Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2159 It’s all your fault

The bodyguard was beaten to death, and he almost died here, let alone the anger in Cui Haozhi's heart.

He took his cell phone and hid in a corner, and soon a group of people rushed over.

"Brother Haozhi!" Park Dongchang's eyes turned red when he saw the boss.

Cui Haozhi looked behind him, frowned and asked, "Why are there only a few of you? Where are the other brothers?"

Pu Dongchang burst into tears and said with a look of sorrow and anger: "No more! They are all dead! We were attacked by the Da Ying people and the Mo Fei people, and suffered heavy casualties!

Twenty brothers, now there are only six of us left! "

"Brother Haozhi..." The five people behind him all had red eyes.

Cui Haozhi clenched his fists tightly, took a deep breath and said, "Leave here first, and when we go back to gather people, we will come back for revenge!"

Although a group of people are unwilling to do so, they also know that if they stay here any longer, none of these people will be able to leave Block 11 alive!

At this moment, Park Dongchang's cell phone rang.

He quickly took it out and took a look, his eyes widened, and he said to Cui Haozhi: "Wait a minute!"

After pressing the answer button, Park Dongchang listened for a while, with a look of ecstasy on his face!

He excitedly said to Cui Haozhi: "Brother Haozhi, our brother is here!

Already entered Block 11!

What should we do now?

Are we still leaving?

So many brothers died here, even your cousin..."

Cui Haozhi's face was livid, he gritted his teeth and cursed: "I'm not leaving! I'm going to do something damn tonight!"

Damn the Ying people!

Damn Murphy!

Notify brothers, rush for me!

Kill people on sight..."

"Brother Haozhi!" Pu Dongchang quickly stopped him and said with an embarrassed look: "We don't have many people. If we provoke the Mofei people and the Da Ying people at the same time, it will be easy for them to join forces to deal with them!

Let’s deal specifically with the Da Ying people and destroy them all!

From now on in Lidun City, only we Dongchao people can trade with the Mofei people! "

Even if all the Dongchao people in the entire city of London were gathered together, there would only be seven or eight hundred people.

There are at most three or four hundred people who can fight.

There are only more than a hundred people coming here now, and they kill people on sight?

This is the base camp of Mofeiren!

If you dare to shoot at the Mofei people indiscriminately, you will probably be wiped out without even being able to see the Octopus Tower!

Cui Haozhi also calmed down and felt that Park Dongchang's words made sense. He nodded and said, "Then tell them to only deal with Da Ying people!

I want all those Japanese people to die here, including Ikeda Heiya!

Also, give them the location and ask them to send some brothers to pick us up! "

"Okay!" Pu Dongchang nodded and picked up the phone. As soon as he said a few words, the expression on his face changed.

After a while, he put down his mobile phone and said to Cui Haozhi: "Brother Haozhi, people from Japan are here too!

And those Tailan people and some Mofei people are here!

A group of them started fighting before they even entered Block 11!

Now the entrance area is in chaos. Our people are blocked and can't get through at all!

Cui Haozhi's face darkened, he gritted his teeth and said to everyone: "Let's go and meet them!

Be careful, don't hold back any people you encounter, they will go on a killing spree tonight!

Join forces? Go to hell! "

On the fifth floor of Octopus Tower, Zhang Jiayu, who originally wanted to go to the roof, heard Phil's report, but his lungs were about to explode!

“As expected, they are all a bunch of losers who fail to achieve anything but fail!

Such fierce fighting only harms others and ourselves, and does no good at all! "

Phil held a pistol and said to her: "Mr. Yu, don't worry about this for now!

Let’s get out of here first! "

Rhodes stumbled over and said breathlessly: "Quick! Let's go!

They are all crazy and shoot at anyone they see!

The people from Dabailou have also rushed over, Ped may want to attack you! "

Chaotic footsteps and gunshots could be heard behind him. Zhang Jiayu looked gloomy and said to the two of them:

"You stop them first, I'll wait for you above!"

Phil and Ped's faces sank and they did not move.

Two people stopping hundreds of people?

Are you asking us to die?

Zhang Jiayu snorted and said, "I'll ask the pilot to start the helicopter, and you guys rush up as fast as you can.

I will take you away, and you will be mine from now on!

He is also from Pyroses!

Whatever I promise you, I will give it to you.

But you also have to show some sincerity.

Don’t think you can just stay with me if you don’t do anything! "

Phil and Rhodes took a deep breath and turned around silently.

Zhang Jiayu ignored them and turned around and walked up the stairs.

The helicopter was parked on the roof of the fifth floor.

Zhang Jiayu ran over, patted the cabin door, and shouted loudly: "Hurry up and let's go!"

She sat in the back cabin and urged the driver: "What are you still doing? Hurry up!"

Waiting for those two companions?


Let them hold those people back so she can leave safely!

However, the pilot did not start the helicopter. Instead, he turned around and looked directly at her.

At this moment, Zhang Jiayu's whole body was as cold as if he had fallen into an ice cave!

This is not the original driver at all, but her haunted family member!

Zhang Jian!

The moment she saw him, Zhang Jiayu figured it out.

No wonder things went so poorly tonight, he was the one causing the trouble!

"Second brother..." Zhang Jiayu shouted tremblingly.

Zhang Jian's face was ashen and he scolded her: "Shut up! Are you qualified to call me?

Zhang Jiayu, if you are still a human being, just tell me where Qi Gong and the others are! "

Hearing this, Zhang Jiayu relaxed.

She was really afraid that Zhang Jian would ignore her and kill her with one shot!

Since there are concerns and concerns, it means that we have a life-saving card, and we still have to talk.

She crossed her arms, kicked Erlang's legs, and sighed: "So, you killed that Dongchao man, and you threw the grenade. You actually started this fight, right?"

No, you can’t do this alone, there must be helpers!

You have no friends in the Eagle Flag Country, where can you find help?

By the way, Chen Xin'an is already here, so he is with you tonight, right?

Zhang Jian took out a knife and shouted to her: "Stop talking nonsense and get off!"

He didn't want to shoot and lure those Murphys up.

And to deal with Zhang Jiayu, you don't need a gun. If you weren't afraid of being soft, you wouldn't even use a knife!

Zhang Jiayu pouted and had no choice but to jump out of the helicopter obediently.

Zhang Jian followed closely, stood opposite her, and said coldly: "Don't force me to pick off your hands and feet first!"

Zhang Jiayu raised his head, looked at him and asked: "Second brother, do you hate me so much? When you were a child, you loved holding Xiao Yu'er in your arms the most!"

"I told you to shut up!" Zhang Jian's eyes were red, he looked at Zhang Jiayu angrily and cursed:

"That little Yu'er from before is dead!

The person standing in front of me now is just a beast!

A bastard who betrayed his own country, betrayed his own nation, dragged his entire family down, and tore his family apart in pieces! "

"Bah bang bang!" Zhang Jiayu clapped his hands and said to Zhang Jian with a smile:

"Second brother scolded me well!

Yes, I am a traitor, I am a traitor!

Who made me become like this?

My mother made a small mistake and was sentenced to five years and died in prison.

Did China give her a chance?

Have the Zhang family seen her once?

Why did I come to the Eagle Flag Country? Isn’t it because I am completely disappointed with you? "

Zhang Jian said angrily: "My aunt has been corrupt and accepted bribes. Since she has broken the law, she should be punished!"

"Shit!" Zhang Jiayu scolded coldly: "I'll tell you a secret!

My mother was basically forced to do so, and it was my father who really benefited!

He took the money and reported my mother again, just to get merit.

Do you think it's funny or not? "


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