Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 1999 There is a female gangster in the family

Opening the mailbox on his mobile phone and looking at the email sent by Mou Pingxuan, Chen Xin'an's face became increasingly gloomy.

The protagonists of the photo are three foreigners with burnt skin, surrounded by a group of people wearing chemical protective suits.

Either drawing blood, or lying on the bed, with all kinds of wires attached to the body connected to various instruments.

Chen Xin'an looked at these photos, turned around and walked out.

After joint identification by Huang Hexiang and Jiang Yu, it can now be determined that these three people are the three foreigners on Snow Airlines flight 5881!

Unexpectedly, they were all in Jintai Pharmaceutical Factory!

What are they doing?

Zhu Yanmei didn't say much, but Chen Xin'an could tell that this was a research experiment.

In addition, today these three people from the Pharmaceutical Association came to promote a new type of special medicine, Chen Xin'an's eyes widened.

Could it be that the new special medicine was developed by relying on these three foreigners?

This is strange!

It seems that the spread of influenza this time has something to do with these three foreigners, right?

Why did he become an experimental product for developing special drugs as soon as he got off the plane?

He sent these photos to Sun Galuo and repeatedly told him to protect Zhu Yanmei’s safety during the investigation!

On the third day of the influenza outbreak, the number of infections was finally contained.

Because a new drug called "Jintai Ganmaoling" has been launched on the market, which has a very good therapeutic effect on this flu.

It’s just that this kind of medicine is not something that ordinary people can afford.

The most common Jintai Ganmao Ling capsules are taken three times a day.

Three pills make a plate, and the price of this plate is 320 yuan.

If you want to completely remove cold viruses from your body, you need Wuban, which is a course of treatment.

In other words, to completely cure this flu, one person needs to spend 1,600 yuan.

For wealthy families, this is nothing.

But for ordinary families, this is really a big investment.

But there is no way. If it weren't for this medicine, even if I was hospitalized, I would still be suffering from the disease over and over again!

And the severity of this miscarriage exceeded everyone's expectations.

It’s not just that it spreads quickly and with ferocity.

Especially because of its terrible destructiveness.

Especially for the elderly with underlying diseases, it brings a terrible mortality rate!

In Zhenghe Hospital alone, fifteen people died from the flu in three days!

Across Kyoto, the number of deaths due to the flu exceeded 500 in three days!

This has caused great panic among citizens!

So no matter how expensive the medicine is, everyone still has to buy it.

However, there are still a large number of people who cannot afford it or are unwilling to part with it, so they can only rely on other drugs.

But at this time, Jishitang also launched a pharmacy specifically designed to treat influenza, Jishi Wenhan Fang.

The medicine bought for 20 yuan is enough for a family to take for three days, and it can also cure a cold!

But two days after it went on the market, some gossip came to the market.

It is said that some pregnant women took Jishi Wenhan prescription, which caused miscarriage.

It means that there are pictures on the Internet, which show the tragic case of an old man who had a stomachache at home and was found dead two days after taking medicine due to a severe reaction!

On the table in the photo, there are also Jishitang's special medicine bags and the drug residue from Jishi Wenliangfang.

The reputation of Jishi Wenhan Fang fell to the bottom overnight.

In the evening, Chen Xin'an picked up his wife from get off work and returned home.

The liveliness that had not been there for a long time is now back.

No matter what the outside world thinks, people in my own family certainly know whether it works or not.

Before eating, Zhaodi will cook a pot of medicinal soup for everyone, and each person will scoop a bowl.

After coming back, drink a bowl of medicinal soup to drive away the cold.

Anhao Group, winery, and Junhao Group are all using Jishi Wenhan Fang.

Except for Huang Hexiang and Jiang Yu, no one among Chen Xin'an's relatives and friends has been to the hospital.

Seeing Chen Xin'an handing the empty bowl to Zhao Di, the two girls Xiaojiu and Du Yunyan waved to Chen Xin'an with mysterious looks on their faces.

Taking the opportunity to see the second pole, Chen Xin'an asked the two of them: "What's wrong, making it so mysterious?"

Xiaojiu's face turned red, she glanced at Du Yunyan and said, "Say it!"

"Why?" Du Yunyan looked unconvinced.

Xiao Jiu said confidently: "I...how can I be embarrassed!"

Du Yunyan cursed angrily: "You are embarrassed, but I am embarrassed? You haven't seen me, and you haven't seen me either, okay?"

Chen Xin'an smiled and said: "In that case, let's not talk about it!"

He has no interest in gossip anyway.

"No!" The two little girls were anxious, and Xiaojiu pushed Du Yunyan.

Du Yunyan was worried and whispered to Chen Xin'an: "Boss, when we come back this afternoon...

I saw Zhao Di and Ye Zhen hiding in the same bed, naked..."

She blushed and made a clapping gesture towards Chen Xin'an.

"Ah?" Chen Xin'an stared at Du Yunyan in disbelief and said:

"Did you two see it wrong? Maybe he was sleeping.

Some people just like to sleep without clothes on! "

"Then what is this?" Xiaojiu took out a pink gadget from his pocket and threw it to Chen Xin'an.

"What is this?" Chen Xin'an looked at the thing in his hand and didn't understand.

This is a cylindrical ball about the size of two quail eggs, with a wire attached to one end.

On the other end of the line is a controller.

As soon as you press the switch on the controller, the thing buzzes and vibrates.

The force was so strong that my hands were numb from the shock.

And this thing is actually divided into gears, corresponding to different vibration frequencies and speeds!

Well, even if Chen Xin'an has never used this thing, he now knows what it is.

How embarrassing!

Chen Xin'an put the things in his pocket and rubbed his face vigorously with both hands.

"What..." Chen Xin'an said to the two girls after being stunned for a long time:

"Ye Zhen's mind is a little unclear right now, and his actions cannot be inferred by ordinary people.

But don’t worry, she is still our family after all and will not harm you..."

Du Yunyan blushed and said, "But she still touched me randomly in the afternoon...I didn't pay attention, and she put her hand directly into my clothes!"

Chen Xin'an: "..."

Turning his head, he looked at Xiao Jiu who was blushing and asked, "She does this to you too?"

Xiaojiu's face turned red to her ears and she nodded.

What a sin!

Chen Xin'an covered her face with her hands, really not knowing what to say.

After being injured once, how could this aspect be broken?

This stinky girl, before and after the injury, was not a fuel-efficient lamp!

Chen Xin'an said to the two of them with an embarrassed look: "What about that? Leave this matter to me.

I'll let your sister-in-law take care of her later! "

Du Yunyan was shy and wanted to laugh, so she said to him: "Boss, I advise you not to!

My sister-in-law was so frightened that she ran out of Ye Zhen's room more than once!

Now there is no woman in our family who is not afraid of Ye Zhen! "

Chen Xin'an was completely speechless!

There is a female gangster in the family, what is this?

Just when he was annoyed, the phone rang. Sun Galuo called and said to Chen Xin'an in a low voice:

"Mr. Chen, the three people were found but they are already dead!"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, frowned and asked, "Which three people?"

Sungalo continued: "They are the three dark-skinned foreigners in the photo!

I'm right here in Phoenix Garden. Do you want to come over and take a look? "

"Okay, I'll come back later!" Chen Xin'an nodded and hung up the phone.

Taking a deep breath, Chen Xin'an said to Du Yunyan and Xiaojiu: "Let's go back to eat first.

I'll deal with this tomorrow.

Don't look at Ye Zhen strangely yet. This may be related to her injury.

I'll give her acupuncture later to see the effect.

No matter what, she will always be our family! "



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