Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2013 You go, he won’t borrow it anymore

There are actually such fools?

Da Jin Ya who was standing next to him was amused.

"After you get the money, come and sign up with me and work with me next year!

I can't say anything else, but I will definitely get tens of thousands of yuan a month!"

Liu Jianhong looked gloomy, and said to Da Jin Ya: "Da Jin Ya, don't fool my brothers, you won't last long.

You use the cheapest materials and do the fastest work, but the products are all shoddy projects that can't stand the test.

It will be found out sooner or later, and you will be responsible when the time comes!"

Da Jin Ya scolded him with disdain: "Liu Jianhong, are you crazy?

What era is this, and you are still so stubborn. ?

Who did the shoddy work?

What did I do that was shoddy?

I just didn't use the best materials.

Are all the projects I did qualified?

Now, when doing projects, you have to be fast!

Who has the time to wait for you to spend a lot of time on a project?

It takes me the time to lay the wires for a room to lay the wires for three floors!

So I can earn 10,000, but you can only get 3,000!

This is the gap, why don't you understand! "

"But the work you do will only last for a few years before problems arise. The work I do can only be repaired a few times in my lifetime!" Liu Jianhong cursed angrily.

Big Gold Teeth laughed and pointed at him and cursed: "So you are a fucking idiot!

Isn't it enough to use it for a few years?

If you don't let them repair it, how can they make extra money?

Liu Jianhong, people like you are out of date and should be eliminated!"

Liu Jianhong said angrily: "But I have a clear conscience!"

"Tsk!" Big Gold Teeth gave him a middle finger and cursed with disdain:

"Conscience is worth nothing!

Brothers follow you to make money, not to earn some damn conscience!

Who would be willing to follow you if you have no money but only a conscience?"

Liu Jianhong Looking at the brothers around him, he took a deep breath and said:

"Brothers, it's okay to come out to make money, but you must make money with peace of mind.

No matter how much money you are offered, you can't take it!

I, Liu Jianhong, have no ability, and I let you brothers suffer with me!

I will not stop you from working with anyone in the future. The only requirement is that you don't lose your conscience just to make a quick buck!

If the project is not done well, people will waste a lot of money.

It may even kill people!"

"Liu Jianhong, you are really stupid!" Chen Xinan got out of the car and strode over.

The people around were stunned, turned their heads and looked at him without blinking.

Who is this person?

"Boss, you are..." Liu Jianhong looked at Chen Xinan and felt that he had seen him somewhere before, and he looked familiar.

Chen Xinan shook his head and scolded him: "If you don't want the money back, just sell your car.

If selling the car is not enough, you borrow usury!

Just to pay your brothers.

You can't keep your brothers. You insist on settling with them even though you know they are going to leave.

I just want to ask Liu Jianhong, is it worth it for you to do this?"

"What? Liu sold his car? After all this time, this money is from selling the car? I wonder how Liu got a taxi back!"

"Oh my God, and borrowed usury?! Liu, are you stupid? ? Can I borrow that thing? You can't pay it back if you borrow it!"

"I said that Liutou has been asking for the money for so long and he didn't get it back today. How come he got the money after going out for a day?

Have all those bosses regained their conscience?

After all this time, Liutou paid for it himself!

For the past six months, Liutou has been paying for the workers himself. Does he have to sell his house?

Other contractors are rich.

How come Liutou, who works on the project, is getting poorer and poorer!"

Liu Jianhong's face flushed and he stood there at a loss.

Chen Xin'an walked up to him, smiled at him and said, "Is it worth it?"

Liu Jianhong was stunned for a moment, looked at the brothers around him, sighed and said, "Brothers follow me because they believe that I can make money with everyone.

I didn't make any money, but I owed a lot of debts. I owe everyone!"

A black Crown drove over and Liu Jianhong's phone rang.

Soon the Crown car stopped beside it, and two young men got out of the car with suitcases.

One of them held a cell phone and said to Liu Jianhong: "Boss Liu, I've brought the money.

Have we signed the contract now?

Have you brought the property certificate?

Let's start now?"

Originally, Liu Jianhong wanted to borrow money without telling anyone, but after being pointed out by Chen Xin'an, he didn't care.

He patted his bag and said to the two men, "All here, sign in the car!"

The two young men nodded and said to him, "Then please!"

Just as he was about to let Liu Jianhong get on the car, he heard someone next to him say, "He won't lend it anymore, you two go!"

The two young men turned their heads, glanced at Chen Xinan and asked, "What did you say? You have the final say?"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "I have the final say, he won't lend it anymore!"

The brothers on the side also nodded and said, "Yes, he won't lend it anymore, and we don't want it even if he lends it!"

"Liutou, it's okay to sell the car, but you're still borrowing usury! You know that after borrowing, you can't think of paying it back in your life!"

"If you give us the money you get in this way, can we still accept it? Liutou, don't lend it!"

Liu Jianhong looked at Chen Xinan with a strange face and said, "Boss, I don't know you..."

Chen Xin'an smiled and said, "You know me now!"

He turned around, looked at the two young men and said, "Okay, let's go! By the way, bring back the car he sold. I'll wait for you here!"

The two young men laughed angrily.

"Who the hell are you? People don't even know you, and you're still here gesticulating. You have nothing to do, right?"

"Do you think we have as much free time as you? Running back and forth to play? You come when you say you want, and we have to leave when you say you want to leave?"

Da Jinya also sneered and said to Chen Xin'an: "Where are you two fools! Why are these loan lenders so easy to mess with? If you say you don't want to borrow, you won't borrow?"

Liu Jianhong turned to Chen Xin'an and said, "Boss, thank you. But I have to borrow the money, otherwise the brothers won't have money to go home for the New Year!"

"I'll give you the money!" Chen Xin'an said to Liu Jianhong: "I'll sign a long-term contract for you and hand over the entire circuit project of Maoping New District to you.

This is a one million deposit, give it to you first! "

The whole place fell silent.

The two young men became angry, pointed at Chen Xin'an and cursed: "You've been doing this for a long time, but you are trying to steal business from me! Do you want to die?"

"Do you know that we are Brother Tiger's people? Believe it or not, I'm going to get you now? Who the hell are you?"

Li Niandong sighed and said, "His name is Chen Xin'an, are you sure you want to get him?"

Chen Xin'an? !

When they heard this name, the two young people were dumbfounded!

Li Qi cursed expressionlessly: "Get out!"

The two young men didn't dare to talk nonsense, so they turned around and walked back to the car.

Li Qi said from behind: "Remember, bring that Honda car back!"

The two young men nodded, didn't dare to say anything nonsense, got in the car and left.

"It turns out that Mr. Chen is here!" Big Gold Teeth chewed the two gold teeth, walked to Chen Xin'an with a smile, took out a cigarette, and wanted to give Chen Xin'an a cigarette.

Chen Xin'an ignored him, took out her mobile phone and made a call: "Ring tone, notify all project leaders in the new district.

Conduct large-scale inspections of projects, especially a project that Da Jinya is responsible for.

Once there is a violation, I will have to rework it and I will be held accountable for the relevant responsibilities and compensation for losses.

Tell all project leaders that I have signed the contract for the general circuit project. If you have any questions, please contact Liu Jianhong.

Yes, from now on until the full holiday, no construction work will be carried out during this period, only inspections will be carried out! "

After hanging up the phone, Chen Xin'an looked at Liu Jianhong and asked, "Shall we also sign a contract?"


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