease people's hearts!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: "Don't wait, the factory has collapsed! They want to transport the equipment away as well."

At that time, we will only be able to guard this empty factory and gain nothing!

Before they take action, let's quickly smash the equipment!

If you can sell it for money, tear it down! "

Everyone cheered in unison and the crowd was in a commotion!

Vice President Ding's face turned pale. This is the most terrifying situation and it has already occurred!

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