Urban Medical God’s Crazy Son-in-law

Chapter 2349: Strip people naked and throw them out

A group of former management company employees blocked the entrance of Nada Building.

No one outside was allowed to enter, and no one inside was allowed to leave.

"Get out of here, stay away from here! I don't care what you do, this place has been blocked, no one can enter!"

"I told you to go back! You damn bastard, do you think you can still be arrogant and rude in front of me like before?"

"You want to leave here, beautiful lady, you can! Come to my arms, as long as you can make me happy, I will let you go!"

A group of people were blocked in the lobby and the elevator entrance, and clashed with these former management company employees.

Some people were beaten, some women were molested and teased, and the entire first floor of Nada was in chaos.

At this moment, the elevator door was opened, and a group of Orientals in uniforms rushed out, without saying anything, and stood in front of the elevator door.

No one knew these Orientals, and they all looked at them with vigilant eyes.

Several former management company employees came over, and one of them shouted to them: "Who are you? Why have I never seen you?"

No one paid attention to him, probably because they didn't understand.

Looking at these Orientals standing there motionless like wood, the former management company employees exchanged glances with each other and reached out to push one of them.

"Hey, you Orientals, I'm talking to you, can't you hear me?"

"Are they dumb? Or deaf? Haha, look, they don't even dare to move, are they scared silly?"

"I slapped their faces like this, and they didn't fight back. Are these Orientals so cowardly?"

Several elevators came down together, and a special venue had been opened up in the open space in front of the door, where people standing were all wearing security uniforms.

When everyone had come down, Zuo Meng shouted to everyone: "Stand at attention!"


All the security team members stood up straight in unison.

The people next to them were also startled and subconsciously took a step back.

Zuo Meng continued to shout: "Combat preparation! Target: SSA uniformed staff. Form a group of three, a team of fifteen, and knock down the enemy until they lose their ability to fight! Charge!"

With this shout, the security guards who had not fought back or cursed back just now, like tigers out of the cage, pounced on the former management company employees.

It was easy to distinguish them because they were also wearing uniforms with SSA logos.

Those people realized that these security guards were here to deal with them, and they all clenched their fists and rushed over aggressively!

It was just that these Orientals were too flexible, and they rushed to the front before they could react!

Before I could see clearly, I was hit by several heavy punches. Just when I wanted to resist, my arms were hugged, and then I was hit by more punches and kicks. My head was dizzy and I was knocked unconscious!

"Ah!" A strong SSA employee hugged a security guard by the waist and wanted to knock him down by hugging and throwing him.

But before he could exert his strength, his waist was hit hard, and all his strength was instantly drained. His knees were hit hard again, and he fell to the ground with a plop.

Then his neck was hit hard, his eyes went black, and he fell to the ground with a bang, his eyes rolled up, and he fainted!

In terms of personal physical fitness alone, none of the members of Anhao Security are as strong as these foreigners.

But in terms of combat skills, the security team members are absolutely crushing.

They are retired soldiers and ancient warriors, and have a lot of fighting experience.

After joining the security team, they were specially trained in double cooperation, three-person team, and even more people's team battle experience.

The tacit understanding and cooperation between each other have reached a super level.

The combat power exerted by thirty people, even if the opponent has sixty people, can't resist!

The strong contrast between well-trained and mob was vividly reflected at this moment!

Those SSA employees were stunned, and they didn't know where these powerful guys came from!

"Captain!" Luo Niu ran over with a few gasoline bottles and said to Zuo Meng, "I searched those bastards!" Zuo Meng's face was gloomy, and he gritted his teeth and cursed, "You bastard, you are so despicable! Take everyone off and throw them out!" "Yes!" The security guards around responded loudly. There was a ghost howling on the first floor of Nada. A group of big men fell to the ground like young wives who were humiliated. The uniformed security guards rode on them like wolves and tigers, tearing their clothes. Any resistance would be beaten and kicked, and the eyes turned white and fainted! "No, you can't do this to me!" Hoover widened his eyes in horror, looking at the security guards who rushed over, and turned around and ran away in fear! But the building employees who were targeted by him just now finally got the opportunity to retaliate and blocked his way. "Gref!" Hoover screamed in horror. Turning his head, he saw Gref with a swollen nose and face, wearing only a pair of red shorts, curled up and howling: "You damned people!"

It was more painful to make him like this than to knock him unconscious.

As Hoover was thrown out of the building, the SSA employees were cleared out.

There were more than 20 naked men lying on the side of the road, their skin was white or black, all of them were swollen nose and face, and they didn't even have the strength to stand up.

Only then did the first floor of the building remember the thunderous applause.

Even the policemen hiding aside applauded and nodded, giving a thumbs up to the security team members.

They were also in a difficult situation, and they saw the nonsense of Hoover and others.

It's just that the police force is seriously insufficient, and these guys haven't committed more serious crimes yet, so it's hard for them to intervene.

Now that the security team members had helped them solve their trouble, they were relieved.

Among the crowd, Chen Xinan, who had witnessed the whole process, nodded with satisfaction and went upstairs with Li Qi.

Peng Qian and the others also saw this clearly. They returned to Chinatown that night and told their father.

Early the next morning, Guang brought more than 20 members of the Chinatown Guard to the security company to train with the security team members.

Peng Chang personally delivered the training contract and a large employment contract.

In a few days, it will be the 20th anniversary of Hua Xia Restaurant, and Anhao security has been invited to perform security tasks.

Interestingly, the attendance fee for Anhao Security was set by Peng Qian herself.

When it came to the old father's invitation, the precious daughter was very aggressive and killed him severely, but Peng Chang had no idea what to do.

The security team members began to adapt to life in the Eagle Flag Country, and the jet lag also reversed.

Li Qi drove over and delivered a large amount of equipment. Looking at the brand-new automatic rifles in their hands, the team members jumped up with excitement.

This is the difference between working abroad and working at home.

As long as you get the license, you can basically keep your gun with you abroad.

With Joseph's introduction, Chen Xin'an applied for membership at the largest shooting gallery in London City for all the team members.

His request is simple: everyone must shoot out 10,000 rounds of ammunition within a month!

He has plenty of money, and he can allocate the best equipment to his brothers.

But marksmanship is purely a matter of practice.

Therefore, he must make everyone familiar with the feel of the gun as soon as possible.

Otherwise, holding a gun is like holding a fire stick. When encountering a battle, you don't know how to use it!

Not to mention killing the enemy, he couldn't even protect himself. That was not what Chen Xinan wanted.



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