Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2192 He doesn’t dare to kill you, I dare

Everyone looked puzzled.

Are these helpers friends or foes?

Chen Xin'an frowned and said to Xiao Zhang: "Old Xiao, slow down and prepare to surround us!"

"Got it!" Xiao Zhang responded.

Zhang Jian said to everyone: "Ah Qi and I will go down first.

After the boss and Aman broke up, the others stayed in the car.

Close the windows and lock the doors! "

"Get ready!" As Xiao Zhang shouted, everyone sat firmly and grabbed the handrails beside them with both hands.


Reggie Business suddenly spun on the spot and hit the two cars following it to a stop at the same time. White smoke billowed out from the front of both cars.

However, Reggie Business came to a halt despite being unscathed.

The car door opened, Zhang Jian and Li Qi jumped out from both sides, and came up with a barrage of fire!

The people in the two cars were holding guns. Just as they were about to open the door and rush out, they were hit by a dense barrage of bullets and were shaking all over!

Blood spurted out from their bodies and sprayed in the carriage.

In less than ten seconds, everyone inside was beaten into a hornet's nest.

Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman followed closely, took out their pistols and fired at the gunman who was still moving in the car.

When no one was left alive, the four used the two vehicles as cover and shot at other vehicles behind them.

A speeding car seemed to want to increase the accelerator and rush over.

However, Li Qi hit the driver with a single shot.

The unlucky guy was killed instantly, slumped over the steering wheel.

The car lost control and rolled over, sliding quickly towards the direction of the four people!

Zhang Jian and Li Qi raised their guns and fired at the same time. With a loud bang, the fuel tank of the car was hit and a raging fire broke out!

There was a shrill scream from the car, and the overturned car slid to a stop in the middle of the two cars, blocking the entire road!

There were people in the car covered in blood and on fire, trying to crawl out.

He opened his hands as if he wanted to ask for help.

Chen Xin'an and everyone watched this scene coldly, with no intention of stepping forward to rescue him.

Several people just watched calmly as the man covered in blood and burning with flames was burned to a crisp.

He didn't even give him a shot to end his pain early.

They are not moral saints and would do things to repay evil with kindness.

Be ruthless when dealing with your enemies, after all, if it wasn't them, it would be you!

Under attack from both front and back, the pursuers suffered heavy casualties. The remaining seven or eight people all threw away their guns and raised their hands in surrender.

"Chen!" Someone in the crowd shouted. Chen Xin'an followed the sound, was stunned for a moment, and laughed and cursed: "Why are you here?"

Unexpectedly, the person who caught up to help turned out to be Stilwell!

Chen Xin'an made a cautious gesture to the people behind him, and then waved to the business car.

Li Niandong got out of the car and ran to Chen Xin'an, and the two walked towards Stilwell together.

"Boss!" Li Qi called out worriedly.

Chen Xin'an said without looking back: "Stay where you are, and if you find something is wrong, attack indiscriminately!"

Li Qi wanted to say something more, but Zhang Jian pulled him back and shook his head.

Stilwell waved behind him, and two bodyguards came over, with a man covered in blood in the middle.

When Chen Xin'an stopped, the two bodyguards threw the guy in front of him.

Chen Xin'an picked him up with her foot and asked him to face up. After a while, she recognized who he was.

Room Manager at Four Seasons Hotel!

"This is..." Chen Xin'an asked Stilwell, who was walking over, with a puzzled look on his face.

With a gloomy face, Stilwell kicked the person on the ground and cursed angrily: "This damn bastard has been bribed by Eugene!

He told others your whereabouts! "

"Wait a minute!" Chen Xin'an reached out to stop Stilwell and asked strangely: "I think I only found out about Eugene last night, right?

When did Eugene bribe him? "

"A week ago!" Stilwell said angrily, and kicked the people on the ground twice more.

Chen Xin'an was speechless.

How can you be sincere when you lie?

Could it be that Eugene is a prophet and he knew a week ago that I would offend him?

Seeing the distrust on Chen Xin'an's face, Stilwell quickly said: "Eugene bribed him to deal with me!

It's just that you had a bad relationship with him last night, and after a little investigation, he found out that you were actually staying at the Four Seasons Hotel.

Early this morning, he sent someone to follow you.

The Bibbs family has great influence in Jordan City. If you want to find someone, it won't be difficult!

Chen Xin'an glanced at Li Niandong and nodded.

This makes sense.

Li Niandong said to Stilwell: "How did you know we were going to Black Hawk Island?"

"I heard what Miss Ning said!" Stilwell shrugged and said, "I was originally going to discuss the contract with Mr. Chen today, but unexpectedly I received a call from the hotel on Black Hawk Island.

There was a murder in the hotel last night. Maybe Eugene wanted to frame me and make me look bad!

So today I'm going to go take care of it myself.

Delia called Miss Ning early in the morning and asked her to go shopping.

When Delia heard that I was going to Black Hawk Island, she told Miss Ning, so she told me that you had just gone there too.

I checked the road surveillance and discovered the whereabouts of the car, so I chased it!

I didn’t expect you would be in trouble here!

Do you know who sent these guys? "

Chen Xin'an shook his head.

Stilwell looked proud and clapped his hands.

Several bodyguards dragged two people out from behind. Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, but they actually knew them!

One is Croft, the son of oil tycoon Pavel.

One is Eugene's bodyguard Cooper.

Both men were injured.

However, Croft's injury was an old injury, and all his limbs were disabled by Chen Xin'an.

Cooper, however, had a newly added gun, and his chest was bleeding.

Chen Xin'an walked up to Kroof with a sneer and looked at him condescendingly, with a look of sarcasm on his face.

He lifted his foot and kicked Croft's bandaged hand.

Kroff on the ground seemed to have been electrocuted. He jumped up and screamed like a slaughtering pig. He kept shouting: "Fak! Mazefak!"

Chen Xin'an raised her foot and simply stepped on his hand, grinding it down hard while taunting:

"You said you're already like this, and you're here to die. Isn't that sick? Your father doesn't want you as a son?"

Kroff screamed heartbreakingly, but he still heard Li Niandong's translation, and he yelled loudly:

"I'm going to kill you with my own hands!

I want to watch you die!

No one can do this to me, I must watch you pay the price with my own eyes! "

I thought he was an idiot, but he turned out to be a lunatic.

He thought that if he arranged this chase, he would be able to avenge himself.

Unexpectedly, the opponent's firepower was even stronger than his!

So this unlucky guy suffered twice in a row because he underestimated the enemy!

He has never seen such terrifying Chinese people!

He seems to have no scruples and is even darker than the local gangsters!

Of course, he never expected that someone would steal his ass.

I originally thought that even if I failed, I could retreat calmly.

But now it was blocked from both ends.

The hunter became the prey and now the captive.

Chen Xin'an raised his feet. Blood was flowing out from the other party's wound and the gauze was soaked red.

The severe pain almost made him feel dizzy. His whole body was completely limp, except for his mouth which was still hard!

"Damn Chinese, for all the harm you do to me, I will take back double the amount!

My dad won't let you go!

Stillwell, do you want to start a war with my family?

Do you know what you're getting into?

Do you dare to kill me?

Let me go quickly, you old bastard! "

Chen Xin'an grinned and said: "Isn't it easy to want to die? He doesn't dare to kill you, but I dare!"

While he was talking, he had already taken out his pistol and fired several shots at Croft's body!

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