Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2174 Let’s explain ourselves

The matter has been dealt with, and the clinic is now owned by Chen Xinan.

Yan Huilan, as the executive general manager, will be fully responsible for this place in the future.

Chen Xinan took everyone back to the hotel. Before getting in the car, Golden said to him: "Mr. Chen, Mr. Stilwell invites you to dinner!"

Chen Xinan waved his hand and said lightly: "Tell him to change the time. I'm taking a break today and I'm not going anywhere!"

Golden seemed to say something, but Chen Xinan had already got in the car.

He had no choice but to shrug helplessly and get in the car and leave. Sitting in the front seat, Li Niandong sneered and said to Ning Xiruo with disdain: "That Stilwell is really a snob. When I talked to him before, you could see that his eyes were almost flying to the sky, with an arrogant face. Now that something happened in Block 11, he immediately came to make an appointment with Mr. Chen. Knowing that Mr. Chen is powerful and useful, he immediately showed his goodwill!" Chen Xinan leaned back in the back seat and sneered, "Which of them is not like this? Including the people of the Cecire family. If you only have a little money and no real strength, do you think they will help us like this? Foreigners are practical. Only if you can bring them benefits, they will look up to you!" Everyone nodded together. Chen Xinan squinted and said, "So, after coming out, you will find that everything here has become very realistic. There are no real friends, and there are no real enemies. There are only eternal interests. Maybe today I help Burman deal with the Murphys, and tomorrow he can unite with the Murphys to deal with me!" Everyone fell silent. Ning Xiruo held Chen Xinan's hand and asked softly, "Husband, do you have any bad feelings?"

Chen Xinan shook his head and frowned, saying, "I just wonder if Red Hood will become like this? Will they keep their original intentions?"

Ning Xiruo knows him best.

She smiled and asked Chen Xinan, "Husband, do you want to help them?"

Chen Xinan nodded and said, "I want to do what they do!

I feel happy!

But I don't know how long they can hold on.

Now their situation is getting more and more dangerous!

I'm a little worried that they won't be able to hold on!"

The phone suddenly rang, Chen Xinan pressed the answer button, and a man's low voice came from it: "Mr. Chen, I want to... meet him!"

Chen Xinan was silent for a while, and said to the phone, "I'll arrange it, wait for my call!"

Back to the hotel, Chen Xinan did not go to the presidential suite, but went into room 2507, and did not take a shower, and fell asleep directly!

This sleep lasted until the evening. Chen Xinan ate something casually, returned to the presidential suite, took a shower, and fell asleep again with his wife in his arms.

After sleeping for thirty hours, Chen Xinan finally woke up, his spirit and physical strength had been fully restored.

It was already noon, Ning Xiruo had prepared the meal and asked everyone to come to the presidential suite to eat.

Seeing Chen Xinan coming out, Dao Lei ran over and carried Chen Xinan on his back without saying a word, and walked to the dining table.

Chen Xinan jumped down and scolded with a smile: "Get out! I'm just a little tired, I don't need a half-crippled person like you to carry me!"

Dao Lei's eyes were red, and he said to Chen Xinan: "Brother An, I... Thank you!"

He knew that the reason why Chen Xinan went to the 11th block was not just to show his strength to Stilwell and the Cecil family.

The most important thing was to avenge him and vent his anger!

Dare to attack Chen Xinan's relatives and friends, then you must bear his double revenge!

This sentence is not only useful in China, but also applies abroad!

You know that there can be upgraded to the 11th block!

It is a place where even the official city of Leton is helpless.

But the boss brought a few brothers and broke in, just to kill the bastard who injured him!

When he rushed to the fifth floor of the Octopus Building, Chen Xin'an had already seen that Stoke was dead.

His head was smashed, and he couldn't be deader.

And he died very aggrievedly, being killed by his own little brother.

Those Murphys were so bad at shooting that they didn't even aim at people when they shot.

But they shot half a magazine of bullets on Stoke's head.

The unfortunate guy's head was smashed like a crushed watermelon!

Even Li Qi was shocked!

These Murphys were really cruel!

How could Dao Lei not understand this? Naturally, he was grateful.

He didn't know how to say nice words, so he could only express his feelings in this way.

Let Dao Lei calm down and sit at the dining table.

This guy still had injuries on his body, and Chen Xin'an didn't want to torment him.

Everyone ate together.

Chen Xinan took the steak and foie gras that Ning Xiruo had cut for him, and said while eating:

"Wife, please make an appointment with Mr. Li for me to come over tomorrow at noon.

Aqi, you and Heilong have exchanged phone numbers, right?

Tell him to come over tomorrow at noon!"

"Okay!" Ning Xiruo and Li Qi nodded at the same time.

Mu Yezhen frowned and said, "What about Red Fox? Should we call her back?"

Chen Xinan sighed and said, "Forget it, let Li Yinuo handle it himself!"

"Why?" Mu Yezhen was not happy and said to Chen Xinan, "If he really kept Red Fox in his heart, he would definitely look for her over the years!

Red Fox traveled to so many places to find him, but she didn't expect that this guy was actually beside her!

No, I must let Red Fox know about this! "

Li Niandong nodded vigorously and said, "I support you!"

Chen Xin'an wanted to say something, but finally sighed and shook his head.

He turned his head and said to Ning Xiruo: "Help me make an appointment with Stilwell tomorrow night. Let's try to negotiate the Nada Building project!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and asked him, "Do you want Anhao Group to be listed abroad?"

"That's not necessary!" Chen Xin'an waved her hands and said coldly: "I don't have the kindness to let foreigners make a lot of money on me!

I just want to earn their money and see if there is any way to get Boorman to promise me tax exemption for four to five years! "

Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong looked at each other and smiled helplessly.

This kind of thing is really something Chen Xin'an can handle.

After a while, Chen Xin'an said to Ning Xiruo: "The day after tomorrow, you will move to the Pearl Hotel and start preparing for the election.

I may not be able to accompany you, so you try to go out as little as possible and just stay with Mr. Li and the others! "

Ning Xiruo nodded and said to Chen Xin'an: "You must be careful, I will wait for you to come back!"

"Okay!" Chen Xin'an nodded in response.

He turned to look at everyone and said, "You can..."

Before he could finish speaking, Luo Xiaoman said: "I'll go with you!"

"I'll go too!" Li Qi, Xiao Zhang, Luo Qianhe, and even Dao Lei said to Chen Xin'an resolutely.

"And me!" Zhang Jian said in a deep voice, "It's time for me to end things with her!"

Chen Xin'an looked at everyone and nodded without refuting.

Li Niandong also looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "I'll go with you!"

Chen Xin'an frowned and said, "Xiaodong, if something happens to you, I can't explain it to Mr. Li!"

Li Niandong snorted and said, "No matter what happens to any of us, can you explain it?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, and really didn't know how to answer.

Li Niandong smiled and said: "We will explain ourselves.

With me here, your work will go more smoothly.

I will take good care of myself, not to mention that I carry a protective weapon every day! "

After hearing what she said, Chen Xin'an couldn't refuse.

He also needs help when going to Black Hawk Island. If he brings a translator, it will indeed save him a lot of trouble.

It's just that there is danger, for sure.

But as long as you're careful and protected, you should be fine.


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