Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2039 A group of student gangs seeking death

The Kyoto Garden Management Bureau spent millions to build the Red Heart Square light fountain, which is indeed beautiful.

There are more people visiting the hot springs now, and they are all surrounded by couples.

Everyone spread out and went to find their favorite scenery to take photos.

Chen Xin'an took Ning Xiruo's hand, came to the lotus fountain, and took a few pictures of her with her mobile phone.

These two days are Luo Qianxue's due date, and her daughter-in-law runs downstairs from time to time.

It doesn't matter if you take care of Luo Qianxue, it's what you should do.

But every time she came back, Chen Xin'an could see the deep envy and loss in her daughter-in-law's eyes.

The two are now young and full of energy.

Have fun for an hour or two every night.

But even so, Ning Xiruo's stomach was always flat, with no ups and downs.

Chen Xin'an's master is a medical fairy in the world, and Chen Xin'an is even more outstanding.

But the two masters and apprentices had no idea, but they still couldn't do anything about this matter!

Chen Xin'an is not in a hurry, just let everything take its course.

But the daughter-in-law felt guilty and the burden on her mind was getting heavier and heavier.

Even intentionally or unintentionally, he wanted Chen Xin'an to find another woman to give him a child...

Of course Chen Xin'an would not agree to such a thing, so she tried to find ways to get rid of her daughter-in-law.

Today I took her out to see the fountain to relax.

"Uncle and aunt, can you give up your seat? We want to take pictures." A little girl's voice came from behind Chen Xin'an.

He turned his head and took a look. There were several couples of men and women standing behind him, looking at them with playful expressions.

Judging by the age, they all appear to be seventeen or eighteen years old, so they should all be high school students on their annual vacation.

He fell in love at a young age and was not a good student.

The key point is that you have a mean mouth and don’t speak nicely. What’s wrong with calling you uncle or aunt?

Chen Xin'an felt very uncomfortable after hearing this, let alone his wife!

I’m not even thirty yet, so I’m already an uncle?

Glancing at these young children, Chen Xin'an said coldly: "Why don't you call me grandparents!"

He turned around and hugged his wife to look at the fountain, ignoring them.

Unexpectedly, these little kids didn't know what was going on. Instead of walking away, they stood directly behind the two of them.

The girl who just spoke snorted and said: "I call you grandparents, do you dare to agree?"

The young man next to him smiled and said: "Uncle and aunt, just give up your seat!

This is originally a program for our young talents. You old couples, why don’t you get involved in it? "

Others also laughed and said jokingly:

"Don't you feel embarrassed if you are still showing off your affection even though you are so old?"

"Looking at the clothes you are wearing, you look old-fashioned. Shouldn't you call me uncle or aunt?"

"Where is the old married couple? It's probably someone else's old married couple. They just came out to have an affair!"

Listening to these young kids talking more and more outrageously, Chen Xin'an also became angry and cursed at them with a wave of his hand:

"Get out of here, everyone, don't talk nonsense here, or I'll deal with you!"

These guys look like they are the bad students in school, otherwise they would not fall in love at such a young age.

After hearing Chen Xin'an's warning, not only did they not go away, but they gathered around him.

"Who should get out! Why are you so arrogant? This place belongs to you?"

"Why don't you and your lover build a fountain at home for such an awesome guy? You can just sit at home and watch it by yourself? Why are you competing with poor students like us!"

"You're so old, but you still imitate other young people's romance and show off your affection. Don't you feel embarrassed?"

Chen Xin'an had a dark face and said coldly: "You like to talk nonsense, don't you? Believe it or not, I will make you speechless for the rest of your life?"

Just as he was about to teach them a lesson, Ning Xiruo grabbed his arm.

"Husband, forget it! It's just a bunch of students and kids, let's go and let them take pictures!"

Chen Xin'an took a deep breath, hugged Ning Xiruo's shoulders and said, "Okay, let's go to the front and have a look!"

The two turned around and left, and several people behind them said in unison: "Thank you, uncle and aunt!"

Then they laughed together.

Chen Xin'an turned around and wanted to slap them, but Ning Xiruo held her arm.

After taking two steps, Ning Xiruo turned her head and looked at him with red eyes and asked, "Hubby, am I really old?"

Chen Xin'an didn't know whether to laugh or cry. He lowered his head and said in her ear: "Your whole body is so fresh inside and out!"

"Oh, you're annoying!" Ning Xiruo blushed and pinched Chen Xin'an's waist.

But his face instantly dimmed again, and he murmured: "Year after year has passed like this, and everyone calls me aunt.

But I can't give you a child...

Husband, if I were unable to have children, would you still love me?

Will you still pamper me and protect me like you do now? "

"Of course!" Chen Xin'an stopped, turned around and hugged Ning Xiruo, lowered his head and looked at her, and said affectionately:

“Daughter-in-law, don’t let the child become a worry for both of us.

Husband and wife rely on fate, and children need fate even more.

After the Chinese New Year, we will go to the Eagle Flag Country and visit the top hospitals in the world.

I believe there must be a way!

What's more, we can do in vitro fertilization or even adopt one.

Not bad for saving you from pain and having a baby! "

Knowing that this was her man's excuse to comfort her, Ning Xiruo was moved and guilty.

With tears streaming down his face, he put his head on Chen Xin'an's chest and said, "I'm sorry!"

Chen Xin'an held her little face in distress, kissed the tears on her face and said:

"You're celebrating the New Year, why are you crying?

Don't let this happen. There is no problem that the two of us can't solve!

Believe in your husband and believe in yourself, okay? "


A flashlight lit up and a young man stood next to them and took a photo of them.

Then the girl standing next to her looked at the phone and said with a smile:

"Look at these uncles and aunties showing affection, they are all better than us!

Lili, you have to learn from others.

How about we also have a kiss? "

The girl curled her lips and cursed: "I don't want it! You are shameless, and I still want shame!"

The men and women behind him all laughed.

It’s those student gangs again!

Chen Xin'an looked gloomy, looked at the boy who took the photo and said, "Delete the photo!"

The boy laughed and said, "No need? We are just learning from experience.

You dare to kiss here, isn't it just to show off to others? "

Chen Xin'an stopped talking nonsense and suddenly came to the boy. Before he could react, he snatched his phone away!

The boy was stunned for a moment and cursed angrily: "Why the hell are you paying me back..."

Chen Xin'an grabbed his neck with one hand and held the phone in the other. She asked with a sullen face: "Turn on the screensaver!"

The boy gritted his teeth and cursed: "Let go! I won't open it for you. What's wrong?"


Chen Xin'an didn't waste any time, just threw the phone on the ground, then stomped it up and crushed it with his heel.

When he lifted his feet, the phone had turned into pieces!

The boy's eyes widened, he looked at the pile of debris on the ground and screamed:

“Holy shit, this is the latest Apple model!

I bought it for more than 8,000 yuan!

Can you really afford it?

If you step on my phone, I will kill you! "

He clenched his fist and punched Chen Xin'an in the face.

Chen Xin'an waved his arm, pinched his neck and threw him out!

"Don't mess with me. If you little bastards can't afford to mess with me, it's like bringing trouble to your own family. Do you understand?"

"I understand you, uncle!" Several men and women on the side were angry, pointing at Chen Xin'an and yelling: "Hit my brother, are you looking for death?"

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