Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2279 No one can reveal the secrets of the factory

The purpose of keeping this woman alive is to let her refine the map of Chahong Tu.

And she is more familiar with some of the rules in the factory.

"Shh!" Li Qi, who was on guard, made a silent gesture to everyone.

Everyone got into the green belt next to it and squatted inside.

Soon, a burst of voices came.

Seven or eight men in guard uniforms pulled a blond man in blue overalls over.

The man in overalls tried to struggle, but his arms were held down by the guards, making him unable to move and pushing him forward.

He said with a panic look on his face: "Captain Fordy, what is going on? Why did you bring me here?"

The substation is far away from the factory and is blocked by green trees. Most people don't come here, so this is not a camera surveillance area.

The group of people stopped right next to the substation. Some people turned around, seemingly watching to see if anyone was there.

Chen Xin'an and everyone also had their hearts in their throats.

Fortunately, the car was pressed against the back wall of the substation, and there were trees next to it. Unless they looked carefully, no one would have guessed that someone parked the car here.

The escorts didn't notice the car. They looked around and saw that no one was around, so they relaxed their vigilance and stood next to the man in work clothes.

These escorts seemed to be standing casually, but they surrounded the man in work clothes and cut off all his escape routes.

A man in uniform stood in front of the man in work clothes and asked him: "Philimon, where are the things?"

The man in work clothes was stunned for a moment and asked him with a puzzled look on his face: "Captain Fudi, what are you talking about? What is it? Are you suspecting that I stole something in the workshop?"

Captain Fudi suddenly punched Philemon in the stomach.

Just as Philemon was about to scream, his mouth was covered by a guard behind him.

"Listen!" Captain Fordy grabbed Philemon's hair, forced him to raise his face, and said to him viciously:

"I don't have the patience to listen to your nonsense! Last night you went to Gate 6 and took a camera to take pictures.

You know it's a restricted area. You can't even get close to it, let alone take pictures.

I checked the dormitory this morning and couldn't find your camera or film.

So, where do you hide them? "

With a look of pain on his face, Philemon said to Captain Fody: "Captain Fody, did you admit the wrong person?

I stayed in the dormitory last night!

If you don’t believe it, ask my roommates, they can testify to me! "

Captain Fudi stared at Philemon with a pair of blue eyes, and said with a cold expression:

"Listen, I don't know what method you used to get your roommates to help you tell lies.

But I can guarantee that everyone involved in this matter will not end well!

And last night’s monitoring, I don’t know how you eliminated it.

But the person Michael saw must be you! "

Philemon looked innocent and said to Captain Fody: "Captain Fody, can't you see that this is such an obvious frame-up?

I never went to Gate 6, Michael framed me!

As you know, I had a little trouble with him a few days ago over a trivial matter.

He once said in front of everyone that he wanted to make me look good! "

"You piece of shit!" A member of the escort rushed up, grabbed Michael's collar and punched him!

"I dare to swear on my head that the person I saw near Gate 6 last night was you!"

Philemon sighed: "Michael, I just saw you and Rosa coming out of the warehouse and didn't know anything else.

I don’t know why you keep targeting me and even want to get rid of me!

I also believe that Rosa's death has nothing to do with you, and the child in her belly is definitely not yours.

But why are you unwilling to listen to my explanation and let me go? "

"You son of a bitch!" After hearing what he said in front of so many people, Michael rushed over like crazy!

But the companion next to him quickly pulled him away.

Fody slapped Michael in the face and yelled at him: "Calm down, you idiot!

I will help you deal with these things.

Now I just want to know, did you really see this guy taking pictures at Gate 6 last night? "

Michael nodded vigorously, looked at Fudi and said: "Captain, I really saw it, you must believe me!"

Fordy nodded, suddenly took out a gun, and pointed it at Philemon's forehead!

Philemon's face turned pale, and he forced a smile and said to Fudi: "Captain Fudi, what are you doing?!"

Fudi took out a silencer with his left hand, twisted it on the muzzle of the gun in circles, and said:

"Philemon, it doesn't matter whether it's you or not.

Since you have been to the garbage dump, you must die!

Since you have hidden the camera and film, hide them forever.

No one knows, so it won’t be leaked! "

Philemon wanted to struggle, but was firmly held down by the guards next to him.

He said with an innocent look: "Michael is framing me. I really haven't been there!"

Fordy shook his head and said to him: "I told you, that's not important!"

This is preferring to kill the wrong one rather than let it go!

He has already put on the silencer and is aiming at Philemon's head!

Just when he was about to shoot, Philemon, who had been held down hard by the guards, suddenly shrank his whole body, and then his arms seemed to suddenly expand!

He punched twice, hitting hard on the chests of the two guards who trapped him.

The two of them covered their chests, coughed, and took two steps back.

At the same time, Philemon rushed towards Fordy, grabbed the gun in his hand with both hands, and raised it!


The muzzle of the gun made a sharp sound, but the bullet shot into the sky!

There was a roar among the surrounding guards, and they all took out their guns and pointed them at Philemon!

It's just that at this moment, Philemon has already moved around behind Fudi.

The left arm strangled his neck, and the right hand held his gun hand, pointing it at his own head.

"You guys shoot! Let's see if he dies first or I die first!"

A group of guards looked hesitant and did not dare to shoot.

Fudi looked gloomy and said to Philemon: "Michael really didn't lie to me!

You, this guy, really have a problem!

Tell me, who are you? "

Philemon smiled coldly and said to him: "Interpol!"

Fudi cursed angrily: "You people are simply crazy! Hasn't Master Medusa already eliminated you? Why are you still here!"

Philemon sneered and said: "As long as the criminal behavior of Pyroses continues and those bastards have not been tried by the law, our people will never stop!

Let me ask you, is the person under door No. 6 the subject of the hibernation plan?

Are the things burned in the garbage dump really corpses? "

Fordy snorted coldly and was about to speak when Philemon put his finger directly on the trigger and said to him:

"Stop talking nonsense! Otherwise I will shoot you to death! You should know that we people have already put aside our personal life and death, just to find out these facts!"

Fordy's face turned pale. He knew that what Philemon said was true.

"Actually..." Fudi said, but the next second, there was a gunshot, and a bullet shot through his forehead!

Philemon loosened his left hand and looked at the blood on his chest. He raised his head in disbelief and looked at the shooter.

A group of guards also turned their heads and looked at Michael. One person cursed at him: "Michael, are you so crazy? You killed the captain!"

Michael said expressionlessly: "No one can reveal the secrets of the factory. I think you all still remember this discipline, right?"

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