Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2324 Your man is dying

This guy actually wore a bulletproof vest!

Ning Xiruo sat on the ground, her face pale, with blood stains on the corners of her mouth, and a small pistol fell beside her.

She rushed to the pistol desperately, trying to pick it up, she wanted to blow Andil's head off!

But Andil kicked the gun away, then grabbed Ning Xiruo's hair, clenched his fist and punched her in the face!

"You lowly cousin! Still want to kill me? Dare to insult me, a baron? I want you now..."


A loud noise shook the earth, and the whole castle trembled with it!

Everyone in the castle was staggering. Andil looked at the billowing smoke at the gate and shouted in horror: "Who can tell me what happened?!"

Soon a guard ran over with a look of horror and shouted to him: "Baron, those crazy people blew up the gate of the manor and are rushing in now!"

"These bastards!" Andil widened his eyes in disbelief, stared at Ning Xiruo angrily and cursed:

"You damn low-class people, what do you think my Poma Manor is!

Do you know that even that gate has a history of hundreds of years!

But your man blew it up!"

Ning Xiruo raised her head and said to him with a sneer: "It's not just a gate!

Your entire manor can't be saved.

Andil, you shouldn't have provoked me.

You people can't stop him!

Everything you did to me, he will repay you double!"

Two minutes ago, Andil would have sneered and mocked when he heard this.

But now, he looked at the two cars rushing in from below, and he couldn't help but believe it!

"Damn it! Stop them! What are you good-for-nothings doing? Go up! Kill them all!"

Andil shouted wildly. This was the first time that the Poma Manor was invaded by outsiders in such a tyrannical way. He felt that he had lost the face of his ancestors!

The guards hidden in the garden all appeared and rushed towards the two cars that broke in.

Someone laid spikes on the ground to prevent the enemy from driving the car directly into the castle.

I have to say that Joseph is quite solid.

Although this medium truck is not an armored vehicle, it has also been modified.

In addition to the increased horsepower of the engine, the front and the carriage have been reinforced with bulletproof.

This was originally a reinforced weapon transport vehicle.

Bullets hitting the body of the vehicle will not cause much damage, and there is no need to worry about the weapons in the carriage being damaged or detonated.

Lightning Business followed behind the medium truck, using the front car as a cover.

Li Qi and Luo Xiaoman opened the left and right windows, held the machine guns and pulled the triggers at the guards on both sides outside!

One by one, rifle grenades dragged long smoke lines and continued to explode in the garden.

The guards hiding behind the trees were blown out screaming, and their limbs and arms fell to the ground!

"You rubbish! Are you going to watch them blow up my entire manor?

Stop them at all costs!"

Andil gritted his teeth and yelled.

He never dreamed that the invading enemies were only a few people, and they could drive straight into the Poma Manor as if they were in an empty space!

With a buzzing sound, a large number of drones began to appear overhead.

They flew over the top of the two cars, and the machine guns hanging below began to sweep wildly!

The two cars didn't care whether there was a road or not, they rushed around in the manor, avoiding the attack of drones!

Li Qi said to Chen Xinan who was driving: "Boss, it is the same model as those drones of Paros, but it is only equipped with machine guns, no grenades!"

Luo Xiaoman shrank his body, and the bullet penetrated the roof and almost swept him!

"Damn it, shoot them down, otherwise we are all finished!"

Li Qi also nodded, this kind of modern combat tool is too difficult to deal with.

The main reason is that the current conditions are very limited, and there is no way to gain air superiority, so we can only passively take the beating.

This is not the style of these people!

Chen Xinan said to the headset: "Old Xiao, try to drive in a straight line and keep the speed balanced.

I'll take Laqi to the back of your car!

Aqi, there is something in the back of the medium truck, you crawl over carefully!"

Li Qi nodded and said: "Okay!"


The bullet penetrated the front windshield, which was not bulletproof glass, but ordinary tempered glass.

After being penetrated by the bullet, it became half a spider web.

Li Qi put the gun in his hand behind his back, came to the passenger seat from the back, and kicked the entire windshield away.

Reggie Business followed closely behind the mid-sized truck, and was getting closer and closer.

It was about to rear-end, but Chen Xinan was still stepping on the accelerator.

The front of the rear car had already hit the rear of the front car, and sparks were emitted from time to time due to friction.

Li Qi climbed up from the passenger seat to the front of the car.

Bullets whizzed by him, but he seemed not to see them, just staring at the mid-sized truck in front.

At this moment, the mid-sized truck suddenly made a puff sound, as if the tire burst, and the car drove to the side uncontrollably!

"Be careful!" Chen Xinan and Luo Xiaoman shouted at the same time.

But at this moment, Li Qi had already jumped up and rushed towards the mid-sized truck!


At the moment when the middle truck turned the corner, Li Qi grabbed the rear compartment with both hands. His whole body was thrown up due to centrifugal force and hit the back panel of the compartment heavily!

However, his hands were still firmly grasped and he did not let go. He kicked his feet in the air a few times, stepped on the depression of the rear panel with one foot, pulled up his body, and turned over into the back of the heavy truck.

"Phew!" Chen Xin'an and Luo Xiaoman breathed a sigh of relief at the same time.

"Hahaha!" Andier laughed crazily on the high balcony, pointing to the two cars below with disdain and saying:

“Your man will die soon!

Do you really think my Boma Manor is so easy to break into?

Even if the army is sent to take over my place, a sufficient price must be paid!

Of course there are some things that I don’t want to use!

Because your man is not worthy yet.

The price is too high and not worth it!

He just used some gadgets and he couldn't hold it anymore!

What a waste! "

At this moment, a deafening sound of machine gun fire suddenly came from below, suppressing his laughter!

The tarpaulin and baffle on the medium truck were lifted, and a twelve-barreled Gatling gun was exposed, with the muzzle pointing upward, and it fired hard at the drones!

Countless drones had no time to dodge before they were swept into pieces by bullets and scattered from the sky like rain!

Others were emitting black smoke, losing control, flying around, and then being smashed into pieces!

"Why is this happening?" Seeing this scene, the Andil people were dumbfounded!

Are these bastards too crazy?

What kind of place do you think Boma Manor is, and you actually come here with such a heavy weapon?

What are the officials of the Eagle Flag State doing?

This kind of firearm is not allowed to be sold at all!

A guard ran up to him and said hurriedly: "Lord Baron, please go hide below. Just leave it to us!"

"Kill them all! No matter what the cost, I want all of their lives!"

Elke came over and said to Andile: "Baron, I apply to pull out the cannon and blow up these guys!"

Andile slapped him in the face, gritted his teeth and cursed: "You idiot! If that happens, my manor will become a waste!

It’s just a few people, do they need to do that?

Listen to me, no matter how many people die, we must stop them outside the castle! "

pS: Influenza A, high fever, body aches, even worse than having Yang! Brothers, you must take care of your health!

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