Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2190 I almost got admitted to Beijing University

There are only three floors of small buildings facing the street. It seems that apart from opening a restaurant, it can't do any good business.

But the entire Chinatown, with restaurants accounting for a full 40%, is already saturated.

So now Chen Xin'an doesn't know what to use it for, but the location is definitely needed.

Ning Xiruo said with a worried look: "But if they still have the indifferent way of living and can't form a rope, then even if they take that place, it won't actually have much effect.

Are you right, husband? They can't give much help to those in need of protection! "

Chen Xin'an raised the corners of her mouth with a sneer on her face: "When I come back from Black Eagle Island, the situation will be different!

Some people need to be won over, while others need to be subdued by force.

This is how you deal with people like the Overseas Chamber of Commerce.

If you let them know not to mess with you and are strong enough to make them cling to you, they will treat you with the utmost sincerity! "

Ning Xiruo stopped talking and just hugged Chen Xin'an, as if she was afraid that she would never be able to hold him again.

She would not persuade Chen Xin'an not to go to Black Eagle Island. At this critical moment, she would not let her man be distracted.

The grudge with Pyroses cannot be resolved, and she knows this better than anyone else.

If this problem is not solved, there will never be peace in their lives.

Paiges has already sent so many killers to China, and there will be more in the future.

You can only commit a thief in a thousand days, but there is no way to prevent a thief in a thousand days.

Now that it's here, let's do it once and for all.

Although this method is dangerous, the results are worth it.

Chen Xin'an also analyzed it with her daughter-in-law more than once.

It sounds like it is very unbelievable for just a few people to deal with a large multinational company or even a killer group.

It's like hitting a rock with an egg.

But in actual operation, what we have to deal with is not the tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands or hundreds of thousands of employees of a multinational company, but only the few people who give orders!

For Chen Xin'an, it was nothing more than killing Maigret and his cronies.

It is true that Black Eagle Island is a dragon's pond and a tiger's den, but as long as you plan properly and quickly retreat after completing the goal, it is not impossible!

Of course, Chen Xin'an went to Black Eagle Island not only to kill Maigret, but also for other purposes, such as getting rid of Zhang Jiayu and finding Black Wormwood.

Junior brother and Zhaodi both said that this thing might be the only way to make the wife pregnant again.

Chen Xin'an didn't want to see his wife looking depressed and inferior, so whenever he had the chance, he would give it a try.

Knowing that they would be temporarily separated tomorrow, the couple lost control and kept tossing until late at night before going to bed contentedly.

When I woke up, it was already bright.

The couple got up, washed up, had breakfast with everyone, and checked out.

First, I sent Ning Xiruo to the Pearl Hotel and asked Mr. Li to take care of her.

Everyone drove away and headed straight to Black Hawk Island.

It takes about three hours to drive from Jordan City to Black Hawk Island.

It takes an hour just to cross the fifty-kilometer cross-sea bridge.

Fortunately, this road is simple. Even if a foreigner looks at the map or navigation, he can remember the route and not get lost.

Xiao Zhang was driving, and Luo Xiaoman was on the co-pilot.

There are three rows of seats in the back, which can accommodate seven people.

Li Qi and Zhang Jian sat in the first row.

Dao Lei and Luo Qianhe are in the second row.

Chen Xin'an and Li Niandong were three people in the back.

At this moment, Li Niandong was holding his mobile phone and showing Chen Xin'an the street view map of Black Eagle Island.

This thing is only available on Li Niandong's mobile phone.

Even Chen Xin'an is not qualified to use it.

As for whether Li Niandong asked his grandfather to use satellite monitoring, it was unknown, and Chen Xin'an did not ask in detail.

With street view maps, it is really convenient.

Li Niandong enlarged the map and said to Chen Xin'an: "Foss Mountain! This is where the headquarters of Peroses is located.

This area, covered by woods, is the high-rise villa.

Maigret and Zhang Jiayu should both live here.

We have to go here first, the Four Seasons Hotel on Bangshan Street! "

Chen Xin'an nodded and said: "Now our identity is Chinese businessmen who cooperate with Green Tree Group.

Stilwell had arranged the room and activities for us.

Of course these are all just for show.

We must avoid the eyes and ears of Paisosesi and grasp Maigret's whereabouts as soon as possible. "

Everyone nodded together.

Li Niandong said to Chen Xin'an: "Mr. Chen, pay attention to this place!"

She slid her hand on the phone a few times, and then zoomed in on a marked point.

Chen Xin'an took a look, frowned and said, "Looks like a clothing store?"

Li Niandong nodded and said: "Ying Zhang high-end clothing customization.

But I've had someone check it out, and it turns out this is probably the headquarters of the Killer Alliance!

It's just that the local police called many times and never found it.

I suspect there is a darkroom! "

Chen Xin'an looked solemn and nodded.

He took a look and said to Li Niandong: "The people you placed on Black Eagle Island should not be Dragon Shield people, right?"

"No!" Li Niandong shook his head and said to Chen Xin'an: "He belongs to grandpa. But it's not suitable to show up.

They were just intelligence officers, and they were also staring at the weapons arrangement of the Eagle Flag Country on Black Hawk Island.

So there’s not much I can do to help…”

Seeing the apologetic look on her face, Chen Xin'an smiled and waved her hands and said, "This is already a lot of work!"

Li Niandong lowered his head and said, "But these should be troubles that the government should solve by itself, but now because the government is not able to come forward, Mr. Chen can only do it privately..."

Chen Xin'an shook his head and said in a deep voice: "Peroses and I have a personal feud that cannot be resolved.

Besides, you followed me directly, what could be more helpful than this? "

Li Niandong laughed, looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Mr. Chen, thank you!"

Chen Xin'an waved his hand.

Luo Xiaoman in front scolded impatiently: "Old Xiao, this car is not running smoothly yet? It's driving like a turtle! If you can't do it, let me do it!"

Xiao Zhang cursed angrily: "Get out of here! Can't you see the speed limit of 50 kilometers on the sign next to it? We're about to go on the bridge, so sit tight!"

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened and he shouted in shock: "Okay, Lao Xiao, you can't even read the words "Eagle Flag"!

"You Shabei!" Xiao Zhang glanced at him with disdain and cursed: "That's a number!

You can’t read the Eagle Flag text, and you can’t read the numbers? "

Dao Lei said with a smile: "Aman can still count, as long as it is no more than twenty. There are not so many fingers and toes."

"Go to hell!" Luo Xiaoman turned around and cursed at Dao Lei: "I almost got admitted to Beijing University back then!"

Everyone was shocked, even Li Niandong looked incredulous.

She looked at Luo Xiaoman with admiration and asked, "Brother Man or is he a top student? How far behind was he in the college entrance examination?"

Luo Xiaoman coughed dryly and said a little embarrassedly: "Eighteen points!"

"I'll go!" Li Niandong's eyes widened and he said in disbelief: "I'm more than fifty points behind the admission score of Beijing University!

Brother Man is a perfect academic! It’s really hard to see! "

Luo Xiaoman covered his face and said, "It's not that I missed 18 points, I failed by 18 points!"


Li Niandong laughed out loud and said to him: "Which subject? Foreign language?"

Luo Xiaoman rubbed his face hard and said with shame: "Total, total score is 18 points, six points!"

Everyone was shocked!

What kind of academic master is this?

A scumbag can beat him all over the street!

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