Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2144 You have all changed now

Not to mention the group of Zhao Zhigao's disciples, even Peng Chang and the foreigners around him were stunned by this scene!

Especially those foreigners who don’t know what inner strength is.

But seeing someone with a random punch can knock a strong man weighing 1,670 pounds two meters away and smash the door of a car is enough to feel the terrifying power of this punch!

But this punch was only 40% of his strength!

If he had really used all his strength to feed himself, Master would probably be left with nothing but a puddle of meat dregs!

Ning Xiruo came over and said to the group of Zhao Zhigao's disciples: "You should call an ambulance now!

I said I just advised my husband to be merciful and not to kill your master. Do you believe it now? "

"You..." A group of disciples glared at Ning Xiruo and Chen Xin'an, as if they were unwilling to do so and wanted to swarm them.

Luo Xiaoman walked to the car and kicked the car on the butt!

With a loud bang, Zhao Zhigao, who was almost embedded in the car door, was ejected and fell to the ground with a snap like a dead dog!

Looking at the dent made by a kick at the rear of the car, the group of disciples all stretched their necks and swallowed.

If this kick were to hit him, he would probably kneel down on the spot!

Luo Xiaoman looked at everyone with disdain and cursed: "Whoever feels dissatisfied and wants to fight again, come forward and I will play with him!

Just don't be like this trash!

Iron shirt with golden bell cover?


They are all made of paper, right?

Is it true that all people practicing kung fu in China are dancing?

I guess you can't even dance well with your strength, right?

After being abroad for so many years, my horizons have not broadened much!

Do you still have the nerve to call others a frog in the well?

You are the biggest toad! "

The disciples all had red faces after being scolded, but they did not dare to speak back.

His strength is not as good as others, even his master can't withstand a punch from others, and his disciples are even more vulnerable. If he goes up, he will only get killed!

Peng Chang was even more shocked and speechless!

He knows Zhao Zhigao's strength best.

Over the years, he has asked Master Zhao to be his bodyguard, which has really helped him resolve a lot of dangers.

He originally thought that Master Zhao's kung fu was really the best among people, and there were not many who could match him.

Now I realize how short-sighted I was.

It is true that there are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the world.

Chen Xin'an and the friends around him all looked to be less than thirty years old, but their strength was so terrifying!

This further strengthened his desire to win over.

If overseas chambers of commerce have people like this joining them, even Mofei people don’t need to be afraid, they can just go against them!

But it seems that Chen Xin'an doesn't have a good impression of him, so he can only make decisions about his wife.

It can be seen that the two couples have a very good relationship. If her wife joins the overseas chamber of commerce, her husband will agree even if he does not agree!

He walked to Ning Xiruo and said to her, "Mrs. Chen, actually I really want to invite Anhao Group to join the Overseas Chamber of Commerce!"

Since we are all members of GBSA, Anhao Group is destined to go abroad and go international.

If you can join an overseas chamber of commerce, it will also have a strong role in promoting the overseas development of Anhao Group..."

Before he could finish speaking, Ning Xiruo looked at him calmly and said, "President Peng, my husband makes the decision on this kind of thing and I will not participate.

But I would like to ask more, what is the purpose of establishing overseas chambers of commerce? "

Peng Chang said proudly: "It is a platform for all Chinese businessmen, and even all Chinese people living overseas, to provide protection, warm each other, help each other, expand contacts, share information, and integrate resources..."

"Chi!" Ning Xiruo sneered, looked at Peng Chang with disdain and said:

"Have you done it now?

At the auction house, when my sisters and brothers were framed and humiliated by the son of the oil tycoon, did anyone in the Chamber of Commerce stand up?

Only after my husband took action, you saw his courage and strength, felt that he was valuable, and became interested in winning over him, and then you took advantage of the situation and stood up to speak out, right? "

Peng Chang's face turned red and he was so ashamed that he could not speak.

Li Zecheng sighed, shook his head and said to Peng Chang: "President Peng, I still prefer the previous chamber of commerce model.

Without you, I might not have been able to safely withdraw from the Eagle Flag Country back then.

But now, I really can’t imagine that the Chamber of Commerce has turned into this.

It has become an organization that is only interested in profit and watching what others do!

Everyone acted like a coward and tried to protect themselves wisely.

Even if our compatriots are suffering, no one dares to come forward!

Not to mention that Chen Xin'an doesn't want to join, I already want to quit! "

Peng Chang's face turned red with shame and he felt ashamed.

Ning Xiruo said to Li Zecheng, "Mr. Li, Xin'an and I will go back first. If anything happens, let's call."

"Okay! If you need anything from me, just inform Xiaolei and let her arrange it. You don't have to ask me!" Li Zecheng nodded and watched Chen Xin'an and the others leave.

Turning around, Li Zecheng said to Peng Chang: "Send Master Zhao to the hospital first! Can we two brothers find a place to have a good chat?"

Peng Chang smiled bitterly and nodded: "Mr. Li, I listen to you!"

On the neon-lit streets of Jordan City, police cars roared past from time to time.

The smoking car at the intersection, the broken glass, the holes on the car body and the blood on the ground indicate that a car accident and a gunfight just happened here.

The official logo on the car body shows that the official suffered a loss in this gunfight.

Luo Xiaoman said with a gloating look on his face: "Mark must be so angry now!"

"That idiot!" Chen Xinan curled his lips.

In Chen Xinan's eyes, the younger brother of the two sons of Burman is much better than the older brother.

The elder brother followed his father's old path to enter politics, but he can only stay in the Security Bureau in this life and become a big leader of the Security Bureau.

This is the treatment that can only be obtained by relying on his father to become the chief.

As for Golden, this kid is a bit scheming and thick-skinned enough to do business.

If he is better at judging the situation, he may not be able to support the entire Cecire family.

But he is still too immature now and it is difficult for him to take on big responsibilities!

"Found out!" Du Yunyan, who had been fiddling with her notebook in the back row, snapped her fingers and said to everyone:

"This red hood has committed more than 30 crimes in Eagle Flag Country!

A total of various treasures stolen are worth 3 billion Eagle Flag Yuan!

In fact, there are 13 Chinese national treasures.

Eleven Tailan national treasures!

Six Dongchao national treasures!

Twenty-eight Daying national treasures!"

Mu Yezhen sneered and said with disdain: "The people of Daying regard the Eagle Flag Country as their master and lick it like a dog.

Those Daying national treasures may be the tribute they paid to the Eagle Flag Country.

I didn't expect so many of them to be stolen!

It's what they deserve!"

Li Niandong sighed, shook his head and said: "Ye Zhen, don't forget that 99% of the so-called Daying national treasures were looted in China.

They are all our Chinese national treasures!"

Everyone nodded together.

Mu Yezhen snorted and said: "That's even more what he deserves!"

Suddenly, with a click, the car stopped abruptly!

Everyone was shaken, and even Du Yunyan's notebook was almost thrown out!

This was given to her by Chen Xinan, and she treated it as a treasure.

He immediately scolded angrily: "Brother Xiao, what are you doing! Do you know how to drive?"

Xiao Zhang said in a deep voice: "Just now a shadow flashed by! I'll go down and take a look!"

"Don't move, I'll go down!" Chen Xinan said with a gloomy face.

But at this moment, with a bang, a bloody hand slapped the car window glass!

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