Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2115 This kind of gun is garbage

The underground passage was filled with whistles and laughter, and there were also a few screams from time to time.

Little Baiyang was covered in blood, but he managed to rush to Red Fox's side and protect her behind him.

Red Fox was already naked, with his hands crossed on his chest, his eyes full of fear.

She is not afraid of death, but she is afraid of being humiliated before death.

She couldn't imagine what kind of fate awaited her if she fell into the hands of these Mofei people!

Xiao Baiyang's body was trembling, and blood was still flowing out from the wound, but he still looked at Mo Feiren around him with a fierce expression.

In fact, he himself knew that he could no longer hold on.

Just two people can rush up to them and knock them down!

But even if he only has one breath left, he can't let these bastards hurt the red fox!

Because this is the most precious woman in his life!

A group of Mofei people surrounded the man and woman, and they were not in a hurry to attack them.

Just like a cat catches a mouse and won't eat it in one bite.

That's really boring. You have to play for fun first, and then eat after you've had enough fun!


A Mofei man avoided Xiao Baiyang's sight, quietly approached the red fox, and pulled off a piece of her skirt!

The red fox screamed, and Xiao Baiyang roared and rushed forward, but was punched on the bridge of the nose by a Mofei man, causing his nose to bleed!

"I'll fight for you!" Xiao Baiyang couldn't wait to pounce on them and die with these bastards.

But just as he was about to leave, Mo Feiren pounced on the red fox behind him.

He was so frightened that he quickly stepped back, but the people around him burst out laughing!

Just when those inhuman laughter had not disappeared, a roar suddenly came!

Strange, this is a subway station and no vehicles are allowed to pass through. How come there is the roar of cars?

Before anyone could react, a motorcycle roared down the steps and rushed into the crowd!

The two Mofei people were knocked out before they could react!

The rest of the people were all screaming and running around!

Li Qi, who was riding a motorcycle, glanced at Xiao Bai Yang and Hong Hu, his expression gloomy.

He twisted his wrist and slammed the gas pedal. As the motorcycle roared, the rear wheel made a harsh friction sound on the ground, and a cloud of white smoke rose up.

Several Mofei people wanted to take the opportunity to rush forward, but the motorcycle was spinning rapidly in circles!

The rear wheel that was thrown hit the two Mofei people hard, knocking them away hard. They were slapped on the wall next to them, fell down, and curled up into a ball!

The remaining people were angry and rushed forward, shouting and cursing loudly.

A Mofei man pointed at Li Qi and shouted, "That's him! This is the guy who stole the box!"

Li Qi increased the accelerator and made the motorcycle keep spinning in circles.

A group of Mofei people were shouting, but they didn't dare to get close at all!

However, this motorcycle was also stolen from Mo Feiren, and the quality was very average.

Not even two minutes had passed before the rear wheel exploded with a loud bang!

The surrounding Mofei people were overjoyed, and someone shouted loudly: "Rush up! This damn car can't turn!"

He turned around and raised the knife, intending to pounce on Li Qi.

However, he received a strong kick from Li Qi, sending his legs flying high off the ground!

Only then did he realize with horror that the guy in front of him was even scarier without a motorcycle!


With several crisp sounds in succession, Li Qi rushed into the crowd, grabbed Mo Feiren's wrist, and said goodbye hard!

With bursts of screams, several Mofei people threw their arms and fell to the ground.

The opponent's attacks were swift and swift, with every move cutting off hands and feet!

Xiao Baiyang's eyes widened and he looked at Li Qi in surprise.

This is a fighting master. There is no unnecessary movement when he strikes, and he specializes in anti-joint attacks!

The red fox's eyes also lit up, but then dimmed quickly.

Her former lover was also a good grappler.

This man who suddenly appeared seemed to have similar tricks to her lover.

But if you look closely, it doesn't look like it.

Because the person in front of me has even more ruthless moves!

At this moment, another noise came from the direction of the entrance.

Chen Xin'an and others have already rushed down.

And behind them, there were nearly a hundred Mofei people!

Chen Xin'an didn't expect that she had been recognized by Mo Feiren.

Actually it's not surprising.

Since Mo Feiren had already targeted them, why would he only focus on him?

Even with make-up on, as long as those guys recognize one person, they can recognize them all.

What's more, since Chen Xinan brought everyone out, he never thought of completely avoiding Mo Feiren.

There is even a fishing mentality.

Even if these people don't find him, he will take the initiative to find them.

If they hadn't been entangled by these Mofei people, Chen Xin'an and the others would have come to the underground passage earlier and rescued Red Fox and Little Baiyang.

Despite this, Chen Xin'an still sent Li Qi to snatch a motorcycle and come to save people first!

In Century Square, Chen Xin'an had already seen that these African-Americans would not let these two compatriots go.

Someone was always watching them.

So he didn't ask Li Qi to return the box to these two people, making it more dangerous for them to carry it.

But they didn't expect that they would also be exposed, and the other party sent a large group of people to entangle them.

Chen Xin'an made a quick decision and went to the subway station, where she could let go!

Those Mofei people also had this intention.

It's too close to Century Square, so it's hard for them to do anything.

Don't look at the two Chinese people you just dealt with, it seems to have some bad effects.

In fact, it was all a small fight and the police would not care.

But once someone like Chen Xinan takes action, the commotion will become louder.

It's hard for Mo Fei to explain to the police, so going underground is the best option!

The group of people surrounding Red Fox and Little Baiyang all dispersed and joined their companions.

There were seven or eight Mofei people lying on the ground, holding their broken arms and howling in pain!

Several Mo Feiren took out their pistols, but before they could shoot, Luo Xiaoman and Chen Xin'an rushed over!

They used the Mofei people in front of them as cover and pushed them back.

Before the gunmen could react, the other party had already rushed in front of them!

Their bodies collided with each other, and just when they fell, the pistol had been snatched away!

Luo Xiaoman threw the pistol back and shouted: "Brother Aqi!"

Li Qi made a diving leap and grabbed the pistol in his hand. While his body was still descending, the gunfire rang out!

Bang bang bang!

After three gunshots, Li Qi landed.

At the same time, the three gunmen screamed and dropped their guns, holding their right hands that were hit by bullets with their left hands!

What an accurate shot!

The remaining Mofei people were all dumbfounded. Under the absolute numerical advantage, they also developed fear and subconsciously took a step back.

Luo Xiaoman also touched his ears subconsciously, his face full of shock, and he cursed: "Damn it, Ah Qi, be careful, you almost blew my head off!"

The moment the bullet flew past, he felt that the bullet flew past his ear!

He even heard the sound of the warhead passing through the air!

Li Qi raised the corner of his mouth, dismantled the empty pistol into a pile of parts in the blink of an eye, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, Brother Man, it won't happen!"

The thunderous voice said: "Aqi, why did you dismantle it? Didn't the boss say he wanted to buy a gun? Didn't this come to your door?"

Li Qi shook his head and said with disdain: "This kind of garbage is not easy to use!

There are too many faults, the accuracy is too poor, and the power is very average.

Three shots may not kill a person, using this kind of gun can only scare people! "


Suddenly there was another gunshot, which startled everyone.

One gunman clutched his chest and fell to the ground.

Chen Xin'an blew the smoke from the muzzle of the gun and said coldly: "Whoever dares to use the gun will die!"

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