Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2094 The most arrogant and domineering person

There was chaos on the plane, and many foreigners left their seats and rushed over.

It's not that they are united, but it's a habit they've developed over the years.

As long as they bully the Chinese people, they like to swarm them and take advantage of them as much as they can. Watching the fun is never too big a deal.

Luo Xiaoman and the others also wanted to come over, but Chen Xin'an waved her hands to them.

This is on a plane, there is no need to make too much noise, and the crew will not let these people mess around.

Sure enough, the air marshal and the flight attendant came running over together.

They helped Harry who fell to the ground, but ignored the Mediterranean Sea next to them.

The air policeman touched his waist with his right hand, made a gesture of drawing a gun, and shouted to Li Qi: "You hit someone on the plane, which is a violation of flight safety!

Now I have the right to restrict your freedom of movement to avoid danger to all passengers!

Put your hands up and I'll handcuff you to your seat until the plane lands! "

Konoha cursed angrily: "Are you blind or deaf? Didn't you hear what they were saying just now?

Still didn’t see them making a move first? "

The police officer snorted and said, "I didn't see anything, I only saw this man beating the two of them!

Even now, he is still controlling this gentleman's arm! "

Li Qi turned his head and glanced at Bach and said, "If you dare to be mean, I will break your arm!"

Letting go of his hand, Li Qi tore open the wet wipes on the small partition and wiped his hands, as if he had just touched something unclean.

Bach gritted his teeth angrily. He felt that he was too careless just now and was grabbed by this guy's arm.

Seeing Li Qi wiping his hands without even looking at him, Bach clenched his fist, aimed at Li Qi's head, and punched him hard!

He believed in the power of his punch. If this punch hit, this kid would definitely be knocked unconscious on the spot!

But just before his fist hit the opponent's head, there was a snap and his wrist tightened!

Li Qi's left hand grabbed his arm again!

Bach's expression changed.

The air police yelled at Li Qi: "No violence! Let go quickly, otherwise I will..."

Before he could finish speaking, Li lifted up his right hand and put it between Bach's elbows, then twisted it outward with his left hand!


Bach's arm was broken!

Amidst the screams, Li Qi looked at him coldly and said, "I said if you dare to be mean, I will break your arm.

Do you think I'm kidding?

Or do you think I dare not? "

The cabin fell silent, leaving Bach holding his right arm, slumped in his seat, screaming and wailing.

The air marshal reacted, took out the tear gas launcher from his waist, and aimed it at Li Qi.

At this moment, Chen Xin'an had already stood up.

People around him only saw him put his hands on the back of the chair in front, and his whole body passed through four seats!


Before the air marshal could pull the trigger, he was kicked on the back and flew into the empty space next to him, hitting Bach.

This time it hit Bach's arm firmly, causing Bach to scream in pain as if he was killing a pig!

The air police officer turned his head in horror, looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "You dare to attack the police officer?"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand.

Du Yunyan, who was sitting next to him, stood up and moved to Chen Xin'an's previous seat, leaving an empty seat.

Chen Xin'an sat down, looked at the air police coldly and said, "If you dare to favor these two trash again, I will throw you out of the plane!

You can bet, I dare you to do this! "

The air marshal's expression changed and he didn't dare to continue.

This is an altitude of 10,000 meters. Once you meet a madman, who knows what will happen!

He doesn't dare to gamble with his life!

The flight attendant said angrily: "I have seen many unqualified Chinese people, and you are the most outrageous!

This is on a plane, not in China!

Your behavior seriously threatens the safe flight of the aircraft. I now order you to stop all dangerous behaviors.

Otherwise I will call the police. Even if you get off the plane, the Eagle Flag Police will arrest you immediately and then send you back!

The Eagle Flag Country does not welcome people like you! "

Eve stood up and shouted to the flight attendant: "You can't represent the Eagle Flag Nation!

Didn't you see just now that the people who threaten flight safety have always been these two?

Is it just because they are from the Eagle Flag country that even if they make mistakes and actively provoke others, they can choose to turn a blind eye and treat them differently from the Chinese? "

Catherine also snorted and said: "I have recorded what you just did with my mobile phone!

I will complain to the airline about your crew.

Your behavior really embarrasses the Eagle Flag Nation! "

Not everyone is mindlessly rejecting Chinese people.

There are even some foreigners who are still doing business in China and only go back once to do some errands.

Of course they will have good relations with the Chinese.

With these two women taking the lead, some foreigners with a sense of justice stood up and accused:

“These two men started bullying their seatmates as soon as they got on the plane, and you chose to turn a blind eye.

Now that they are being beaten, you come out and show blatant favoritism.

Even I can’t stand it anymore! "

"You still say that others have no quality?

You yourself have no qualities!

I can’t imagine that you are still employees of the largest airline in the Eagle Flag Country!

I never want to fly on your flight again! "

"This is an international flight. If you target foreigners with such obvious differences, I can guarantee that no one will dare to take your flight!"

The faces of the air marshal and the flight attendant turned blue and white.

They did not expect that even their own people would look down upon their behavior.

Under such circumstances, of course they would not dare to deliberately favor those two guys and deliberately seek trouble for those Chinese people.

The air marshal stood up, adjusted his clothes, and said to Bach and Harry:

"I'll take you to take care of your wounds now, and change seats with others by the way.

I don't want this to happen again. "

The flight attendant also said with a straight face: "If anyone makes trouble again, we will report it to the company and put your name on the blacklist!"

Chen Xin'an and the others didn't even look at them.

Bach held his right arm and followed the air police forward.

After taking two steps, he turned his head and looked at Li Qi, who was sitting in the aisle seat, his eyes filled with resentment.

The air marshal also turned his head, glanced at Chen Xin'an, and said in a low voice:

"You kicked me just now. After we land, I will let you know the price you will pay for attacking the police on the plane!"

At this moment, Chen Xin'an suddenly stood up.

The air marshal was on alert and frowned as he looked at Chen Xin'an.

What does this guy want to do in full view of everyone?

The next second, Chen Xin'an suddenly rushed over. Before the air police could react, he was kicked again in the stomach!

This kick kicked him up, and he fell heavily to the floor two meters away!

Bach next to him was stunned for a moment, looked at Chen Xin'an and shouted: "How dare you move..."

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an turned around and kicked his legs, sending him flying too!

Harry on the side was stunned. How powerful was this kick that kicked people away?

Fortunately, I didn't get kicked, otherwise...

Before he could finish this thought, he also received a kick on his waist. He felt a brief moment of soaring into the clouds, and then he was hit hard.

Chen Xin'an kicked three people away and said disdainfully: "Trash! Don't go to China in the future, otherwise I will see you once and beat you once!"

Everyone on the plane was shocked.

The flight attendant next to me was pale and too nervous to kick him.

This guy is definitely the most arrogant and domineering Chinese person she has ever seen!

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