Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1993 Every inch of land must be fought for

What does this guy want to do?

A group of people from the pharmaceutical factory stared blankly at the two forklifts passing by.

Fortunately, the security guard on duty was alert and ran directly into the guard room and closed the electric door!

This kid has a future!

Zhou Guanhua glanced at the security guard with satisfaction and thought that once this matter was over, he would give this guy a bonus of two hundred yuan!

Once my door is closed, how dare you force your way in?

If you dare to do this, you are blatantly breaking the law!

But soon his sneer froze on his face!

After closing the door, the speed of the two forklifts did not change at all, but the direction changed.

Instead of rushing to the gate, he drove straight to the guard room!

"What, what are you doing!" The security guard in the guard room stared at the forklift that was speeding by, and shouted sternly:

"Don't mess around, I won't leave!

Come and kill me if you can!

Factory director, don’t worry!

Someone is in the duty room! "

The person in the forklift didn't even hear it and stepped on the accelerator.


Two large forks hit the wall, and the guard room, which was originally made of stainless steel, shook violently.

With a clicking sound, the fork and knife easily broke through the wall of the guard room!

The security guard hiding inside screamed in fear and ran away through the door!

Behind him, the forklift was like an enraged elephant, quickly tearing apart the guard room!

Zhou Guanhua jumped to his feet angrily and yelled: "You are so fucking stupid!

You're in there and they're just trying to scare you, so they don't dare to hit you!

You even said someone was in the duty room!

Chicken-hearted! "

The security guard rolled his eyes with a resentful look.

I'll go to hell with you!

I earn four and a half thousand a month, why on earth do you want me to work for you?

You stand inside and try to see if they dare to hit you, but I don’t dare to!

Just shout a slogan casually, why do you take it seriously?

The other forklift did not hit the gate, but went straight to the door pillar.

With a bang, it knocked over the doorpost that was still flashing the red light.

As soon as the lamppost fell, the entire gate fell to the ground!

Then two forklifts, one on the left and one on the right, began to turn around and rushed towards the walls on both sides!

"Chen Xin'an, what do you want to do!" Looking at the smashed guard room and door of his pharmaceutical factory, Zhou Guanhua went crazy with anger and shouted at Chen Xin'an.

Chen Xin'an glanced at him, sneered and said, "You will understand soon!"

He waved to the factory area again.

Zhou Guanhua's eyelids twitched, what kind of trick is this guy trying to do?

Soon another group of people rushed out from the winery.

They were wearing hard hats, carrying big shovels, and all kinds of construction tools, and rushed over.

"Zhang Wanwan, how long will it take?" Chen Xin'an shouted to one of them.

Zhang Baiwan grinned and said: "Demolish the wall in the morning and build the wall in the afternoon. Completed in two days!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said, "Leave it to you!"

"No problem, boss!" Zhang Wanwan made an OK gesture, waved his hand and shouted to the people around him: "Brothers, work!"

A group of construction workers shouted and rushed to the wall of the pharmaceutical factory, waved their small hoes and began to dig out the wall!

Zhou Guanhua now understands what this guy Chen Xinan is going to do!

He wants to tear down the wall of his pharmaceutical factory and build a winery wall here!

Isn't this bastard too unscrupulous?

Zhou Guanhua shouted to squad leader Cai: "Old Cai, call me someone! Let's see who dares to tear down our Jintai wall!"

"Copy that!" Squad Leader Cai responded, turned around and ran into the pharmaceutical factory.

After a while, shouts from loudspeakers came from the pharmaceutical factory, and soon a group of security guards led employees and rushed out towards the east side door!

"Mr. Chen, this..." Mou Pingxuan glanced at Chen Xin'an and was speechless.

She felt that her presence here today was redundant.

Originally, her role was to avoid such scenes.

But my boss always doesn't act according to common sense!

Zhou Guanhua also looked livid and said to Chen Xin'an: "Chen, you forced me to do this!

You are fully responsible for everything that happens here today! "

Chen Xin'an smiled at Mou Pingxuan, shook his head and said, "Don't worry, I can play with this little ant however I want!"

Turning his head, he looked at Zhou Guanhua and said, "So what if I force you? It's just you wastes? Do you dare to take action or call in reinforcements?"

Beside the collapsed gate, a group of people from the pharmaceutical factory rushed out, shouting and surrounding the construction workers.

"Go away! Who told you to do this? Are you looking for death?"

But before they could get close, a group of rough guys raised their weapons and smashed them head-on!

The group of people brought by Zhang Wanwan are all Dongshan fellows.

He is the kind of master who can work hard and cause trouble.

What kind of scene have you never seen?

Where can I be afraid of a group of pharmaceutical workers and small security guards?

The foreman who was walking in the front and cursing just now, before he could react, his head was almost blown off by a shovel!

Red and hot blood flowed from his forehead, and the foreman was stunned!

Seeing another shot with a shovel, the foreman cried out, turned around and ran away!

The employees of the pharmaceutical factory who were so angry just now ran away in panic, wishing they had two more legs!

"Why are you running!" someone yelled from behind.

Squad leader Cai came with a group of people to support again!

In terms of numbers, the pharmaceutical company clearly has the upper hand.

At this moment, the winery became lively, and a large group of people came here aggressively with steel pipes and iron bars!

Sun Yong, the workshop director, gritted his teeth and pointed at the people in the pharmaceutical factory and cursed: "Kill these Jintai dogs to death!"

Hundreds of people shouted like thunder, shouting in unison, and rushed over fiercely!

Zhou Guanhua was dumbfounded this time.

He roped in some employees to help out, promising money and benefits.

However, I was reluctant to give too much, so I called for one or two hundred people at most.

Did this guy Chen Xin'an bring the entire factory here?

Knowing that you have money, there is no need to spend such a large sum of money, right?

You must know that employees are here to work and earn money, and land disputes like this have little to do with them.

Of course, employees have a sense of belonging and identification with their company, but not so much that they can fight for it.

This is based on the company's good benefits and benefits.

If you encounter some unscrupulous companies and have disputes with outsiders, it would be a good idea if you don't take advantage of them.

This is also the reason why Chen Xin'an directly brought people over from Maoping New District.

He wouldn't expect factory employees to help.

It's just that the current result surprised him.

He didn't pay employees to support him, and he didn't need to.

So these people came here spontaneously!

Zhou Guanhua stared at Chen Xin'an and cursed at him with a look of grief and anger: "Chen Xin'an, can you be reasonable!

We have a contract to prove that this land belongs to us, signed by Lu Zifu himself!

Why don't you admit it?

Your business is so big, why do you care so much about this? "

Chen Xin'an came over, stood in front of him, and looked at him with squinted eyes.

Zhou Guanhua looked at him angrily, showing no sign of weakness.


Chen Xin'an slapped him in the face with a big mouth!

"Are you an idiot?

Don’t you understand that every inch of land must be fought for?

Things belonging to me, Chen Xin'an, can be given away and rewarded, but they cannot be snatched away!

The west wall of the winery is here.

In the future, if you want to dump garbage and find a place by yourself, get away!

The wall will be built in two days, and you can complain to anyone.

We, Lawyer Mou, will stay with you until the end!

If you dare to destroy my wall, I will make your pharmaceutical factory workers have no place to work! "

Zhou Guanhua covered his face and cursed angrily: "This is what Mr. Lu did back then..."

Chen Xin'an slapped him in the face again and cursed:

"Since Lu Zifu agreed to give it to you, I can send you to him to get it now!"

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