Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2214 Let's Make Clothes Today

That guy is probably William!

Chen Xin'an said to Li Niandong: "Don't worry, I will handle it, you go and rest!"

Li Niandong glanced at Chen Xin'an, as if he had something to say, but after looking at him, he stopped talking.

Chen Xin'an frowned and said with a smile: "What's wrong? Are you being polite to me? Just say what you want to say!"

Li Niandong said hesitantly: "I talked with Ye Zhen about some things tonight and came up with a good way to catch William!

But you might not agree..."

"Tell me first!" Chen Xin'an said curiously.

Li Niandong looked at him and said: "It's very simple, fishing!

I walked out openly and walked around the pedestrian street alone.

Regardless of whether William was responsible for that case or not, that pervert will take the bait! "

"You can pull me down!" Chen Xin'an refused directly, staring at Li Niandong and said:

“Don’t even think about such a bad idea again!

Don’t do such risky things in the future! "

Li Niandong pursed his lips in dissatisfaction and said, "I knew you wouldn't agree!

I have confidence in you and you will definitely be able to protect me.

Don't you have confidence in your own strength? "

Chen Xin'an, who originally wanted to leave, stopped and said to her seriously:

"Li Niandong, don't say yes, but you still insist on going fishing behind your back!

I am not a god, so I cannot be thorough and meticulous in every aspect.

Do you know what kind of behavior is the stupidest?

You know that there is danger, but you still have blind confidence in yourself, and you insist on rushing to kill someone! "

Li Niandong muttered: "Isn't this why you came to Black Eagle Island?"

"I..." Chen Xin'an was almost furious. She shook her head and said with a dark face:

"I'm different from you.

If you don't go fishing, as long as you are careful, nothing will happen!

But if I don't come to Black Eagle Island, even if I hide in China, can I avoid their pursuit?

I have to do it, you don’t have to do it!

Li Niandong, after I brought you out, I have the responsibility to bring you back intact and unscathed!

If something happens to you, will Mr. Li fight to the death with me?

No need to mention this again! "

Li Niandong also felt that Chen Xin'an was really angry, so he could only nodded and said: "Okay, I understand, I won't do anything wrong!"

Everyone went back to their rooms to rest. It would be dawn in less than four hours.

Chen Xin'an took a shower, came out, stood by the window, and took a look outside.

In front of the hotel lobby, police lights flashed, a police car was parked at the door, and two police cars were patrolling back and forth on the road.

It seems that Andre has also been notified by Boorman and has stepped up patrols at the Four Seasons Hotel.

These guys finally did something serious, and they don't have to worry about Pyrothys' retaliation tonight.

This is the tacit understanding between Chen Xin'an and Boorman.

Anyway, the biggest worry for this first-choice candidate is his naysayer, Pyroses.

I can help you figure it out.

It doesn't matter if it's not convenient for you to help me publicly, but in the name of protecting the tourism industry and the economy of London City, it is necessary to give me some care in terms of security.

It is precisely because of this that Chen Xin'an can freely do things in London City and even Black Hawk Island!

After waking up from a long sleep, Konoha and the others were ready and about to set off.

What’s funny is that Luo Qianhe and Dao Lei got up early in the morning and were tortured by Konoha Zhen and Guo Zhaodi. They put on disguises and made up, and now they have become a couple!

A middle-aged couple traveling abroad from China.

His hair is gray, but his body is still strong.

He has a kind and kind face, and he looks like a travel enthusiast who often travels around.

Everyone came to the presidential suite to gather.

Luo Xiaoman's eyes widened when he saw Luo Qianhe's appearance as an old lady!

"Ye Zhen, did you do this?

I found that after you were injured, your skills did not deteriorate but became even better!

Even if we stand face to face, I can't see the flaw!

Simply amazing! "

Konoha curled her lips proudly and said, "Of course! This is what I do!"

Luo Xiaoman stretched out his hand, pinched Luo Qianhe's chest, and muttered: "Is this a stuffed yeast bun?"

"Get out!" Luo Qianhe took a step back and yelled at Luo Xiaoman.

Dao Lei quit and protested to Luo Xiaoman: "Aman, how could you molest my wife!"

"Fuck you, uncle!" Luo Qianhe yelled.

Xiao Zhang smiled obscenely and said: "The relationship is so good! No wonder there was so much noise in your room last night. Is this a bayonet fight all night?"

Luo Qianhe cursed angrily: "I rely on you grandma! Do you three bitches know how to speak human language?

Ye Zhen, can't you change your look?

This is too awkward!

Otherwise, Dalei and I can change and make him look like an old lady! "

Dao Lei puffed up his chest and curled his lips and said, "Zi Zi, have you ever seen such a tall and thick old lady?"

Konoha Shinya rolled his eyes at him and cursed: "Do you think that this disguise and makeup technique are just done by random people?

It should be based on the person's characteristics and body shape, and it should be perfect, which is the current result! "

Chen Xin'an made the final decision, looked at Luo Qianhe and nodded and said: "Very good! Everything is done with safety in mind. I feel sorry for you, junior sister!"

What a magical junior sister!

Pigeon, who has always been good-tempered, now has the urge to curse and refuses to deal with these unscrupulous friends.

Nancy's face was filled with shock, and her eyes looking at Konoha were like seeing a god.

But because I wasn’t familiar with everyone, I hid aside timidly and didn’t dare to speak.

Chen Xin'an said to everyone: "When you are all ready, let's go our separate ways.

Remember, as long as everything is safe, go back to the hotel in the evening to gather. "

Everyone nodded in response.

Konoha walked up to Chen Xin'an and asked him: "Did you reject the fishing method that Xiaodong and I came up with?"

Chen Xin'an turned dark and scolded her: "Don't come up with such bad ideas in the future! It's too dangerous!"

Konoha snorted and said to him: "What is not dangerous is fishing! Do you want to do something like him?"

Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment, watching her point at Luo Qianhe, but didn't react for a moment.

Guo Zhaodi on the side covered her mouth and smiled: "Uncle, I really want you to disguise yourself as a woman and go fishing to catch that pervert!"

"This is a good idea!" Luo Xiaoman was the first to applaud in support!

Luo Qianhe finally found an opportunity for revenge, and nodded and said, "I support it!"

"We all support it!" Everyone laughed.

Chen Xin'an disguised as a woman, what does it look like?

I believe there is no one here who doesn’t want to see it!

Chen Xin'an's face turned dark, and he scolded everyone: "You are supporting me! Stop doing these useless things, just go about your own business!

I will find a way to catch perverts until you all come back.

Bring your communication system and contact us immediately if there is any unexpected situation. "

Everyone looked disappointed and turned around to leave.

Chen Xin'an turned around and said to Li Niandong: "You have to stay at the hotel today while I go with them to do some errands."

Li Niandong asked strangely: "Where are you going?"

The corners of Chen Xin'an's lips raised, and she said calmly: "I'm going to go get some clothes. I'm already here, so I don't want to go shopping in a clothing store. Thank you!"

Li Niandong's mind trembled, he took a deep breath and said to Chen Xin'an, "What do you need me to do?"

Chen Xin'an looked at her and said, "I may not be able to take care of those who are out for a while.

Once there is danger over there and it's difficult for your people to show up, make this call for me.

Long Shenghe and Xia Hongfeng are in the Eagle Flag Country, and they will send someone over immediately.

Remember, don’t worry about us, just protect the people on Ye Zhen and Pigeon’s side with all your strength! "



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