Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2182 You are just a braggart

This woman looks like she could be Stilwell's daughter, and she is a few years older than Ning Xiruo.

But she is already the mother of two teenage children.

But her figure is not out of shape, she looks very pampered!

This gave her the confidence to be arrogant and rude, not caring that her husband was the one hosting the guests.

Stilwell looked embarrassed and said to her: "Dear, don't be like this! In fact, the food here is very delicious. You and the children should try it..."

Delia said impatiently: "I don't believe your nonsense! I don't want to come to such a low-level place at all!

Stillwell, I don't want to accompany you anymore.

I also made an appointment with Betty to go to the Diamond Star Club tonight..."

The two children also knocked on the table and shouted in unison: "Oh yeah! Diamond Star! Diamond Star!"

Chen Xin'an said impatiently: "Okay, Mr. Stilwell, you can spend time with your wife and children tonight. We will make an appointment when we have time!"

He ignored the people in front of him and said to Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong: "Since we are here, let's try the taste of this restaurant.

I'm going to ask, if there is a private room, we can take a private room. If there is no private room, we can go find a table in the hall below, is that okay? "

Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong nodded and smiled: "You have the final say!"

The three of them turned to leave, but Stilwell shouted: "Mr. Chen, please wait!"

He looked awkward and said to the three of them: "I've already ordered, don't you need to open another table?"

He turned his head and shouted to his wife and children: "Shut up! Don't embarrass me here!"

Seeing that he was really angry, Delia seemed to be a little restrained. She snorted and said, "I just don't like people who are not punctual..."

Li Niandong curled his lips and said: "Mrs. Delia, I don't know what Mr. Stilwell told you.

But we were informed that it was eight o'clock.

It's only 7:50 now. We have arrived early and are not late.

So what do you mean by unpunctuality?

Do you want us to arrive half an hour early like you hosts?

Sorry, China does not have such rules. As for the Eagle Flag Country, I don’t know! "

Stilwell looked embarrassed and said with a smile: "No! Don't take it to heart, Delia means no harm!"

Delia snorted coldly, looked at Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong with disdain and said, "I just don't want my husband to be deceived!"

"Deceive?" Ning Xiruo and Li Niandong looked at each other and said inexplicably: "What will we deceive your husband about?"

Delia looked at the two girls up and down, and said with disdain: "My husband is old, and it is inevitable that he will be a little confused sometimes.

But since I came with him, I won't let others deceive him.

Stilwell said to me, "I invited you here to contract the Nada Building business, right?"

I would like to ask, can you afford it?

You can see downstairs from here. If I'm not mistaken, you came here by Gloria Business, right?

It's just a shabby car that costs tens of thousands of yuan, and rich people won't even ride in it.

And I didn't find anything valuable on you, from head to toe.

Even the watch on this gentleman's wrist and the clothes of these two ladies are very ordinary.

With just one ring off my hand, I can buy everything you three have on you.

Even a pair of sneakers for my son and a dress for my daughter are all luxury goods with sky-high prices for you!

The one who invites you tonight is Mr. Stilwell, the president of Green Tree Group.

If you have money but dress like this on purpose, that would be disrespectful to my husband!

Or, you are simply liars and want to use my husband as a fat sheep to set a trap to harm him!

After all, I can't see any aristocratic temperament or traces in you! "

Chen Xin'an and the other three looked at each other in confusion.

I originally thought that this woman was just rude, but now I know that she is very scheming!

It's just that this scheming has great limitations and one-sidedness, which makes her even more arrogant.

There is an aura of superiority from the inside out, which makes people uncomfortable to look at.

Ning Xiruo curled her lips, looked at Delia and said, "I don't know what the so-called nobles in Mrs. Delia's mouth are based on.

But in China, those who wear gold and silver for fear that others will not know that they are rich are not real aristocrats.

They are nouveau riche!

Look at my mouth shape, Epstat!

Sorry, I didn't say Lady Delia was a nouveau riche.

I just think it’s ridiculous to regard whether or not you wear famous brands and luxury goods as the standard for judging aristocrats!

Real nobles disdain these things! "

"You..." Delia glared at Ning Xiruo angrily and embarrassedly.

Windsor on the side rolled her eyes and said: "Hey! Poor people are poor people. Only people who have no money and pretend to be rich will like to come to Chinese restaurants to eat.

Everyone knows that the food here is specially for the poor! "

"Who did you listen to? The consumption here is not low!" Li Niandong said angrily.

Ning Xiruo pulled her arm and shook her head.

Forget about teaching her mother a lesson, it's really pointless to argue with a child.

"Okay, that's enough!" Stilwell said to his wife and daughter with a straight face: "Mr. Chen is my distinguished guest! Stop being so rude!

It was Mr. Chen who helped me solve the big trouble with Hyman. He is my best friend and will also become my most suitable business partner! "

Delia snorted angrily and said impatiently: "I'm going to the bathroom!"

She stood up, took her handbag, twisted her waist and walked out.

Windsor curled her lips, took out her cell phone, and looked like she was minding her own business, not paying attention to anyone.

Stilwell quickly invited Chen Xin'an and everyone to sit down.

Ning Xiruo looked at her hands and said to Li Niandong, "I ate a few gallons of fruit in the car. I'm going to wash my hands. Do you want to go?"

Li Niandong glanced at Chen Xin'an and Stilwell and said, "I'm not going, just ask the waiter to take you there!"

Ning Xiruo nodded and was about to leave when she saw Chen Xin'an looking at her and said with a smile, "I'm just going to the bathroom, I'm taking it with me!"

She patted her waist gently, and Chen Xin'an nodded.

"How did you do it?" Wolfe looked at him curiously and asked.

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment and asked the boy, "What?"

Without waiting for Li Niandong to translate, Wolfe asked enthusiastically: "How did you get rid of Heyman?

Did you kill him?

Or just beat him up?

I know that's not someone to mess with.

Daniel suffered his losses! "

Daniel is his half-brother, and the relationship between the two brothers is pretty good, much better than Windsor's.

Chen Xin'an curled her lips and said: "I went to Block 11. I originally wanted to kill him, but he died in the hands of others!"

After listening to Li Niandong's translation, Windsor said with disdain:

"Then how do you tell dad that you were the one who solved Heyman?

Also, please stop bragging, okay?

Do you know where Block 11 is?

Where else do you dare to go?

I can guarantee that as long as you show up in that place, you won’t be able to come out intact! "

Wolf also said with a look of disdain: "I thought you were one of those powerful Chinese people, the kind who knows kung fu!

I didn’t expect him to be a braggart!

What a bummer! "



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