Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2254 Attacking the Building

Now McGregor really regrets his stupidity, why did he call that bastard!

As long as his life is over.

Now I'm fine, I let him know my number, and I keep making flirtatious actions, even if I blocked him, I'll call him again just like I changed my phone!

It was so annoying that even before the fight started, his blood pressure was soaring!

Finally, just turn off the phone and pull it down!

Before you die, I want you to fight as much as you can!

The monitor in the carriage was turned on, and countless gunmen swarmed inside and outside the Four Seasons Hotel, seemingly waiting for something.

The translator handed over a microphone, and McGregor put his mouth in front of it and shouted in a deep voice: "Action!"

Outside the car, a flare flew high into the sky.

The crowd outside the hotel lobby was like a wild horse out of the gate, rushing towards the hotel door desperately!

As soon as the people in front rushed into the gate, their feet slipped and countless people fell to the ground.

The floor tiles were very wet and smelled like gasoline.

Some people were wary, but the people behind them didn't pay attention to the abnormality in front, and swarmed in at the top of their lungs.

The crowd divided into two parts, one group rushed to the three elevators, and the other rushed to the stairwell.

As soon as I opened the stairwell door, a ball of fire came head-on!

Before anyone could react, blazing flames instantly surrounded everyone!

"Fake!" A group of gunmen screamed, turned around and ran out!

The people behind didn't know what was happening, but they still rushed in howling with excitement!

Nearly two hundred people crowded into the lobby and stairwells. Those in the front were screaming and wailing as they were burned by the fire, while those in the back were full of fighting spirit and excitement!

Finally, the flames reached the lobby and ignited the gasoline that had been poured on the floor and the service desk!

Almost instantly, the entire lobby turned into a sea of ​​fire!

Amid the billowing smoke, the stench of burnt flesh filled the air.

The entire lobby turned into a hell on earth, with countless people fleeing frantically.

The raging fire and thick smoke affected people's vision. Some people did not run out at all, but ran into the center of the fire!


The glass door of the lobby was smashed, and the people in the sea of ​​​​fire knew their target and direction, and rushed outside.

At this moment, the fire triggered the hotel's firefighting equipment, and large amounts of water began to pour from the ceiling, dousing the flames.

Looking at the tragic scene in the lobby, Maigret, who was sitting in the Rolls car monitoring the operation, punched the seat and cursed:

"Damn! This bastard! Despicable and shameless guy, I must kill him!"

A group of people who were on fire finally ran out. The people outside were thankful that they had not rushed so fast and escaped.

Dozens of people fell on the ground outside the lobby, their bodies badly burned, and they were moaning in pain.

Fortunately, the hotel's fire-fighting measures played a big role. The fire in the lobby was now much smaller and would soon be extinguished.

But at this moment, there was a rumbling sound inside, like thunder!

Before anyone could react, there were several muffled sounds under their feet, and the ground shook!

Someone was the first to react and shouted: "The elevator has fallen, go and save people!"

Countless people flocked to the underground parking lot, and the three elevator cabins turned into hell scenes.

The compartment door is wide open, and the compartment body has completely separated from the warehouse.

The people inside fell to the ground in various directions, with their limbs twisted and their mouths and noses bleeding. Except for a few who were still squirming in pain, most of them had turned into corpses!

All the dead people were carried out and arranged in a long row outside the hotel!

Maigret's eyes almost popped out of his head!

We haven’t met yet!

Good guy, forty or fifty people died in one go!

No matter how many people he has, they can't withstand such a torment!

McGregor gritted his teeth angrily and shouted to the translator beside him: "Call people! Call me two hundred more people!"

Chen Xin'an, if you can, kill all my people!

Tell those idiots outside to come to me no matter what you do!

Catch Chen Xin'an over to me. I will make him kneel in front of me and admit his failure with his own mouth! "

The translator didn't dare to talk nonsense and turned around to make a phone call.

The fire in the lobby has been extinguished and the elevator room is completely damaged and cannot be used.

Countless gunmen shouted and rushed up the stairwell, which has become the only way to go up and downstairs.

This time everyone learned to be smart and be careful when going upstairs.

Fortunately, there is no gasoline trap anymore.

After all, this is a stairwell and no fire protection facilities will be installed.

Once this place is ignited, the entire hotel can be turned into a sea of ​​​​fire, and the people above will have no way to escape and will definitely be burned to death.

Countless gunmen rushed to the second floor and quietly breathed a sigh of relief.

Just as they continued to run up, someone discovered the silver thread blocking their feet!

There seems to be a white string hidden next to the steps.

If it weren't for the reflection, you wouldn't be able to see it at all!

But before the people in front could figure out what the string was for, the people behind them swarmed up.

He stepped over with a clever kick and didn't touch it.

But the people behind didn't know what was under their feet. They simply felt that there was no smell of gasoline, which meant there was no danger!

Finally, someone broke the white thread with a kick, and the sound of the pin being pulled apart could be heard in the ears of the people nearby.

Small pineapples fell from above and rolled into the more crowded crowd below!

"Grenade! Run!" Someone let out a heart-rending scream, followed immediately by explosions one after another!

The stairwell is filled with smoke and flesh and blood are flying everywhere!

Broken limbs and broken arms flew everywhere, and blood splattered on everyone's bodies and faces, turning them into hideous and terrifying looks!

They are all killers, a group of desperadoes, they have seen all kinds of scenes, and they have already taken a dim view of life and death.

But even if this is the case, everyone is a little frightened in their hearts.

The opponents I met this time were so interchangeable, they didn't play according to the routine at all!

At this moment, someone suddenly shouted loudly from below: "Sir, he said, kill one person for 200,000!

If you can kill Chen Xin'an, one million! "

A group of gunmen roared excitedly.

For normal work, even if you get a bounty, it's only a few thousand or tens of thousands.

Now it's actually 200,000, or even one million!

This is enough for them to have enough food and clothing for a lifetime and live a rich life!

There must be a brave man under the heavy reward!

Even for foreigners, this sentence is an eternal truth.

Put the bodies that were killed by the explosion aside and let the people behind them deal with them.

The person in front yelled and rushed upward again.

"Hi!" Someone shouted from above.

A group of gunmen raised their heads and saw a Chinese face.

"Damn it, kill him!" A group of gunmen pulled out their guns and rained bullets on the man above them.

But the man's joking laughter came from the stairwell, and he said to them: "I'm giving you some small gifts, please accept them!"

Before anyone could react, a gurgling sound came from above.

Small metal balls rolled down the steps one after another, and soon jumped to the feet of everyone!

"Run!" Someone was so frightened that they turned around and ran away!

The crowd was in chaos, but then explosions sounded one after another, and the familiar screams and rain of blood filled the entire stairwell!

Unlike those little pineapples just now, this one is not very powerful and the fatality rate is not high.

But it’s extremely harmful!

It is full of steel balls. Once the explosion spreads in all directions, the impact will be very wide and the damage will be explosive!

The whole stairwell was filled with the screams of ghosts and wolves. As long as the people above could still walk, they all turned around and ran downstairs desperately!

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