Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2025 I said I would return it

After being caught in a traffic jam, the commercial vehicle did not stop yet, but it no longer dared to step on the accelerator.

There were forty or fifty police cars and other vehicles, all of which surrounded the commercial vehicles!

Brother Hao and his gang never dreamed that just taking away a little girl would cause such a big fight.

For those who didn’t know, they thought they were kidnapping the daughter of a big leader in Kyoto!

Several motorcycles stepped on the accelerator to catch up, driving on both sides of the commercial vehicle.

There were two people in each car.

A rider carrying a thug behind him.

All of them were wearing helmets, and the people behind them had machetes in their hands, and they were slashing at the commercial vehicles.

The people in the car were frightened, their eyes were horrified and their faces were pale.

Led by the motorcycle, the commercial vehicle turned to a small square not far away and then slowly stopped.

The strange thing is that the police cars did not follow, but parked far away on the side of the road.

In addition to motorcycles, there were more than a dozen cars parked in the square.

A group of people got out of the car, pointed at the people in the commercial vehicle, and motioned for them to get down.

Mohawk turned his head with a pale face and asked Brother Hao: "Brother Hao, what should I do?"

Brother Hao also looked around in horror. When he saw someone getting out of the car, his eyes lit up.

"That's Chenghai, I know him.

It's okay, I'll get off the car and talk, it's just a misunderstanding! "

Xu Dan and Lele swallowed, feeling a little nervous.

To put on such a big show, treat it as a misunderstanding?

Are people willing?

Chen Duoduo looked at them coldly and said, "Remember, Xu Dan slapped me twice.

Yao Lele, you slapped me six times and punched me once! "

Xu Dan trembled and did not dare to speak.

Lele also wanted to say something, but when she saw Chen Duoduo's cold eyes, she felt flustered for no reason.

Huang Mao gritted his teeth, endured the pain, and said to Chen Duoduo: "Chen Duoduo, you must understand that I will die!

Who is the person you are dating? "

"I'm crazy!" Chen Duoduo yelled angrily: "I told you that's my brother! Just forget it if you insult me. If you insult my brother, you are seeking death!"

This time, no one dared to teach her a lesson.

This scene has made everyone see that Chen Duoduo's brother is really not someone to be trifled with!

Mo Xigan said nervously: "Don't be afraid, Brother Hao knows those people, he will be fine!

While talking, Xu Dan and Yao Lele suddenly exclaimed.

But when Brother Hao got out of the car and walked over, he was kicked in the stomach as soon as he stood in front of Cheng Hai!

Immediately afterwards, a group of people nearby swarmed up and punched and kicked Brother Hao!

In less than a moment, Brother Hao was beaten until he was covered in blood. He was curled up on the ground like a dead dog, unable to stand up!

Without even looking at Brother Hao on the ground, Chenghai pointed at the commercial car and motioned for everyone to get out of the car!

"What should I do?" Xu Dan asked everyone in a tearful tone.

Her eyes fell on Chen Duoduo, and she said with a grimace: "Sister Duoduo, Sister Dan really wanted to make a fortune with you at the beginning!

What happened today was a misunderstanding.

Your Excellency has a lot, so don’t take it personally, okay? "

Chen Duoduo looked at her with disdain and said, "Xu Dan, don't you think it's too late to beg for mercy now?"

Yao Lele took out a fruit knife, slashed it across Chen Duoduo's neck, gritted his teeth and said:

"I'm ready to fight!

Anyway, it’s already like this, she’s still in our hands, what a fright!

I don't believe that those people outside don't care about her life or death! "

Huang Mao also covered his ears and shouted: "I have lost all my ears, at worst I will lose another life!"

Use this girl as a hostage and see what they dare to do to us! "

Others looked hesitant, but at this moment there was no better way.

Chen Duoduo looked at Yao Lele coldly and said, "You have really been seeking death! My brother is here, no one can save you!"

Yao Lele kicked her in the leg, gritted his teeth and cursed: "I'm not afraid even if your brother comes, the worst I can do is hold you on my back, and we'll all die together!"

"You have no chance!" Chen Duoduo looked at her with cold eyes and said, "Another kick!"


A motorcycle rider came over, raised the steel pipe in his hands, smashed it on the windshield, and shouted to the people inside: "Get off!"

Everyone in the car looked at each other and looked at Brother Hao lying on the ground.

Knowing that it was impossible to stay in the car all the time, I made up my mind and got out of the car one after another.

Several motorcyclists rushed over to attack them. Yao Lele put the fruit knife forward and shouted to everyone: "If you dare to mess around, I will kill her!"

A group of thugs stopped. Chenghai walked over, gave Yao Lele a thumbs up and said:

"Beauty, you are awesome! How dare you treat Boss Chen's girl like this. If I don't obey anyone, I will obey you!"

Xu Dan asked in a trembling voice: "What is Boss Chen? We don't know him!"

At this moment, there was a huge roar overhead.

Everyone looked up and saw a helicopter flying over from a distance, hovering over the small square.

Chenghai looked at Xu Dan with a sneer and shouted: "Who is Boss Chen, you ask? Well, he's here now, see for yourself!"

Xu Dan and the others stared blankly at the helicopter above their heads, slowly landing in the small square.

The huge wind blew everyone's backs. Chen Xin'an jumped out of the helicopter, and then hugged Ning Xiruo down.

This helicopter belongs to Dream Media and is used for filming or promotion.

Chen Xin'an was transferred here today mainly because he thought it was too slow to drive here.

But for everyone in Xu Dan, it was a shocking scene.

Even in Kyoto City, there are not many people who are qualified to use helicopters for transportation. Who is this? How come there is such grandeur?

"Duoduo!" Ning Xiruo screamed when she saw the blood on Chen Duoduo's neck.

It turned out that because she was too nervous, Yao Lele failed to control her strength and accidentally scratched Chen Duoduo.

Seeing the other party bleeding, Yao Lele screamed in fright and immediately retracted the hand holding the knife!

At this moment, Chen Xin'an rushed over like a gust of wind, kicked Yao Lele in the stomach, and kicked her out!

"Brother!" Chen Duoduo threw himself into Chen Xin'an's arms and hugged him tightly.

Chen Xin'an stroked her head and said, "Let me see your injuries first!"

Let her raise her head and look at the wound on the delicate neck, Chen Xin'an breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, it only scratched the skin and did not damage the blood vessels.

"He is Chen Xin'an! Chen Duoduo's brother is Chen Xin'an!" Mo Xigan recognized the man who came by helicopter and shouted in horror.

There was also a look of horror on the faces of the others. No one expected that the wealthy man Chen Duoduo was befriending turned out to be this influential figure in Kyoto!

Chenghai walked over with a ferocious smile on his face, followed by dozens of brothers from the Zhongyi Hall. They all looked at the people of Mohawk with ferocious smiles on their faces.

Chen Duoduo walked up to Xu Dan, looked at her coldly and said, "I told you that you have stirred up a hornet's nest, now you should believe it, right?"

Xu Dan turned pale and said in a trembling voice: "I..."

If you provoke Chen Xin'an, you've just stirred up a hornet's nest!

This is basically setting off a bomb, okay?

Chen Duoduo raised his arm, slapped Xu Dan twice on the face, gritted his teeth and cursed:

"I also said that no matter what you do to me, I will return it to you!"

Xu Dan covered his face, bleeding from the corners of his mouth, but did not dare to make a sound.

Chen Duoduo turned around and walked to Yao Lele's side.

Picking up the fruit knife from the ground, Chen Duoduo squatted next to Yao Lele.

Just as he was about to take action, Cheng Hai suddenly shouted loudly: "Be careful, this kid has a gun!"



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