Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2219 President of the Killer Alliance

The moment he kicked the door open, Chen Xin'an was stunned for a moment.

This turned out to be a laboratory, with many men and women in white coats inside.

Of course they knew what was going on outside, but no one thought about leaving.

Because their job is to do this. Before the superiors give orders to retreat, even if the sky falls, they cannot leave!

Seeing Chen Xin'an suddenly rushing in, a group of people were stunned.

Chen Xin'an was too lazy to pay attention to them and shouted: "Get down!"

The rifle in hand started shooting!

The people in the laboratory screamed repeatedly. They couldn't understand Chen Xin'an's words, but they instinctively held their heads and fell to the ground!

The bottles and jars on the experimental table were shattered by bullets, and the liquid inside flew everywhere with broken glass!


The unstable liquid exploded, and the fire ignited with the help of alcohol!

Chen Xin'an finished shooting a magazine and exited the laboratory while changing the ammunition. The people inside also ran out in panic and fled in panic!

After taking note of the direction and location of their departure, Chen Xin'an changed the magazine, hid in the corner and fired at the pursuers!

Suddenly he rolled sideways, and the bullet came as expected!

He had long realized that he was being targeted by a master.

There was more than one opponent, hiding in the crowd and shooting at him, with extremely accurate marksmanship and extremely tricky shooting angles!

When he fought back, those who were killed were the shields of those masters.

They were unscathed and organized more killers to hunt down Chen Xin'an!

The fighting style is very smart and quite ruthless. It seems that many people will die at the hands of these people.

Unfortunately, they met Chen Xin'an!

The chief instructor of the entire Chinese army, a heaven-defying being whose inner strength has broken through to the fourth level.

What is the concept of a top Kung Fu master also using a gun?

From reaction to speed, he has the strength to crush others.

Therefore, there are many gunmen chasing him, but they are just ants tripping over elephants, and they are just here to die!

Of course, it also has another effect, which is to consume Chen Xin'an's bullets!

Only the last magazine left!

Chen Xin'an has also rushed to the depths of the corridor. Not many people seem to be walking around here, and all the doors are closed!

Chen Xin'an directly opened a door, and there was an old blond man inside, yelling and swearing loudly.

Holding a spray gun in both hands, he fired several shots at the uninvited guest who suddenly broke in!


Chen Xin'an hid behind the bathroom door nearby and shot the old man in the head!

While the old man fell on his back, he took out a small pineapple, threw it at the door of the room, and closed the bathroom door!

With an explosion, the killers who had just rushed to the door and were about to come in let out shrill screams!

The glass of the bathroom door was also shattered and many holes were penetrated in the door panel.

Fortunately, Chen Xin'an lay down in the bathtub without water as soon as she came in and did not suffer any harm.

It was only when she heard the shouts outside that Chen Xin'an realized that the blond old man was actually the president!

It seems that we have reached the high-rise office area here!

It's you guys I'm looking for!

Chen Xin'an put the rifle behind her back, jumped out of the bathroom, and grabbed the president's troll from the ground.

There were still seven or eight bullets scattered on the desk. Chen Xin'an grabbed them and put two bullets in the gun.

BLT686, double-bullet burst, Chen Xin'an saw when he was in a gun store, but he didn't buy it because the firing frequency was too slow.

Now that I have used it, I realize how powerful it is!

One bullet knocked a strong man who was two meters tall off the ground.

As soon as he entered the office, he was knocked out, hit hard against the wall of the corridor, and a large cloud of blood mist exploded behind him!

There was not a single piece of good meat or a complete bone in the entire chest of the corpse. The chest had been beaten to pieces!

Taking advantage of the situation, he picked off the small pineapple on the inner hook of the windbreaker and threw another one out.

People outside shouted loudly, and a group of people ducked everywhere, looking for cover.

After the explosion, Chen Xin'an ran out with the thick smoke. Before the killer hiding behind a door could react, he shot his head off with one shot!

He picked up the gun he had dropped beside him and carried it on his back.

It doesn’t matter if the bullets are not universal, you can use your gun!

When you can use a gun, try to use your fists as little as possible.

Mainly it's a waste of energy, it's just a bullet, why use the inner energy!

As Chen Xin'an rolled forward, two gunshots were fired, and the two killers fell to the side of the aisle, dead.

The third shot was aimed at the door lock next to it. After the gunshot, Chen Xinan kicked the door open!

As soon as the person inside raised his gun, he was shot twice by Chen Xin'an who had just loaded the bullet, and was knocked away!

A bunch of trolls were fired in succession, and even the high-level killers looked fearful and did not dare to show their faces.

It can be said that the other party has no scruples, and he will kill gods when he encounters them!

But they can't. This is the alliance headquarters, and it's also in the high-rise office area. They can't even shoot!

It was clear that dozens of people were surrounding and suppressing one person, but now it seemed like one person was hunting them in circles. There was really no way around it!

A middle-aged man was sitting behind a large desk with a cigar in his mouth and full of aura.

Facing two of his men being beaten to death, there was no trace of panic on his face, he just looked at Chen Xin'an expressionlessly.

"Who are you? What do you want? Do you know where this place is?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Chen Xin'an suddenly threw away the bullet in his hand, took out a combat knife, and threw it away!

The man who originally reached under the table but had already grasped the handle of the gun leaned back suddenly, and his shoulder was penetrated by the sword!

"Ah! Damn it! What are you doing! Do you know what you are doing!"

Chen Xin'an grinned, walked up to him, grabbed his hair, lifted him up from the ladder, and pushed him onto the desk.

But he sat on the office chair, leaned back, looked at the other person and said, "By the way, this is how you should behave when talking to me!"

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth and endured the pain. He looked at Chen Xin'an and said, "Do you know the price of hurting me?"

Chen Xin'an didn't answer, she just stood up, grabbed the handle of the knife, and pulled out the sword!

Before the guy could scream, Chen Xin'an flicked his wrist, moved the sword to the other shoulder, made a swish sound, and stabbed in again!

At this time, Chen Xin'an leaned back on the chair again and said lazily to him: "I don't know!"

The man was shaking all over in pain, but he was also a cruel person. He didn't even cry out. He just bit his teeth so hard that they bled, and said to Chen Xin'an:

"I am the president of the Killer League, Roosevelt! Who are you?"

"Haha!" Chen Xin'an smiled, looked at him and nodded, reached out and patted his head and said, "I finally found you! I'm Chen Xin'an, have you heard of me?"

Roosevelt's expression changed.

How could he not have heard of this name!

A group of killers broke in outside, looking at the scene in the office, they gasped.

Roosevelt waved his hand and motioned for them to retreat!

There is no way, he is too close to Chen Xin'an, the more people stay here, the more dangerous he is!

If I had known it was this guy, I wouldn't have told him his name and identity!

As for the name Chen Xin'an, Roosevelt could even call it out in his sleep!

The Killer Alliance received the invitation from Pyroses and sent five or six batches of killers to China, basically all to hunt down this guy!

But what about the result?

The Killer Alliance continues to lose troops and generals. Only one of the killers sent to China came back, and the rest all died there!



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