Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2154 Corridor Battle

Let me go, why are you robbing an acquaintance?

Luo Xiaoman took a step forward with a dark face. Chen Xin'an put his hand behind his back and shook it at him, signaling him not to act rashly.

There are Mofei people around, and as soon as he makes a move, everyone will know.

In tonight's special situation, there is nothing strange about the Easterners appearing in the Octopus Tower.

But if you do it, it will be troublesome.

Although the purpose of Chen Xin'an coming here is to cause chaos in the entire Octopus Tower.

But he didn’t want to make himself the target of public criticism!

Their real purpose of sneaking into the Octopus Tower is to let all the forces here attack at the same time!

So this Taylor cannot be killed yet.

His appearance is actually beneficial to Chen Xin'an and the other four!

After all, he didn't see what happened at the bar, so he always thought that Chen Xin'an and these four people were from Da Ying!

This is what Chen Xin'an wants!

Just to make these guys think that they are Da Ying people or Dongchao people.

This will make them fight!

He winked at Luo Qianhe.

Luo Qianhe understood and said to Taylor: "Brother Taylor, we can make a deal.

I have something I want to give to Pingya. If you take us to the meeting place, I will give you one hundred! "

Taylor turned his head and looked at Luo Qianhe.

Chen Xin'an in front of him stretched out a slap.

Luo Qianhe said to Taylor: "Five hundred!"

Taylor grinned widely, put away his pistol, nodded and said, "Deal! But I want to get the money first!"

On the third floor of the main building, a Mofei man drank all the wine in the bottle and threw the empty bottle away casually.

Not far away from him, several people with oriental faces were smoking and chatting.

One person saw the bottle flying over and quickly pushed his companion in front of him.


The bottle fell to the concrete floor at his feet and shattered into pieces.

The Dongfang man who was almost hit had an angry look on his face, turned his head and cursed at the Mofei man: "Fake!"

Mo Feiren gave him a middle finger and scolded him with disdain: "Fake Squid!"

The Oriental man was about to come over angrily, but was grabbed by his companion!

"Forget it Zhemin, the boss said you must exercise restraint tonight!"

The man named Zhemin cursed in Dongchao dialect with a livid face:

“These bastards have been provoking us tonight!

If the boss hadn't told me, I would have fucked them long ago!

A bunch of Murphys, I've been putting up with them for a long time! "

The people here wanted to swallow their anger, but those Mo Fei people pushed even further.

Seeing that these Dongchao people dared to glare at them, a group of Mofei people all threw their bottles at them.


A dozen wine bottles fell down, and the Dongchao people dodged left and right. They all fell to the ground and turned into glass shards on the ground!

This time the Dongchao people stopped working and all gathered together. Twenty people looked at the Mofei people angrily.

A Mofei man burped, looked at the Dongchao people with a provocative look and said:

"What's going on, you Dongchao Yugans, do you want to fight?"

Everyone in Mofei burst into laughter.

Dongchao people are generally thin, like small dried fish that have been dried in the sun, so their figures are often ridiculed by Mofei people.

A Mofei man looked at another group of Easterners not far away and cursed: "Are you dwarfs like you also bored?

Do you want to join Dongchao Yugan and have a fight? "

The Da Ying people over there smiled and waved their hands and said: "We will not participate! If you feel bored, then let's start a fight. We only watch the fun and don't interfere!"

The Dongchao people looked at the Da Ying people with contempt and cursed: "What the smart Da Ying people like to do most is to hide behind and sneak around and take advantage!

Sorry, there is no shit for you to eat this time! "

The speaker turned his head and shouted to everyone around him: "Be honest! What happens tonight will affect our jobs in the future.

Whoever messes things up for me will be killed!

Stoker, mind your people!

If you ruin the meeting, Hans won't let you go!

One of the Mofei people with a scar on his face and gauze wrapped around his right hand spat fiercely on the ground: "Pu Dongchang, my people don't need you to tell them what to do!"

He turned around and said to the people around him:

"Don't worry, if they don't agree to the boss's conditions, we can fight tonight!

Not only these Dongchao people, but also the people from Dabai Building and H Building, we have to deal with them too!

Fick is back, we must take down the entire 11th block tonight.

From now on, I will only do business for one family, either a Dongchao person or a Da Ying person! "

A group of men's eyes lit up and they grinned.

They turned their heads and looked at the two groups of Mo Feiren in the corridor.

One of the men yawned and said impatiently: "When will it end? Do we have to talk for so long? I'm tired!"

When he said this, it was as if it was contagious. Many people yawned and said:

"Yeah, I want to sleep too! I don't know why tonight, but I always feel lack of energy!"

"It's strange. At this time before, I was the most energetic. Why do I keep yawning tonight?"

"I'm afraid that after a while, I will fall asleep standing here, and now I can't even open my eyes!"

The men drank the wine served from the bar, and the medicine inside began to take effect.

The anesthetic prepared by Luo Qianhe will not immediately turn you numb if you drink it.

No one knows how many people drank.

Drugs that are too effective can easily arouse everyone's vigilance.

Once you find that something is wrong, it is easy to suspect them, and it will be inconvenient to do what you want to do at that time.

Therefore, each box of wine has different medicinal effects.

It's just that Mofei people are greedy for alcohol and drink a lot, so many people have attacks at the same time.

A Mofei man yawned, turned his head and said to the group of Dongchao people:

"Hey, Dongchao dried fish, come over here and blow it for me.

Give me some energy so I won't feel sleepy! "

As he said that, he also moved forward to lift his hips.

All the Mofei people around burst out laughing.

A group of Dongchao people gnashed their teeth, and some clenched their fists as if they were rushing over!

Pu Dongchang scolded with a straight face: "Be honest with me! Have you forgotten what I just said? Ignore them!"

The Dongchao people gritted their teeth and lowered their heads.

A Mo Fei Ren scolded with disdain: "Useless Dongchao Dried Fish!"

He held an empty wine bottle and threw it over again.

This time it didn't hit the target, and it landed on the head of a Dongchao man.

The Dongchao man became anxious, grabbed a bottle and cursed: "Fuck you!" He threw it over as hard as he could!

This time it was like a fuse was triggered. Both sides picked up the bottles and threw them at each other!

Anyway, it's not a face-to-face fight, it's just throwing bottles at each other, it doesn't count as disobeying the boss's order.

Therefore, the leaders on both sides ignored it and joined in.

A man from Daying was still yawning, but when he saw this scene, he suddenly became energetic.

The companions nearby also watched with interest, one person pointed at the battlefield here and laughed.

But at this moment, a wine bottle hit him squarely in the face, causing his nose to bleed!

"Baga!" The Ying man was angry. He wiped away the nosebleed with one hand. Without saying a word, he picked up a bottle and smashed it at the Dongchao man.

"What the hell are you? It was obviously the Mofei people who threw the bottle, but you bastards threw it at us Dongchao people! Kill these Daying dwarfs!"

A bottle war broke out instantly, and even the remaining two groups of Mofeiren were inevitably involved!

At this moment, a dark guy appeared out of nowhere, hit Park Dongchang on the head, and then rolled to the ground!



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