Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2117: You can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can’t escape the fifteen

In order to prevent this thing from being counterfeit, the police sergeant leading the team quickly made a phone call.

He didn't know who he was calling, but as soon as he hung up the phone, his expression completely changed.

After looking at the people around him, the police chief waved his hand and said to the police around him: "Go, get out of here!"

With a sneer on her lips, Chen Xin'an shook her head at Luo Xiaoman, Li Qi and others, indicating that they didn't need to stop them.

You Jordan City officials can ignore it, but you can't be biased.

Otherwise, even if I am the police, I will not let you go easily!

Xiao Baiyang shouted: "You can't leave! You are the police. These people robbed our donation box and injured us. They have broken the law!"

You are the police and if you don't care about something like this, I'm going to file a complaint against you! "

"What did you say?" a policeman asked, glaring at Xiao Baiyang with a sullen face.

Dao Lei stood in front of Xiao Baiyang, looked at the policeman coldly and said, "What's wrong? Did you not hear it or do you think he said something wrong?"

Chen Xin'an and others also looked at him with unkind eyes.

The policeman looked at the chief, took a deep breath, and said to Xiao Baiyang: "Can you identify who did it?"

"Of course!" Xiao Baiyang pointed at the people with dreadlocks and said to the police, "That's them!"

The police chief looked gloomily and said to his colleagues: "Take him away!"

A group of Mofei people wanted to stop him, but a tall, dark-skinned man with scars on his face shook his head at everyone, and just looked at Xiao Baiyang with a gloomy expression.

The police handcuffed more than a dozen African-Americans with their hands behind their backs. It no longer mattered whether they were taken back to the police station or let go directly.

The remaining Mo Feiren looked at Chen Xin'an and others with eyes full of confusion and anger.

In Jordan City, they have never suffered such a loss.

Who are these Chinese people that the police dare not mess with?

How come they have the tokens of the Cexire family?

Regarding the Cexire family, the Mofei people pursue a policy of no provocation and no dependence.

After all, he represents the Bai Dao of Jordan City.

Always follow the face, otherwise there will definitely be no good fruit.

But how could these Chinese people get so close to the Cexire family?

This matter must be told to the boss Hans as soon as possible.

The police withdrew, and the Mofei people also evacuated carefully.

Little Baiyang gritted his teeth and cursed: "Don't..."

Red Fox grabbed him and shook his head.

Li Niandong had already taken off his coat and covered Red Fox's body.

Luo Qianhe said to Xiao Baiyang: "Don't be too excited, otherwise you will lose more blood. Now I will help you press a few acupuncture points to help you stop bleeding. Don't move!"

Mo Feiren left quickly. The scarred man looked at Chen Xin'an and the others with sinister eyes, took a few steps back, and the moment he turned around, he suddenly drew his gun and fired!

The Mofei people have never suffered a big loss. If they let these Chinese people go like this, they will become a joke to others in Jordan City!

This matter will definitely not be over, and it can’t just be forgotten today.

One of his brothers has died, and it will definitely not work if the other party does not die!

He thought that with such a long distance, the opponent wouldn't be able to catch up even if he knew kung fu.

So he can definitely kill one of the opponents with one shot.

Just now he saw Chen Xin'an grabbing the bullet with his bare hands, which shocked him to the core.

Of course I won't target this guy.

Those people who knew kung fu were not his target. He was targeting the woman who had been standing in the crowd, silent and motionless!

This woman is very important, but she doesn’t know Kung Fu, so if she is killed, this group of people will suffer a great loss!

Seeing the shot aimed at Ning Xiruo, Chen Xin'an's expression changed.

He is far away from his wife, and Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman are too late!

Just when everyone was thinking about it, someone suddenly turned around and blocked Ning Xiruo!


The bullet hit Dao Lei's chest, and blood slowly seeped out.

Dao Lei leaned back, but immediately stabilized himself and covered his chest with his hands.

"Fuck!" Chen Xin'an rolled forward and picked up a switchblade from the ground. The moment he stood up, he threw the switchblade out and stabbed the scar-faced man without any bias!

The scar-faced man, who was about to take another shot when he saw the shot missed, screamed and dropped the pistol to the ground.

He didn't dare to pick it up, so he turned around and ran away!

Chen Xin'an did not chase, but rushed to Dao Lei.

Li Qi chased after him!

Chen Xin'an supported Dao Lei and slowly laid him flat on the ground.

Luo Xiaoman ran over and sat on the ground, holding Dao Lei's head in his hands.

Chen Xin'an took out the silver needle, quickly injected it into Dao Lei, and shouted: "Pigeon, listen to the pulse!"

Luo Qianhe didn't dare to neglect, and immediately grabbed Dao Lei's hand to check his pulse, and then put his ear against Dao Lei's chest.

After a while, he breathed a sigh of relief and said to Chen Xin'an: "The heart was not hit. The heartbeat does not seem to be beating after an injury. It must be off-center!"

Chen Xin'an administered two more injections and said to Dao Lei, "Big Leizi, be patient, I'll take you to the hospital now!"

Dao Lei's face turned pale, and he gritted his teeth and said to Chen Xin'an: "Don't worry, boss, you won't die!"

Xiao Zhang had already run towards the entrance. Luo Xiaoman simply gave Dao Lei a princess hug and said to everyone: "Let's go!"

Dao Lei said feebly: "Aman, can you change your position? This is so awkward..."

Luo Xiaoman scolded angrily: "Do you think I want to? Carrying it on my back will just press the wound! You are such a virtuous person, but you are still picky. As long as I can get you to the car, don't talk nonsense!"

Dao Lei closed his mouth helplessly.

Ning Xiruo said to Luo Xiaoman, "Wait a minute!"

She walked over and helped Dao Lei zip up his clothes, then covered Dao Lei's top with her coat, then nodded and said, "Okay!"

Turning around, Ning Xiruo said to Red Fox and Little Baiyang: "You two should come together, your injuries also need to be bandaged!"

Red Fox and Xiao Baiyang knew that if they left now, they would definitely be retaliated by Mo Feiren, so they did not reject Ning Xiruo's invitation.

Xiao Zhang had already driven his business car to the entrance of the subway station, and Li Qi was also back.

After getting in the car, Li Qi said to Chen Xin'an: "The guy who shot just now should be a leader of Mo Feiren.

Many people rescued him, but I solved two of them and still let him run away! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said with a gloomy face: "It doesn't matter, you can escape the first grade of junior high school, but you can't escape the fifteenth grade!"

Hopes Medical University Hospital.

This is also the best hospital in Jordan City. It is the hospital where Luo Qianhe's apprentice, world-famous surgeon, and chief professor of Hopes Medical University, Morton Owen, works.

On the way to the hospital, Luo Qianhe had already called his apprentice.

As soon as Gloria Business arrived at the entrance of the hospital lobby, there was already a group of medical staff waiting here.

The car door opened, and the medical staff rushed forward. They placed Dao Lei, Xiao Bai Yang, and Hong Hu on the stretcher, and quickly pushed them in.

Morton Owen looked surprised and held Luo Qianhe's hand and said, "Master, why don't you call me when you are here? I can pick you up at the airport!"

Luo Qianhe waved his hand and said, "There's no need to pick you up at the airport, I'm not here specifically to see you.

Zhaodi, come here! "

Guo Zhaodi stood obediently in front of Luo Qianhe and whispered: "Master, what's the matter?"

Luo Qianhe said to Morton Owen: "This is your junior sister, if you don't understand anything about medication, just ask her!

Zhaodi, this is the foreign apprentice I mentioned to you, and he is also your senior brother.

If you want anything, just ask him, you're welcome! "

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