Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2085 You are a white wolf with empty hands.

A group of policemen rushed in after hearing the gunshots. Seeing that Sun Jialuo and the hostages were all unharmed, they all breathed a sigh of relief.

Two female policemen came over and tried to comfort the hostages.

Unexpectedly, the woman pushed them away without any hesitation, and then pointed at Sun Jialuo and shouted:

"I want to complain about him!

Such a person is not worthy of being a policeman!

Is this the quality of Chinese police?

If that bastard's gun hadn't jammed, I would be a dead man now!

Is this how you disregard the safety of the hostages?"

The two female policemen frowned and looked at the girl.

Sun Jialuo said expressionlessly: "The suspect wanted to hurt the hostages, and I shot him on the spot!

Take the hostage back too!

She claimed to be a fan of the suspect.

Just now, she and the suspect threatened me to give up the arrest and hindered the arrest process.

I suspect they are in the same group, just performing a self-torture trick!

Take them back and investigate strictly!"

"Yes, Captain!" The two female policemen responded, and one of them took out handcuffs.

The girl's face turned pale, and she dared not to yell anymore. She shook her head and said: "No, I'm not in the same group with him. I said I was his fan... I really don't know him!" A female police officer handcuffed him and shouted: "Shut up! Refusing to cooperate is aggravated! If you need to explain anything, we will give you a chance to explain! I don't want to hear any nonsense from you now, understand?" The girl who was still yelling and looking like she was going to ask for an explanation just now was so scared that she couldn't say a word. She looked aggrieved, but nodded obediently. Chen Xin'an and Li Qi came over. Li Qi checked Phillips' body on the ground and nodded to Chen Xin'an. The whole bar street was surrounded by people. A group of foreigners squatted on the ground with their hands on their heads. The police were mobilizing vehicles to send them to the vehicles in batches and take them back for interrogation. Under the watchful eyes of the crowd, Sun Jialuo and Chen Xin'an walked up to Bobby, shook hands with him and expressed their gratitude.

According to the police, this operation was planned for a month and received strong cooperation from Mr. Toby, the owner of the Black Rose Bar.

Six illegal gathering dens of foreigners were destroyed in one fell swoop.

A large number of illegal materials were seized.

Therefore, the police will present a banner to the Black Rose Bar and the owner personally.

Toby had an awkward smile on his face, cursing in his heart!

He seemed to have felt the countless resentful eyes in the crowd.

Because of his report, the owners of the six illegal dens were all arrested!

The foreigners in the entire bar street regarded him as a villain who leaked information.

He has even become everyone's public enemy.

A policeman came over and whispered a few words in Sun Jialuo's ear.

Sun Jialuo frowned and said to Chen Xin'an beside him: "Walton ran away, and a mysterious car took him away at the alley.

We are now chasing him with all our strength!"

Chen Xin'an nodded.

Toby, who was standing by, was terrified.

More than 40 people were taken away by the police in the entire bar street.

Some stores were closed on the spot, and the guests also dispersed one after another.

Chen Xin'an sat in the Black Rose Bar, still sitting by the window.

Li Qi sat next to him.

Sun Jialuo opposite was replaced by Toby, holding a bottle of whiskey in his hand, and poured a glass for Chen Xin'an.

He also picked up a glass, toasted the two people opposite, and then drank it all.

Putting down the glass, he said to Chen Xin'an with a bitter face: "Mr. Chen, do you know my sincerity now?"

Becoming the public enemy of the entire bar street, his life will not be easy in the future.

But he is not stupid, he knows that only by holding on to Chen Xin'an's thigh, no one in the entire bar street dares to do anything to him.

So he has no way out now, he can only try his best to please Chen Xin'an and tie himself to him.

Chen Xinan smiled slightly, looked at Toby and said: "Don't worry, Boss Toby, you have helped the police a lot this time, and the reward you deserve will definitely not be reduced!"

Can I refuse?

Toby wanted to cry, he thought he hadn't hurt me enough!

He said helplessly: "Mr. Chen, those rewards are not important.

What I value is our cooperation project in Maoping New District.

If Mr. Chen has time, we can talk about it in detail..."

Chen Xinan smiled and said: "Mr. Toby, since we are friends, I will tell you something from the bottom of my heart.

It's not impossible to open a Michila five-star hotel in Maoping New District.

But I actually have a plan there.

I have also started to prepare to open a super five-star hotel.

Of course, Mr. Toby still wants to open another one to compete with me, that's fine.

But there is an old saying in China that when two tigers fight, one will be injured!"

Toby was completely confused.

Is this crossing the river and destroying the bridge?

Why didn't you tell me before?

Now I have offended everyone in the bar street, and you are telling me all this, do you want me to give up?

This is too much of a dog, isn't it?

Toby's face became extremely ugly.

But he didn't dare to quarrel with Chen Xinan on the spot.

After all, now I have offended all my colleagues in the bar street.

This is not the most terrible thing.

What's really scary is that Walton didn't resist the law, he just ran away!

It must have been the men of Pyrus who rescued him!

This is equivalent to putting a knife directly on Toby's head!

Walton is not a fool and will definitely know the truth about these things that happened in Bar Street.

He will definitely come for revenge when the time comes!

Pegasus would not let him go either.

If he had offended Peroses, and if he offended Chen Xin'an again, he might as well commit suicide. There would be no way for him to survive in this world!

Now, even though he knows that Chen Xin'an has tricked him, he still has to put on a smile and doesn't dare to break up with Chen Xin'an!

Looking at his bitter face, Chen Xin'an smiled slightly and said to Toby:

"Mr. Toby, although the hotel project in Maoping New District has practical difficulties, I have a better project than this one. Do you want to listen to it?"

Toby forced a smile and said to Chen Xin'an: "If there is anything else Mr. Chen needs from me, please feel free to tell me.

If I can do it, I will definitely not let Mr. Chen down! "

Chen Xin'an laughed, picked up the wine bottle and poured him a glass of wine, then picked up the wine glass and touched it with him, smiling and saying:

“What if you want the Lucas family to take control of Bar Street?

Turn this place into an international style street.

The world's famous food and customs and culture are all displayed in this place.

As soon as people come to Kyoto, they can't help but want to come here to see it.

Do you think something happened? "

Toby's breath froze, and a shocked expression appeared on his face.

This is a big project!

It’s really the kind that even two or three five-star hotels can’t keep up with!

“But I’m afraid this is difficult to do, right?

Just the establishment of the project is difficult to finalize! "

Chen Xin'an waved her hand and said, "I can help you with these formalities!"

Toby said with a face of surprise: "Mr. Chen means to let Anhao Group and the Lucas family cooperate to develop this project?"

“No, you do it independently, and Anhao Group will not interfere.

But I can personally own shares! "

That is equivalent to binding you as a person!

Toby said in surprise: "If Mr. Chen can really get the renovation project approved, our Lucas family can invest all the money!

When the time comes, I will give Mr. Chen 20% of the shares! "

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled and shook his head and said, "Fifty-five!"

Toby was stunned for a moment, then gritted his teeth and said, "Yes! Mr. Chen can invest as much as he wants. Our Lucas family will never be less than Mr. Chen!"

Chen Xin'an smiled again and shook his head and said: "I won't invest a penny. You invest all the money, and I will hold 50% of the shares through technology investment!"


This is a white wolf with empty gloves!

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