Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2083 Someone should have taught them a lesson long ago

Seeing the man lying on the ground with a big bulging beard on his forehead, everyone around him was shocked.

"Fake! Damn Chinese!" The two foreigners behind stood up and wanted to rush over aggressively.

Before they could leave their place, Li Qi had already picked up the fruit plate on the table and threw it away!


The fruit plate hit one person in the face and broke into pieces.

The guy groaned, hugged his head and sat back on the chair.

The companion next to him was stunned for a moment, and when he turned around, Li Qi had already walked in front of him.

He was startled, looked at Li Qi in surprise and shouted, "What do you want to do?"

He just wanted to take action, but he hadn't done it yet.

So in his opinion, these Chinese people didn't dare to do anything to him.

These foreigners are not stupid. They look down on Chinese people and like to bully Chinese people. It is true.

But there is a condition, that is, the bullies are all Chinese people who don’t know Kung Fu!

They will also be cowardly if they encounter someone who is really a bit arrogant!

The one doing this now must be a Chinese Kung Fu master.

But he didn't expect that the other party was even more unreasonable than him.

Ignoring his weakness, she grabbed his hair, pushed it down, and at the same time lifted his knees and pushed him up!


The guy's face was blooming, he fell on his back and passed out!

The foreigner next to him who had his head smashed by the fruit plate was still angry and ready to take action.

When he saw his companion lying on the ground, he immediately fell silent.

"Why are the barbaric Chinese people beating our friends?"

"That's right! With so many people watching, you still dare to commit murder? Don't let them go!"

"Call the police and arrest this damn Chinese!"

The three trendy girls angrily defended their friend.

Li Qi picked up the wine bottle on the table with an expressionless face and smashed a girl on the head!


The wine bottle shattered!

Li Qi picked up another one and hit the other girl on the head hard!

None of the three girls ran away, and three bottles were used, all of which were smashed on their heads!

Blood flowed down their heads, and as they cried, their faces turned red and became as ugly as ghosts!

Li Qi bent down, picked up an unknown high-heeled shoe from the ground, pointed it at the faces of the three girls, and whipped it hard!

"Shut up! What are you calling me? Ask me to knock out your teeth again!"

The soles of the high heels slapped the three girls' faces hard, and soon their mouths were filled with blood.

Li Qi couldn't understand what they just said, but he knew that they were not Chinese.

If Luo Xiaoman were here, he would still treat girls with tenderness.

But for Li Qi, this straight man didn't care about other women except his girlfriend and sister-in-law.

Not to mention foreign girls.

The only person who rejects foreigners more than Chen Xin'an is him!

After all, when he was patrolling the Skyhawk, the only people entertaining foreigners were guns!

When had the three female international students ever encountered such a rude Chinese man who didn't take them seriously?

At this moment, the pride and smiles no longer existed. They all cried and covered their mouths hard, not daring to make any more noise.

But other people in the bar quit.

A group of foreigners stood up and yelled at Li Qi: "Hey! You damn guy, you're going too far!"

Some Chinese people were so excited that they stood up and shouted:

"Well done! These foreign bastards should have been taught a lesson long ago!"

"Exactly! If you dare to be so arrogant in our Chinese territory, you really deserve a beating!"

"These female international students are not good people! They always look down on us locals! They deserve this lesson!"

A group of foreigners cursed: "What the hell are you talking about! Get out!"

A Chinese man slapped the table and cursed: "This is China, if you want to get out, you have to get out!"

"What the hell, teach them a lesson!" The foreigner got angry, yelled and rushed over.

The bar suddenly broke into a scuffle!

Chen Xin'an grinned. Action has already been taken outside. How dare you make trouble at this time? If you don't deal with it, who will you deal with?

"Do it!" Chen Xin'an also greeted Sun Galuo and rushed towards the group of foreigners.

Beating up foreigners in a bar street was a very rare entertainment activity for Chen Xin'an and Li Qi to relieve their stress.

So of course they won't miss the opportunity.

Sun Galuo was not stupid either. He would definitely not reveal his identity as a police officer at this time. He clenched his fists and rushed after Chen Xin'an!

With the addition of these three fierce men, even though the Chinese had a huge numerical disadvantage, the battle was an almost overwhelming victory!

These three fierce men were really ruthless!

Basically, the people they targeted are all lying down now, and they are the kind who can't stand up!

The whole bar was in a mess, and it wasn't just Black Rose, but all the other stores around it were like this!

A large number of police officers in plain clothes stood up and pounced on the foreigners who suddenly ran out of the store and fled wildly.

"Don't move, police!" they shouted.

Although the group of foreigners had unruly faces, when they saw the dark muzzles of the guns, they all helplessly held their heads and squatted on the ground.

"Everyone squat down!" Several police officers rushed in and pointed their guns at the foreigners who took out knives and prepared to fight Chen Xin'an and the others.

"Why are you just targeting us? Why don't you care about these Chinese people?"

"They are beating us! Look at all the people on the ground who were knocked down by those three guys!"

"Protest! You didn't let us take action, but those three guys were still punching and kicking us. Didn't you see it?"

The foreigners around looked at the police angrily, pointed at Chen Xin'an and the three of them and shouted loudly.

Several policemen stepped forward and knocked the foreigners to the ground, then tied their hands behind their hands with shoelaces.

A policeman quickly walked up to Sungalo, saluted him and said, "Captain, target No. 1 has escaped through the back door! But he is still under surveillance!"

Sun Galuo nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "Xin'an, I'm going over!"

"Yeah!" Chen Xin'an responded: "You know the result I want!"

Sungalo turned around and walked out.

But everyone around was dumbfounded.


team leader?

After working on it for a long time, these people are also police?

What kind of bad luck is this tonight? A group of police were summoned!

No wonder everyone is so rude!

Those foreigners who were still very unconvinced and wanted to take action now all became honest!

In the back alley of the bar street, Phillips and tall-nosed Walton fled forward in embarrassment!

About ten meters behind them, several plainclothes men were chasing after them.

Suddenly, the back door of the store next to him was suddenly opened, and a black shadow rushed out from inside, throwing Phillips to the ground!

This guy didn't react slowly and punched the man in the face directly.

The man turned his head to avoid, raised his fist and punched Phillips in the face!

"Captain!" Several plainclothes men wanted to rush forward.

Sun Gallo said in a deep voice: "Go after the other one!"

The policemen continued to rush forward without saying a word!

Sungalo missed with one punch and was hugged by Phillips' neck. The next second he was pushed to the ground.

Phillips got up and ran in through the back door through which Sungalo had just rushed out.

Sun Gallo also stood up and chased after him.

Soon, the two of them arrived at the front hall one after another.

With a scream, Phillips grabbed a young woman with one hand, held a pistol in his left hand, and pointed it at the woman's head!

(On the first day of the new year in 2023, Lao Qi wishes everyone a happy new year! I wish you all a happy new year! All the best! Peace and health! Happy family!)

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