Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2033 They can’t escape

Being pointed at a gun for the first time in their lives, the three young men felt that the hairs all over their bodies stood on end.

The three of them hid in the corner of the roof and huddled together.

Mu Wenda said with a pale face: "Wen Liang, I will block it with my body later, and you can jump to that building!"

Mu Wenliang was scared to death, but he still had the courage to say:

"Brother Da, you are injured. If you want to leave, you can go. Brother Hui and I will stop them!"

"Stop talking nonsense!" Mwenda gasped, "I'm injured and can't run.

Of the three of us, only you have been practicing martial arts for the longest time and have the most flexibility.

Listen, no matter what, tell these people to the big boss.

He can get rid of these people and save us! "

Mu Wenliang stopped talking.

Feng Xiangui came over with a machete in his hand and cursed the three of them fiercely:

"What the hell are you mumbling about here?

I'm warning you, don't do any tricks!

Don't force me to kill you! "

He raised his machete and struck Mu Wenhui on the body.

Fortunately, it was the back of the knife, not the blade, but it still caused Mu Wenhui to scream and cover his shoulder.

Feng Xiangui gritted his teeth and cursed: "Do you know who I hate the most? It's you Mu family members!

We all belong to Pang Xingzhuang, so why are you, the Mu family, occupying the most profitable business?

Those of us with foreign surnames can only do these hard and unprofitable jobs!

You Mu family bastards are making a lot of money, and you won't give us a penny.

I have worked hard for a month and I still have to pay you this fee and that fee. Why! "

Muwenda glared at him and cursed: "Feng Xiangui, wherever you go to do business, you have to pay for occupying other people's houses!

Don’t forget that our Mu family bought this part of the old street twenty years ago.

When you foreigners come here and rent our houses and land, isn’t it natural for you to pay money?

We never ask for more money from you, so why are you upset! "

Feng Xiangui blushed, slashed at him with his knife, and cursed: "I don't like giving you money!"

At this moment, Mu Wenda rushed over without dodge!

At the same time, he shouted: "Wen Liang!"

Wen Hui also gritted his teeth and rushed towards Feng Xiangui!

The machete hit Mwenda firmly on the head!

Feng Xiangui didn't expect that Mu Wenda wouldn't even dodge.

Fortunately, at the last moment, he was afraid and subconsciously withdrew his strength.

Even so, the machete also cut a bloody groove on Mwenda's head, and blood flowed down his head.

Mu Wenda seemed to be completely unaware. He threw himself on Feng Xiangui, clenched his fist and hit him on the bridge of the nose!

Mu Wenhui also rushed over and grabbed Feng Xiangui's knife hand with both hands.

He has only one purpose, to seize the knife!

At this moment, Mu Wenliang had climbed over the wall, jumped to the opposite building!

"Shoot!" the scar-faced man yelled at the man with the gun.

Another short, stocky man had already rushed to the wall, trying to hold the boy back.

After all, it was a step too late and I watched helplessly as he jumped.

He turned around and cursed at the man with the gun: "What the hell are you doing? Why don't you shoot?"

The man with the gun yelled angrily: "How to shoot? Once the gun is fired, everyone in the village will know!"

This gun is pretty powerful, but it's too loud.

Firing a shot is like blasting a cannon, it makes people's eardrums hurt!

The scarred man and the short man looked at each other and stopped talking.

Indeed, once a shot is fired, everyone is directly exposed!

The man with the gun walked quickly to the wall and said gloomily: "Don't worry, he didn't jump over!"

The situation was urgent, there was no running-up, just pulling on the ground, unless that kid could fly.

The man with the gun watched helplessly as he fell!

When I was talking just now, I also heard the sound of landing.

But when he leaned on the wall and looked down, he frowned.

There seemed to be blood stains on the ground below, but no one was visible!

The three people's faces were gloomy, knowing that their whereabouts had been exposed. They turned their heads and looked at Mu Wenda and Mu Wenhui, who had pressed Feng Xiangui to the ground and were wrestling with each other, and immediately rushed forward!

The man with the gun shouted in a deep voice: "Don't take their lives, now is not the time! We will take them as hostages later!"

The scarred man and the short man nodded, rushed towards Mu Wenda and Mu Wenhui, raised their fists and hit them!


Mu Wenliang, whose face was covered with blood, pushed open the door of Mu's house and limped towards the big house, shouting: "Help!"

A group of people rushed out of the big room. Li Qidang came to Mu Wenliang first and hugged him.

Chen Xin'an was already standing at the door, and Mu Guangda behind him shouted: "Liangzi!"

Mu Wenliang looked at Chen Xin'an and said: "Big boss, those people are at the Laojie Youth Hostel.

They have guns!

Da Ge and Hui Ge were trapped there.

Hurry and save them, otherwise they will be dead! "

Li Qi turned around and said to Chen Xin'an: "It should have fallen from a high altitude. His right leg and calf were fractured, and his internal organs were shocked!"

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Leave it to me! Brother Guang, arrange a bed for me, and I will give him the injection!"

As soon as he reached Mu Wenliang, he grabbed his arm.

Mu Wenliang cried and said: "Leave me alone, go save Brother Da and Brother Hui first!"

Chen Xin'an picked him up, nodded and said, "Don't worry Liangzi, they will be fine, I promise!

Ah Qi, Lao Xiao, you go first!

Second Master, Brother Guang, you stay in the village and don’t come near! "

The second master asked with a worried look on his face: "They have guns, so you just go there like this?

Just let us block the intersection! "

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said: "They can't escape, you don't have to worry, just pay attention to your own safety!"

Li Qi and Xiao Zhang had already rushed out of the door.

Chen Xin'an picked up Mu Wenliang, followed Mu Guang into the adjacent room, and put Mu Wenliang on the bed.

After giving him thirteen injections in a row, Chen Xin'an stood up and said to Mu Guang: "Brother Guang, send him to the hospital in the town. He will be fine!"

Fortunately, this guy is in good physical condition and has a solid foundation in kung fu.

He fell from the fourth floor, shattered his lungs and broke a leg.

Chen Xin'an had suppressed his lung injury and corrected the broken bones with his hands.

After being sent to the hospital to recuperate for two or three months, everything will be fine and there will be no sequelae.

After making arrangements for Mu Wenliang, Chen Xin'an went out and went straight to the old street.

On the second floor of the youth hostel, Mu Wenda and Mu Wenhui, who were beaten and covered in blood and on the verge of coma, were dragged by their feet from the fourth floor to the second floor.

Two bright red bloodstains were left on the road passing by.

Feng Xiangui wiped the blood from his face, caught up and kicked Mwenda on the head, cursing: "I told you to hit me in the face! I will kill you with one knife!"

Scarface scolded sullenly: "Agui, that's enough!"

Feng Xiangui spat on Mu Wenda on the ground angrily, looked at the scarred face and said:

"Fourth uncle, I want to go with you!

I can no longer stay in Pangxingzhuang after offending the Mu family.

I will follow you wherever you go, take me with you! "

Scarface looked at the two companions next to him, then turned to Feng Xiangui and asked: "Agui, do you have five million?"

Feng Xiangui's eyes widened, he shook his head vigorously and said, "How can I have so much money?

If I really had five million, I would no longer be in Pangxingzhuang!

Not even half a million!

I gritted my teeth and might be able to get 50,000 yuan! "

There was a look of disdain on the scar-faced man's face, and he exchanged glances with his two companions.

The man with the gun said to him: "Agui, you performed well, and you are Lao Feng's family member.

We will make an exception and take you with us!

But now we have to do something first and escape later! "

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